| | 12/23/2014 |
| | 12/23/2014 |
| Letter Order on WECC Data Request Process FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC's petition to approve the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) Data Request Process, in accordance with the NERC Rules of Procedure Section 1604.2. | 12/2/2014 |
| Order Approving CAISO Agreement Regarding 2011 Southwest Blackout The Commission issues a fifth order surrounding the 2011 Southwest Blackout. The FERC's Office of Enforcement, NERC, and California Independent System Operator Corporation (CAISO) enter into a stipulation and consent agreement to resolve a non-public investigation conducted by the FERC's Office of Enforcement, with the Office of Electric Reliability and NERC, pursuant to Part 1b of the Commission's regulations and NERC's CMEP, into alleged violations of Reliability Standards by CAISO surrounding a system disturbance in the Pacific Southwest on September 8, 2011.
| 11/28/2014 |
| | 11/26/2014 |
RM12-1-001, RM13-9-001, RM13-11-001 and RM13-16-001 | | 11/26/2014 |
The Commission issues a fourth order surrounding the 2011 Southwest Blackout. The FERC's Office of Enforcement, NERC, and Western Area Power Administration – Desert Southwest Region (Western-DSW) enter into a stipulation and consent agreement to resolve a non-public investigation conducted by the FERC's Office of Enforcement, with the Office of Electric Reliability and NERC, pursuant to Part 1b of the Commission's regulations and NERC's CMEP, into alleged violations of Reliability Standards by Western-DSW surrounding a system disturbance in the Pacific Southwest on September 8, 2011.
FERC Press Release | 11/24/2014 |
| | 11/20/2014 |
| Order No. 802 Approving Reliability Standard CIP-014-1 FERC issues an order approving proposed Reliability Standards CIP-014-1. In addition to approving Reliability Standard CIP-014-1, FERC directs NERC to submit an informational filing and develop a modification to the Standard. | 11/20/2014 |
| Order on Five-Year ERO Performance Assessment Report FERC accepts the second performance assessment of NERC as the Electric Reliability Organization (ERO), and the Regional Entities, and finds that they continue to satisfy the statutory and regulatory criteria for certification. In addition, FERC directs NERC to submit an informational filing addressing specific matters/concerns and take additional action as discussed in this order.
FERC Press Release | 11/20/2014 |
| Letter Order Approving Reliability Standards FAC-001-2 and FAC-002-2 FERC issues an order approving proposed Reliability Standards FAC-001-2 (Facility Interconnection Requirements) and FAC-002-2 (Facility Interconnection Studies), the associated implementation plan, violation risk factors and violation severity levels, and the retirement of currently-effective Reliability Standards FAC-001-1 and FAC-002-1. | 11/6/2014 |
| Letter Order Approving Reliability Standard NUC-001-3 FERC issues an order approving the proposed Reliability Standard NUC-001-3 (Nuclear Plant Interface Coordination), associated implementation plan, violation risk factors and violation severity levels, and the retirement of currently-effective Reliability Standard NUC-001-2.1 | 11/4/2014 |
| | 10/28/2014 |
| Order Approving SCE Agreement Regarding 2011 Southwest Blackout The Commission issues a third order surrounding the 2011 Southwest Blackout. The FERC's Office of Enforcement, NERC, and Southern California Edison Company (SCE) enter into a stipulation and consent agreement to resolve a non-public investigation conducted by the FERC's Office of Enforcement, with the Office of Electric Reliability and NERC, pursuant to Part 1b of the Commission's regulations and NERC's CMEP, into alleged violations of Reliability Standards by SCE surrounding a system disturbance in the Pacific Southwest on September 8, 2011.
FERC Press Release | 10/21/2014 |
| | 10/16/2014 |
FERC issues an order accepting the 2015 Business Plan and Budget of NERC; accepting the 2015 Business Plan and Budgets of each Regional Entity; accepting the 2015 Business Plan and Budget of the Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Board (WIRAB); and accepting the 2015 Business Plan and Budget of Peak Reliability.
| 10/16/2014 |
FERC issues an order approving the July 23, 2014 supplemental funding request seeking authority to collect a special assessment to fund the 2014 operations of Peak Reliability, Inc.
| 9/30/2014 |
| | 9/18/2014 |
| | 9/18/2014 |
FERC issues an order accepting the June 2014 compliance filing on the Find, Fix, Track, and Report (FFT) program. The order also approves two modifications to the FFT program.
(1) The order approves NERC’s proposal to continue to process certain moderate risk possible violations as FFTs, and directs NERC to provide additional reporting on the treatment of moderate risk FFTs in the next annual report.
(2) The order approves in part and rejects in part NERC’s proposal to extend the timeframe for competing mitigation activities associated with an FFT.
| 9/18/2014 |
| | 8/25/2014 |
| | 8/20/2014 |
The Commission issues a second order surrounding the 2011 Southwest Blackout. The FERC's Office of Enforcement, NERC, and Imperial Irrigation District (IID) enter into a stipulation and consent agreement to resolve a non-public investigation conducted by the FERC's Office of Enforcement, with the Office of Electric Reliability and NERC, pursuant to Part 1b of the Commission's regulations and NERC's CMEP, into alleged violations of Reliability Standards by IID surrounding a system disturbance in the Pacific Southwest on September 8, 2011.
FERC Press Release | 8/7/2014 |
| | 8/1/2014 |
| | 7/29/2014 |
| Letter Order Accepting NERC 2013 Budget True-Up FilingFERC issues a letter order accepting NERC's 2013 budget true-up filing showing comparisons between budgeted and actual expenditures, audited financial statements, and administrative cost metrics for itself and the eight Regional Entities for the 2013 fiscal year, in compliance with previous Commission orders. | 7/29/2014 |
| | 7/17/2014 |
| Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Approve Reliability Standard PRC-005-3 FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) proposing to approve Reliability Standard PRC-005-3 (Protection System Maintenance) as well as, one new definition and six revised definitions, the assigned violation risk factors (VRFs) and violation severity levels (VSLs), and proposed implementation plan. | 7/17/2014 |
RM13-19-000 and RM14-3-000 | | 7/17/2014 |
| | 7/10/2014 |
| | 7/10/2014 |
The Commission issues an order surrounding the 2011 Southwest Blackout. The FERC's Office of Enforcement, NERC, and Arizona Public Service Company (APS) enter into a stipulation and consent agreement to resolve a non-public investigation conducted by the FERC's Office of Enforcement, with the Office of Electric Reliability and NERC, pursuant to Part 1b of the Commission's regulations and NERC's CMEP, into alleged violations of Reliability Standards by APS surrounding a system disturbance in the Pacific Southwest on September 8, 2011.
FERC Press Release | 7/7/2014 |
| Letter Order Approving Reliability Standards for Interchange Scheduling and Coordination FERC issues a letter order approving revised Reliability Standards INT-004-3 (Dynamic Transfers), INT-006-4 (Evaluation of Interchange Transactions), INT-009-2 (Implementation of Interchange), INT-010-2 (Interchange Initiation and Modification for Reliability), and one new proposed Reliability Standard INT-011-1 (Intra Balancing Authority Transaction Identification). Along with the associated implementation plan, violation risk factors and violation severity levels, and the retirement of the currently-effective Reliability Standards INT-001-3 (Interchange Information), INT-003-3 (Interchange Transaction Implementation), INT-005-3 (Interchange Authority Distributes Arranged Interchange), INT-007-1 (Interchange Confirmation), and INT-008-3 (Interchange Authority Distributes Status). | 6/30/2014 |
| | 6/19/2014 |
| Order Approving Reliability Standard PER-005-2 FERC issues an order approving Reliability Standard PER-005-2 (Operations Personnel Training) and retirement of currently effective Reliability Standard PER-005-1 (Systems Personnel Training). | 6/19/2014 |
| | 6/19/2014 |
| | 6/18/2014 |
FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC's filing to update the revised Phase 2 definition of Bulk Electric System, approved in FERC's March 20, 2014 order, in the NERC Rules of Procedure: Appendix 2 Definitions Used in the Rules of Procedure and Appendix 5B Statement of Compliance Registry Criteria.
| 6/2/2014 |
| Letter Order Approving Regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-WECC-2 FERC issues a letter order approving regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-WECC-2 (Qualified Transfer Path Unscheduled Flow Relief), a modification to the regional definition of "Relief Requirement," implementation plan, the associated violation risk factors and violation severity levels, and the retirement of regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-WECC-1. | 5/13/2014 |
FERC issues a letter order approving Reliability Standards MOD-032-1 (Data for Power System Modeling and Analysis) and MOD-033-1 (Steady-State and Dynamic System Model Validation), the associated implementation plan, VRFs, VSLs, the retirement of Reliability Standards MOD-010-0 and MOD-012-0, and the withdrawal of pending Reliability Standards MOD-011-0, MOD-013-1, MOD-014-0, and MOD-015-0.1.
| 5/1/2014 |
RR13-10-002 and RR13-12-002 | Order Denying Rehearing on the Order Accepting Compliance Filings Regarding WECC FERC issues an order denying Edison Electric Institute's requested rehearing of the Commission's February 12, 2014 order accepting the December 2013 compliance filings submitted by NERC and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council. The compliance filings were submitted in response to establishing an independent Reliability Coordinator for the Western Interconnection. | 4/23/2014 |
FERC issues an information collection requirements comment request related to the BES Definition. | 4/18/2014 |
| | 4/17/2014 |
FERC issues a notice of a technical conference focused on issues related to the reliability of the bulk power system (Reliability Technical Conference). This Commissioner-led conference will take place on Tuesday, June 10, 2014 from 8:45 AM to 5:00 PM EST at FERC.
| 4/16/2014 |
RM13-19-000 and RM14-3-000 | | 3/20/2014 |
| Order Approving Revised Definition FERC issued an order approving revisions to the definition of "Bulk Electric System" in the NERC Glossary of Terms Used in Reliability Standards (NERC Glossary). | 3/20/2014 |
| Order No. 796 Approving Generator Verification Reliability Standards FERC issues a final rule approving five Generator Verification Reliability Standards MOD-025-2 (Verification and Data Reporting of Generator Real and Reactive Power Capability and Synchronous Condenser Reactive Power Capability), MOD-026-1 (Verification of Models and Data for Generator Excitation Control System or Plant Volt/Var Control Functions), MOD-027-1 (Verification of Models and Data for Turbine/Governor and Load Control or Active Power/Frequency Control Functions), PRC-019-1 (Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities, Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection), and PRC-024-1 (Generator Frequency and Voltage Protective Relay Settings).
| 3/20/2014 |
| Order No. 791-A on Clarification and Rehearing FERC issues an order granting clarification in part and denying rehearing of Order No. 791, filed jointly by Edison Electric Institute (EEI) and Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA) as well as the American Public Power Association (APPA), National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), and Utility Services, Inc. (Utility Services).
| 3/20/2014 |
| Notice of Extension of Time FERC issues a notice granting a 10-day extension of time, until May 15, 2014, to file revisions to the Violation Risk Factors (VRF) assigned to Reliability Standards CIP-006-5, Requirement R3 and CIP-004-5, Requirement R4 (motion). | 3/19/2014 |
| Notice of Designation of Commission Staff
FERC issues a letter order identifying the staff from the Office of Electric Reliability designated as non-decisional, who are prohibited from communicating with advisory staff concerning any deliberations for Physical Security Measures Reliability Standards. | 3/7/2014 |
| Order Directing Filing of Standards
FERC issues an order requiring NERC to develop reliability standards requiring owners and operators of the Bulk-Power System to address risks due to physical security threats and vulnerabilities. | 3/7/2014 |
| | 2/28/2014 |
RR13-10-001 and RR13-12-001 | Order on December 2013 Compliance Filings Regarding WECC FERC issues an order accepting NERC's December 20, 2013 compliance filing that sought waiver of Rule 1205 of the NERC Rules of Procedure and revised Exhibit E of the amended NERC-WECC Delegation Agreement to effectuate the sub-delegation of the reliability coordinator function to Peak Reliability. | 2/12/2014 |
| Order No. 795 Delegation of Authority Regarding Consideration of Notice of Penalty FERC issues an order to delegate authority to the Director of its Office of Electric Reliability to issue orders extending the period of time for consideration of Notices of Penalty filed by NERC. In addition, this final rule revises FERC's regulations to remove the same authority, and certain related authority, that is currently delegated to the Director of Office of Enforcement. | 2/11/2014 |
RM12-6-003 and RM12-7-003 | Order Denying Rehearing Regarding BES FERC issues an order denying the requested rehearing by Pacific Northwest Generating Cooperative and Northwest Generating Cooperative, of the Commission's June 13, 2013 order granting an extension of time to the effective date of the revised definition of Bulk Electric System. | 2/6/2014 |
| Letter Order Approving SPP SDP Manual Revisions FERC issues a letter order accepting the revised Southwest Power Pool (SPP) Regional Entity Standards Development Process Manual, which is contained in Exhibit C to the amended and restated Delegation Agreement between NERC and SPP. | 1/31/2014 |
| Letter Order Accepting NERC Rules of Procedure Appendix 4D Compliance Filing FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC's December 2, 2013 compliance filing in response to FERC's September 3, 2013 order approving revisions to the NERC Rules of Procedure Appendix 4D - Procedure for Requesting and Receiving Technical Feasibility Exceptions to NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards. | 1/30/2014 |
| | 1/16/2014 |
| | 1/16/2014 |
| | 1/16/2014 |
RM13-12-000, RM13-14-000, RM13-15-000
| Order on Motion to Deter Action on Notice of Proposed Rulemaking FERC issues an order granting the motion to deter action on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking ("NOPR") in connection with the revisions to the Transmission Operations (TOP) and Interconnection Reliability Operations and Coordination (IRO) Reliability Standards until January 31, 2015. | 1/14/2014 |
RR13-9-001 and RR13-9-002 |
FERC issues an order re. the 2014 Business Plan and Budget accepting both: (1) NERC's November 22, 2013 compliance filing relating to the "restricted" working capital amount and revision to the NERC Working Capital and Operating Reserves Policy; and (2) NERC's December 2, 2013 filing to correct Appendix 2 to the 2014 Business Plan and Budget to include "hidden" Load Serving Entities in WECC.
| 1/3/2014 |