a distributed play grid exercise that allows participants to engage
remotely, simulates a cyber and physical attack on the North American
electricity grid and other critical infrastructure. Led by NERC's E‑ISAC, GridEx gives participants a forum to
demonstrate how they would respond to and recover from coordinated cyber and
physical security threats and incidents.
GridEx offers
opportunities for organizations to strengthen crisis communications
relationships and provide feedback for lessons learned during the exercise.
Additional perspectives on critical security policy issues are gathered at the
invitation-only Executive Tabletop from senior executives in industry and
government. GridEx V in 2019 included participation from electric utilities,
government and law enforcement agencies, and other organizations.
GridEx VI is scheduled
for November 16–17, 2021.
While this exercise is
not open to the public or media, NERC conducts a media briefing during the
exercise. Members of the media may send GridEx inquiries Rachel Sherrard. For general questions on GridEx VI, contact
GridEx VI Fact Sheet
GridEx History
NERC and the E-ISAC apply the outcomes and
lessons learned from past GridEx exercises to help improve the security of the
North American grid. To learn more about past GridEx exercises, see the public
reports posted on the right.