ERO Enterprise | Regional Entities
Nearly 400 million North American citizens depend on electricity in their daily lives. Working with users, owners, and operators of BPS assets; government partners; and other stakeholders and industry participants; the ERO Enterprise pursues its mission of assuring the effective and efficient reduction of risks to the reliability and security of the BPS. 
The ERO Enterprise now encompasses six regional organizations of similar size and complexity. NERC provides industry-wide perspective and oversight, and the Regional Entities have unique features and activities that serve the needs of their regional constituents while ensuring that industry follows NERC Reliability Standards. And while NERC and the Regional Entities play different roles in delivering ERO Enterprise programs, these roles are equally important and complementary, allowing the ERO Enterprise to work as one synchronous machine—effectively, efficiently, and collaboratively 

NERC and the Regional Entities are committed to the following:
  • clear and consistent guidance across the ERO Enterprise
  • sharing information, knowledge, and resources across the ERO Enterprise
  • developing and sharing harmonized messages across ERO Enterprise communications
  • working together as one team and honoring each of their roles
  • actively supporting ERO Enterprise activities while eliminating unnecessary duplication of work
  • collaborating in developing
  • supporting innovation, initiatives, and the sharing of best practices across the ERO Enterprise
As the reliability and security ecosystem continues to change, the ERO Enterprise is explicitly committed to its collective success in achieving its vision of a highly reliable and secure North American BPS.

Committees and Volunteers: Many members and other bulk power industry experts provide time and expertise to NERC, industry, and the general public by participating in NERC committees, subcommittees, task forces, working groups, and standard drafting teams.  More >>

Registered Entities: Registered entities are those required by law to register with NERC and comply with NERC Reliability Standards. See the Compliance Registry page for a list of the approximately 1,400 registered entities.  More>>

Registered Ballot Body: The Registered Ballot Body, comprised of industry and other interested stakeholders, plays a critical role in the standards development process by voting and offering comments on proposed NERC Reliability Standards.  More>>   


 ERO Enterprise

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NERC Interconnections

NERC Regions Map

NERC Balancing Authority Areas (As of October 2019)

NERC Assessment Areas (as of July 2019)

*Please note that the regional boundaries in the NERC Regions map (also shown above) are approximate. The highlighted areas denote overlap as some load-serving entities participate in one Region while associated transmission owners/operators participate in another.