GADS Generation Resource Mix Dashboard

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About This Metric

NOTICE: The data sets and aggregations reported on this page are in a sample format. They are currently being reviewed and verified. The
data and aggregations may be modified pending further review and analysis. As such, this data should not be utilized for policy making or
planning purposes
Gross Actual Generation (MWh): Total Megawatt Hours produced by active units.

Net Actual Generation (MWh):
Total Megawatt Hours delivered to the Bulk Electric System.

Net Dependable Capacity (MW):
Total Megawatt capability that units can deliver to the Bulk Electric System. This can vary by outside
conditions such as temperature.

Unit Type: This shows all unit types explicitly, which can cause some data to be difficult to see when there are very few units of a single
unit type.

Unit Category: This combines several unit types into single categories in order to better see data of similar unit types.

Fuel Type: This shows all fuel types explicitly, which can cause some data to be difficult to see when there are very few units of a single
fuel type.

Fuel Category: This combines several fuel types into single categories in order to better see data of similar fuel types.

Percentage vs. totals: Percentage graphs show how each fuel or unit type compare to each other. Total graphs show full MW or MWh.

Typical Day: Analysts looking back at data can now see a “typical” day for any month of the year. “How much Capacity is expected for
any particular day” can be answered by looking at the monthly numbers and comparing to actual data for a particular range of time.

Voluntary vs. Mandatory data: Before 2012, much of the data was voluntarily shared with GADS. Since 2012, GADS has increased its
range of mandatory reporting units. Data from before 2012 is still under review, since comparison of pre-2012 data and post-2012 data will
be skewed.
(Characters before the colon on each line should be BOLD, otherwise, text formats should match other GADS dashboards)