NERC Announces New ERO Enterprise Security Initiative

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Jim Robb announced today that he is creating a new ERO Enterprise Security Initiative to focus on security outreach and education. “It is clear to me that cyber and physical demands on the electric sector continue to challenge the reliability of the North American grid, Robb noted. “Therefore, I am asking Vice President Bill Lawrence to take the lead in working with the Regional Entities to engage stakeholders in more meaningful education in this challenging arena.

This initiative will focus on the development, coordination and promotion of physical and cyber security efforts, including sharing of best practices; development of security training and participation in regional and continent-wide security exercises; and supporting NERC, the Regions and industry on matters related to the interface between reliability and security, including providing support for the implementation of risk mitigation priorities recommended by the Reliability Issues Steering Committee (RISC). These efforts will bolster the ongoing security efforts of industry and the ERO Enterprise as a whole.

Full Announcement

Posted On: 01/21/2020