Standards ROP Revisions
NERC 2nd Quarter 2021 Application for Approval of Reliability Standards (NS)
Filing in Response to FERC Order on Compliance Filings for the Five-Year Performance Assessment
NERC 1st Quarter 2021 Application for Approval of Reliability Standards (NS)
Nova Scotia RDA Compliance Filing 2021
GMD Update - Informational Filing
NERC 4th Quarter 2020 Application for Approval of Reliability Standards (NS)
NS RSDP 2021-2023
NERC 3rd Quarter 2020 Application for Approval of Reliability Standards (NS)
NERC Amended Bylaws Filing
NERC 2021 Budget Filing
NPCC Attachments
Nova Scotia NPCC RSPM
NERC 2nd Quarter 2020 Application for Approval of Reliability Standards (NS)
Notice of Revised RDAs
Notice of Filing Revised CCC Charter
NERC 1st Quarter 2020 Application for Approval of Reliability Standards (NS)
NERC COVID-19 Compliance Response
NERC submits a filing describing compliance measures taken to respond to COVID-19 impacts and offering to assist in the consideration of an implementation delay for Reliability Standards coming due in the second half of 2020.
Letter regarding 4th Quarter 2019 Application for Approval of Reliability Standards (NS)
Nova Scotia 2020 RSDP Informational Filing
North American Electric Reliability Corporation submits its Informational Filing of the Reliability Standards Development Plan 2020-2022.
NERC 3rd Quarter 2019 Application for Approval of Reliability Standards (NS)
Attachments to 2020 Budget Filing
Nova Scotia GMD Informational Filing
NERC filed the first Informational Filing Regarding Work Performed Under the Geomagnetic Disturbance Research Work Plan.
Letter regarding 1st Quarter 2019 Application for Approval of Reliability Standards (NS)
Order from Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board regarding 4th Quarter Filing
Attachments to CCC Charter Filing
Attachments to ROP filing
Attachments to Revisions to SPM, Appendix 3A to the NERC ROP Filing
Attachments to Appendix 4E Filing
Attachments to GMD Research Work Plan Filing
Attachments to Amended ROP Filing
NS 2018-2020 RSDP Filing
NS Revisions to Appendix 3D of NERC ROP Re Segment 2 filing
2018 Budget Filing Attachments
Attachment to ROP Revisions Filing