Strategic Documents

The ERO Enterprise (NERC and the Regional Entities) engages in periodic processes to develop strategic and operational documents to guide annual coordinated operations, resource planning and allocation, and budgeting, as well as measure goals. These documents include a long-term strategy that identifies important focus areas to help guide the ERO Enterprise over a longer-term planning horizon, a set of annual dashboard metrics to track reliability indicators across the bulk power system, and annual ERO work plan priorities to identify performance goals and key accomplishments.

ERO_Performance_2021_Objectives_Board_Approved_November_5_2020.pdf2021 ERO Enterprise Work Plan Priorities - Board Approved - November 5, 202011/5/2020
2020 ERO Enterprise Reliability Indicators.pdf2020 ERO Enterprise Reliability Indicators2/10/2020
FINAL_ERO Performance Objectives_Board_Approved_Feb_6_2020.pdf2020 ERO Enterprise Work Plan Priorities - Board Approved - February 6, 20202/6/2020
Metric Primer_BOT.pdfDashboard Metrics Primer1/17/2020
ERO Enterprise Long-Term Strategy (Approved December 12, 2019).pdfERO Enterprise Long-Term Strategy (Approved December 12, 2019)12/13/2019
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