Project Governance

​​​The Align project has a multi-layered governance structure that includes existing executive groups and a core project team. Most significant was the formation of an Align Steering Committee, comprised of member of compliance and enforcement management from each region. The list of Steering Committee members is below: 

Align Project Goverance.gifSteering Committee Members:

​Jim Albright, Chair​Texas RE​President and CEO
​Sara Patrick,
Executive Sponsor
​MRO​President and CEO
​Richard Burt
​Senior Vice President and COO
Steve Goodwill

​Sr. Vice President, Reliability and Security, General Counsel and Secretary
​Jeff Craigo​RF​Vice President, Reliability Assurance and Monitoring
​Scott Nied

​Assistant Vice President, Compliance
​Phil Fedora
​Assistant Vice President, Reliability Services
​Tim Ponseti

​SERC​Vice President, Operations
​Melinda Montgomery​SERC​Director, Advanced Analytics and Technical Services
​Andrew Williamson 
​SERC​Director, Reliability Assurance
​Stan Hoptroff
​NERC​Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
Sonia Mendonca​NERC​Vice President, Deputy General Counsel and Director of Enforcement
​Mechelle Thomas​NERC​Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer
​Steve Noess
​NERC​Director of Regulatory Programs

​​Howard Gugel
​Vice President, Engineering and Standards



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