The 2021 Reliability and Security Technical Committee (RSTC) Selection Nominations are now open. The period for nominating candidates for the RSTC begins October 15 and ends on November 12, 2021.
Open Member Positions
- Sectors 1-6, 8-10 and 12: Each sector has one seat open for a two-year term expiring in 2024.
If no more than one nomination is received, the nominee will be deemed to have been elected for the open seat. In the event that there is more than one nominee for these sectors, there will be a Sector election process to determine the final representative for that seat.
- Sector 7: Two seats open. One seat will be for a two-year term expiring in 2024 and one seat will be filling a retiring member's term expiring in 2023.
If no more than two nominations are received, the nominees will be deemed to have been elected for the open seats. In the event that there are more than two nominees for this sector, there will be a Sector election process to determine the final representatives for the open seats.
Terms expire as of the approval of the new membership slates at the Board of Trustees' Annual February meeting.
2021 RSTC Sector Nominations |
File Type |
Date |
Description |
| 10/15/2021
| RSTC Sector Nomination Form |
| 10/15/2021 | RSTC Charter (Approved by the Board of Trustees: November 5, 2019) |
Submitted 2021 RSTC Sector Nominations Forms |
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