Project 2017-07 Standards Alignment with Registration

Related Files

Final ballots for Project 2017-07 Standards Alignment with Registration concluded at 8 p.m. Eastern, Thursday, January 23, 2020 for the following Standards and Implementation Plan:
FAC-002-3 – Facility Interconnection Studies
IRO-010-3 – Reliability Coordinator Data Specification and Collection
MOD-031-3 – Demand and Energy Data
MOD-033-2 – Steady-State and Dynamic System Model Validation
NUC-001-4 – Nuclear Plant Interface Coordination
PRC-006-4 – Automatic Underfrequency Load Shedding
TOP-003-4 – Operational Reliability Data
Implementation Plan
On March 19, 2015, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Risk-Based Registration (RBR) Initiative in Docket No. RR15-4-000. FERC approved the removal of two functional categories, Purchasing-Selling Entity (PSE) and Interchange Authority (IA), from the NERC Compliance Registry due to the commercial nature of these categories posing little or no risk to the reliability of the bulk power system.
FERC also approved the creation of a new registration category, Underfrequency Load Shedding (UFLS)-only Distribution Provider (DP), for PRC-005 and its progeny standards. FERC subsequently approved on compliance filing the removal of Load-Serving Entities (LSEs) from the NERC registry criteria. 
Several projects have addressed standards impacted by the RBR initiative since FERC approval; however, there remain some Reliability Standards that require minor revisions so that they align with the post-RBR registration impacts.

The following Reliability Standards were reviewed but are not being proposed for modification at this time due to the following reasons:

  • BAL-005-0.2b has been superseded by BAL-005-1 on January 1, 2019, which deleted the Load-Serving Entity function).
  • CIP-002-5.1a, CIP-003-6, CIP-003-7, CIP-004-6, CIP-005-5, CIP-005-6, CIP-006-6, CIP-007-6, CIP-008-5, CIP-009-6, CIP-010-2, and CIP-011-2 will not be revised at this time due to the current Project 2016-02 (Modifications to CIP Standards) and the CIP Standards Efficiency Review.
  • FAC-010-3, FAC-011-3, and FAC-014-2 are being addressed in Project 2015-09.
  • INT-004-3.1 and INT-006-4 are recommended for retirement by Standard Efficiency Review Phase 1.
  • MOD-001-2, MOD-004-1, MOD-020-0 are recommended for retirement by Standard Efficiency Review Phase 1.
  • MOD-032-1 will not be revised at this time, but may come back into Project 2017-07. The work of the System Planning Impact from Distributed Energy Resource Working Group (SPIDERWG) is ongoing at the time of the final posting for Project 2017-07. In June 2018, the NERC Planning Committee (PC) formed the SPDERWG subcommittee to address Distributed Energy Resource (DER) impacts on the bulk power system (BPS). Currently, the subcommittee has proposed a Standard Authorization Request (SAR) for MOD-032-1 pertaining to DERs. The SAR has recently been reviewed by the PC. At this time, the Project 2017-07 drafting team will not take any action in reference to the MOD-032 standard until the SPIDERWG has completed their initial efforts.
  • PRC-005-6 will not be revised at this time due to the current Project 2019-04 (Modifications to PRC-005-6).     
Purpose/Industry Need
Project 2017-7 Standards Alignment with Registration will formally address any remaining edits to the Reliability Standards that are needed to align the existing standards with the RBR initiatives.  The edits include updates to the BAL, CIP, FAC, INT, IRO, MOD, NUC, and TOP family of standards to remove the references to Purchasing-Selling Entities (PSEs) and Interchange Authorities (IAs); references to the Load-Serving Entity (LSEs) will be removed or replaced by the appropriate NERC Registered Entity. The project will include adding Underfrequency Load Shedding (UFLS)-only DPs to the Applicability Section of PRC-005 and PRC-006 per NERC registration criteria. This alignment includes three categories:

1.   Modifications to existing standards where the removal of the retired function may need replacement by another function. Specifically, Reliability Standard MOD-032-1 specifies certain data from LSEs that may need to be provided by other functional entities going forward.

2.   Modifications where the applicable entity and references may be removed. These updates may be able to follow a similar process to the Paragraph 81 initiatives where standards are redlined and posted for industry comment and ballot.  A majority of the edits would simply remove deregistered functional entities and their applicable requirements/references.  Additionally PRC-005 and PRC-006 will be updated to replace Distribution Providers (DP) with the more-limited UFLS-only DP to the Applicability Sections.

3.   Initiatives that can address RBR updates through the periodic review process.  This would include the INT-004-3.1 and NUC-001-3 standards. Rather than the Project 2017-07 making the revisions the SDT could coordinate with the periodic review teams currently reviewing INT-004-3.1 and NUC-001-3 so that any changes resulting from those periodic reviews, if any, may be proposed at the same time after completion of each periodic review.






Consideration of Comments


Clean | Redline | Redline to last approved

Clean | Redline | Redline to last approved

Clean | Redline | Redline to last approved

Clean | Redline | Redline to last approved

Clean | Redline | Redline to last approved

Clean | Redline | Redline to last approved

Clean | Redline | Redline to last approved

Implementation Plan
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Supporting Materials

FAC-002-3 VRF/VSL Justification
Clean | Redline

IRO-010-3 VRF/VSL Justification
Clean | Redline

MOD-031-3 VRF/VSL Justification
Clean | Redline

MOD-033-2 VRF/VSL Justification
Clean | Redline

NUC-001-4 VRF/VSL Justification
Clean | Redline

PRC-006-4 VRF/VSL Justification
Clean | Redline

TOP-003-4 VRF/VSL Justification 
Clean | Redline 










Final Ballot












01/14/20 - 01/23/20 


​Ballot Results



Draft 1

Clean | Redline

Clean | Redline

Clean | Redline

Clean | Redline

Clean | Redline

Clean | Redline

Clean | Redline

Implementation Plan


Supporting Materials

Unofficial Comment Form (Word)

FAC-002-3 VRF/VSL Justification

IRO-010-3 VRF/VSL Justification

MOD-031-3 VRF/VSL Justification

MOD-033-2 VRF/VSL Justification

NUC-001-4 VRF/VSL Justification

PRC-006-4 VRF/VSL Justification

TOP-003-4 VRF/VSL Justification 











Initial Ballot













12/03/19 - 12/12/19 


​Ballot Results





Non-binding Poll Results



































Consideration of Comments


Comment Period


Submit Comments



10/29/19 - 12/12/19



Comments Received


Join Ballot Pools



10/29/19 - 11/27/19 


Send RSAW feedback to:

Drafting Team Nominations

Supporting Materials

Unofficial Nomination Form (Word)

Nomination Period


Submit Nominations


05/01/18 – 05/14/18

Standards Authorization Request
Supporting Materials 

Unofficial Comment Form (Word)

Comment Period


Submit Comments


02/01/18 – 03/02/18


Comments Received



Consideration of Comments​

Additional SAR for Standards Alignment with Registration
Supporting Materials

Comment Period


Submit Comments

12/11/17 – 01/09/18



Comments Received​​

Consideration of Comments​

Supporting Materials

Unofficial Comment Form (Word)​

Comment Period


Submit Comments

08/01/17 – 08/30/17

Comments Received​

Consideration of Comments​

SAR for MOD-032-1

Supporting Materials

Unofficial Comment Form (Word)

Comment Period


Submit Comments

08/01/17 – 08/30/17

​Comments Received
SAR Drafting Team Nominations
Supporting Materials

Nomination Period

08/01/17 – 08/14/17