CCC Nomination Documents
In the capacity of a North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Board of Trustees (Board)-appointed stakeholder committee serving and reporting directly to the NERC Board, the CCC will engage with support, and advise the NERC Board and NERC regarding all facets of the NERC Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program, Organization Registration Program, and Organization Certification Program. The CCC has an open nominations as outlined in CCCPP-013, Procedure for the Selection of Members to the NERC Compliance and Certification Committee. Nominees that represents a NERC member may be nominated for a Sector that matches the NERC member’s sector under the NERC membership list or for an opening in the At-large membership. All members are approved by the NERC Board of Trustees and serve a three-year term.​​​​​​​​
CCC Nomination Form 2021.docxCompliance and Certification Nomination Form 2021
Request for Nominations - 2022-2025.pdfRequest for Nominations - 2022-2025
CCC Nomination Form 2021_McClatchey_v2.pdf2022-2025 At-Large - Erin McClatchey
CCC Nomination Form 2021_Erin Cullum Marcussen.pdf2022-2025 At-Large Erin Cullum Marcussen
CCC Nomination Form 2021_L Milanes.pdf2022-2025 At-Large Lisa Milanes
CCC Nomination Form 2021_Daniela Hammons.pdf2022-2025 Sector 1 - Investor-Owned Utility - Daniela Hammons
CCC Nomination Form 2021_Greg Campoli.pdf2022-2025 Sector 10 - ISO/RTO - Greg Campoli
CCC Nomination Form 2021 Porterfield.pdf2022-2025 Sector 3 - Cooperative Utility
CCC Nomination Form 2021_Alice Ireland.pdf2022-2025 Sector 3- Cooperative Utility/ At-Large - Alice Ireland
CCC Nomination Form 2021_Thomas McDonald.pdf2022-2025 Sector 4- Federal or Provincial Utility - Thomas McDonald
CCC Nomination Form 2021 _Leigh Mulholland.pdf2022-2025 Sector 6 - Merchant Electricity Generator - Leigh Mulholland
CCC Nomination form_Keith Comeaux.pdf2022-2025 Sector 7 - Electricity Marketer - Richard Comeaux