The electric utility industry initiated GADS in 1982 to expand data collection activities that it began in 1963. Today, NERC’s GADS maintains operating histories on more than 5,000 generating units in the North America.
GADS is recognized as a valuable source of reliability information for total unit and major equipment groups and is widely used by industry analysts in a variety of applications. Through GADS, NERC collects information about the performance of electric generating equipment and provides assistance to those researching information on power plant outages. GADs also supports equipment availability analyses and other decision-making processes in the industry. GADS data is also used in conducting assessments of generation resources and improving their performance.
GADS is a mandatory industry program for conventional generating units that are 20 MW and larger. GADS is open to any organization that operates electric generating facilities and is willing to follow the GADS reporting requirements specified in the GADS Data Reporting Instructions (DRI).
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