GADS Unit Age Dashboard

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About This Metric

NOTICE: The data sets and aggregations reported on this page are in a sample format. They are currently being reviewed and verified. The
data and aggregations may be modified pending further review and analysis. As such, this data should not be utilized for policy making or
planning purposes.
More than half of the US's electricity generating capacity was built before 1980. About 75% of all coal-fired power plants are at least 30
years old. 50% of all generating capacity, is at least 30 years old. Gas capacity is less than 20 years old. Most coal and hydro capacity is
30 years or older. Nearly all nuclear reactors are over 20 years old and about half are over 30 years old.

Coal and nuclear power construction peaked between 1960 and 1980. Around 2000, a huge spike in natural gas electricity began and
which is almost sure to continue at least in the coming decade given the shale gas glut. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) says
that 24 of the nation's oldest 25 hydropower facilities were built more than 90 years ago.