FERC Orders/Rules Archive
Docket Number


​Order Denying Rehearing Regarding SLECA

FERC issues an order denying rehearing of its July 18, 2013 order granting the South Louisiana Electric Cooperative's (SLECA) appeal of a registry decision by NERC.

Order No. 793 Final Rule Approving Protection System Maintenance Reliability Standard​​

FERC issues a final rule approving NERC’s revised Reliability Standard, PRC-005-2 (Protection System Maintenance), which will supersede four existing Reliability Standards, PRC-005-1.1b (Transmission and Generation Protection System Maintenance and Testing), PRC-008-0 (Underfrequency Load Shedding Equipment Maintenance), PRC-011-0 (Undervoltage Load Shedding Equipment Maintenance), and PRC-017-0 (Special Protection System Maintenance and Testing).  ​​

​Errata Notice to the Commission's Final Rule for Version 5 Critical Infrastructure Protection Reliability Standards​

FERC issues an errata notice for final rule on Version 5 Critical Infrastructure Protection Reliability Standards, issued on November 22, 2013 to correct P 16. Specifically, the reference to “eighth” in the seventh line of P 16 is changed to “[ninth].”

​EL13-52-001, RR13-10-000, RR13-12-000


Order Addressing WECC’s Proposal to Establish an Independent RC for the Western Interconnection

FERC issues an order addressing three filings concerning the Western Electricity Coordinating Council's (WECC's) proposal to establish an independent Reliability Coordinator (RC) for the Western Interconnection, known as Peak Reliability, that would be funded under section 215 of the Federal Power Act. (1) FERC denies EEI's request for rehearing of the Declaratory Order. (2) FERC conditionally accepts NERC's proposed amendments to the NERC-WECC Delegation Agreement and directs a compliance filing. (3) FERC conditionally accepts WECC's petition for approval of Peak Reliability governance documents and directs a compliance filing.



FERC issues a final rule approving the Version 5 Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Reliability Standards, CIP-002-5 through CIP-011-1. The final rule also approves 19 new or revised definitions associated with the CIP Version 5 Reliability Standards for inclusion in the NERC Glossary of Terms. The final rule further directs NERC to develop modifications to the CIP Version 5 Reliability Standards, and submit informational filings.
​RM13-12-000, RM13-14-000​, ​RM13-15-000
FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) proposing to remand NERC’s proposed revisions to the Transmission Operations (TOP) and Interconnection Reliability Operations and Coordination (IRO) Reliability Standards. The NOPR indicates that, because NERC’s proposed revisions would no longer require entities to plan to operate within all system operating limits, a remand is appropriate. The NOPR raises other questions regarding NERC’s proposed revisions and indicates that, depending on the explanations provided in NOPR commenters, further modifications on remand may be directed. The NOPR also proposes to approve NERC’s proposed revision to Reliability Standard TOP-006-3.​

​Order No. 788 Approving Electric Reliability Organization Proposal to Retire Requirements in Reliability Standards​

FERC issues a final rule approving NERC's proposed retirement of 34 requirements within 19 Reliability Standards in response to the Commission’s proposal in paragraph 81 of the March 15, 2012 order in Docket No. RC11-6-000. The final rule approves the retirement of the 34 requirements that either provide little protection for Bulk-Power System reliability or are redundant with other aspects of the Reliability Standards. In addition, the final rule withdraws 41 outstanding Commission directives that NERC make modifications to Reliability Standards that have been addressed in some other manner, are redundant with another directive, or provide general guidance as opposed to a specific directive.​​

Statement of Commissioner Cheryl A. LaFleur on Multiple Reliability Orders

​Order No. 789 Final Rule Approving Regional Reliability Standard BAL-002-WECC-2 (Contingency Reserve)​

FERC approves regional Reliability Standard BAL-002-WECC-2 (Contingency Reserve), the associated VRFs, VSLs, implementation plan, effective date proposed by NERC and WECC, the retirement of BAL-STD-002-0 (Operating Reserves), and the removal of "Non-Spinning Reserve" and "Spinning Reserve" from the NERC Glossary of Terms.​ The WECC regional Reliability Standard applies to balancing authorities and reserve sharing groups in the WECC Region and is meant to specify the quantity and types of contingency reserve required to ensure reliability under normal and abnormal conditions​.



​Order No. 787 Communication of Operational Information between Natural Gas Pipelines and Electric Transmission Operators​​

FERC issues a final rule modifying Parts 38 and 284 of its regulations to provide explicit authority to interstate natural gas pipelines and public utilities that own, m​operate, or control facilities used for the transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce to share non-public, operational information with each other for the purpose of promoting reliable service or operational planning on either the pipeline’s or public utility’s system. The Commission also is adopting a No-Conduit Rule to provide additional protections against undue discrimination and ensure that the non-public, operational information shared under the rule remains confidential.​​

​RM08-13-000, RM08-13-001, RM11-16-000
​Order on Compliance Order No. 733​

FERC issues an order accepting NERC's February 19, 2013 compliance filing pursuant to Order Nos. 733 and 759, related to​ Reliability Standard PRC-023-2 (Transmission Relay Loadability).​

Order on 2014 Business Plan and Budget Filing and Ordering Compliance Filing

FERC issues an order accepting in part and rejecting in part the 2014 Business Plan and Budget of NERC; accepting the 2014 Business Plan and Budgets of each Regional Entity; accepting the 2014 Business Plan and Budget of the Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Board (WIRAB); and conditionally accepting the 2014 Business Plan and Budget of the Reliability Coordination Company (RC Company). (1) With respect to the RC Company, FERC accepts the Business Plan and Budget subject to the outcome of Docket Nos. EL13-52-001, RR13-10-000, and RR13-12-000. FERC does not authorize the issuance of billing invoices to fund the fiscal 2014 operation of RC Company until the Commission issues an order in the referenced Dockets. (2) FERC directs NERC to submit a compliance filing, within 30 days of the date of this order, indicating how NERC will allocate certain monies.​

Order Denying Rehearing of April 19, 2012 Order Upholding Registration

FERC issues an order denying rehearing of the Commission’s April 19, 2012 order upholding City of Holland, Michigan Board of Public Works’ registration as a Transmission Owner and Transmission Operator in the NERC Compliance Registry.

​RM12-1-000 and RM13-9-000
Letter Order Approving Regional Reliability Standard BAL-004-WECC-02 and Reliability Standard BAL-001-1 ​​
FERC issues a letter approving NERC's proposed regional Reliability Standard BAL-004-WECC-02 and Reliability Standard BAL-001-1.
Letter Order Approving Request to Change Address in the NERC ROP

FERC issues a letter approving NERC's request to update its address in the NERC Rules of Procedure to reference the Atlanta, GA office.​

Letter Order Approving Amendments to the Delegation Agreement with SPP - Amendments to Exhibit B - SPP's Bylaws

FERC issues a letter order accepting the amendments to the Delegation Agreement with Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP) – Amendments to Exhibit B - SPP's Bylaws. The proposed SPP bylaw amendments are to Sections 1.0, 3.0, 6.0, and 8.0, and are subject to the outcome of ongoing proceedings in Docket Nos. ER13-1769-000​ and ER13-2031-000.

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Approve Regional Reliability Standards MOD-025-2, MOD-026-1, MOD-027-1, PRC-019-1, and PRC-024-1​ 

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) proposing to approve five proposed Generator Verification Reliability Standards. The Commission notes in the NOPR that, collectively, the proposed Reliability Standards improve the accuracy of model verifications needed to support reliability and enhance the coordination of generator protection systems and voltage regulating system controls. The Commission goes on to state that such improvements should help reduce the risk of generator trips and provide more accurate models for Transmission Planners and Planning Coordinators to develop system models and simulations. ​ ​​​​


FERC issues an order ​granting, in part and denying in part requests for clarification and denies requests for rehearing of Order No. 764-A, the order on rehearing/clarification of Order No. 764, the Integration of Variable Energy Resources final rule.​
Order No. 785 Final Rule Approving Generator Requirements at the Transmission Interface

FERC issues a final rule approving revisions to four Reliability Standards that extend or clarify that applicability of those standards to Generator Owners and Generator Operators and/or to their generator interconnection Facilities. In the final rule, the Commission also states that, while additional Reliability Standards or individual requirements may need to be applied on a case-by-case basis to generator interconnection Facilities in certain circumstances, for the majority of Generator Owners and Operators, NERC will not pursue registration of Generator Owners and Operators as Transmission Owners or Transmission Operators due solely to their ownership or operation of generator interconnection Facilities.
Notice of Extension of Time

FERC issues a notice granting an extension of time to all entities to file comments to and including September 20, 2013 on the 2014 Business Plans and Budgets of NERC and the Regional Entities filing submitted to FERC on August 23, 2013.​

​Letter Order accepting NERC Compliance Filing in Response to Order No. 777​

FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC’s compliance filing without modification submitted in response to Order No. 777, which approved NERC’s proposed Reliability Standard FAC-003-2 (Transmission Vegetation Management). In that order, the Commission directed NERC to (1) provide a description of NERC’s plan to conduct testing to develop empirical data regarding the flashover distances between conductors and vegetation; (2) modify the Violation Risk Factor for Requirement R2 from Medium to High; and (3) confirm that NERC has posted guidance materials for NERC Reliability Standard FAC-003-2 to its website. ​​​​

Order Approving Revisions to the NERC ROP Appendix 4D and Appendix 2, and Directing Compliance Filing

FERC issues an order approving NERC's April 8, 2013 revisions to two sections of its Rules of Procedure: Appendix 4D (Procedure for Requesting and Receiving Technical Feasibility Exceptions (TFEs) to NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards) and Appendix 2 (Definitions Used in the Rules of Procedure). In addition NERC is directed to submit a compliance filing, within 90 days, revising Appendix 4D to specify a time frame for reporting material changes to TFEs and include additional information in its TFE annual report.​

RM12-6-002 and RM12-7-002​


Order Denying Request for Clarification and Rehearing

FERC issues an order denying the requested clarification or in the alternative rehearing, by National Rural Electric Cooperative Association and the American Public Power Association, of the Commission's Order No. 773-A.​

FERC issues a letter order accepting the July 17, 2013 Petition seeking approval of amendments to NERC’s Delegation Agreement with Texas Reliability Entity, Inc. (Texas RE). These amendments consist of changes to Exhibit D to the Delegation Agreement, Texas RE's Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program (CMEP).
RM11-11-000 and RM13-5-000​


Order Granting Extension of Time CIP Versions 4 and 5

FERC issues an order granting extension of time on Version 4 of the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Reliability Standards. The Commission approved the Version 4 CIP Reliability Standards in Order No. 761. This order extends the effective date from April 1, 2014 to October 1, 2014.

Letter Order Approving NERC 2012 Budget True-Up Filing

FERC approves NERC's 2012 Budget True-Up Filing showing comparisons between budgeted and actual expenditures, audited financial statements, and administrative cost metrics for itself and the eight Regional Entities for the 2012 fiscal year in compliance with previous Commission orders.

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) proposing to revise Parts 38 and 284 of its regulations to provide explicit authority to interstate natural gas pipelines and public utilities that own, operate, or control facilities used for the transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce to share non-public operational information with each other for the purpose of promoting reliable service or operational planning on either the public utility's or pipeline's system.
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Approve PRC-005-2

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) proposing to approve Reliability Standard PRC-005-02 (Protection System Maintenance).  

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Approve Regional Reliabilty Standard BAL-002-WECC-2

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) proposing to approve regional Reliability Standard BAL-002-WECC-2 (Contingency Reserve).​

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Approve Reliability Standard BAL-003-1

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) proposing to approve Reliability Standard BAL-003-1 (Frequency Response and Frequency Bias Setting).​​

Order No. 782 Final Rule Approving Revisions to Modeling, Data, and Analysis Reliability Standard MOD-028-2

FERC issues a final rule approving Modeling, Data, and Analysis (MOD) Reliability Standard MOD-028-2.​

SLECA's Appeal of NERC's Registry Decision Granted

FERC issues an order granting the South Louisiana Electric Cooperative's (SLECA) appeal of a registry decision by NERC.

Order Approving SPP Stipulation and Consent Agreement

FERC issues an order approving the Stipulation and Consent Agreement between the Office of Enforcement (Enforcement), NERC, and Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP). This order resolves an investigation of SPP, conducted by Enforcement in coordination with the Commission’s Office of Electric Reliability (OER) and NERC, into possible violations of Reliability Standards associated with SPP’s reliability coordination of a portion of the Bulk Power System.  

Letter Order on Glossary Definitions

FERC issues a letter order approving NERC Glossary terms "Bulk-Power System," "Reliable Operation," and "Reliability Standard." ​

NP13-34-00, NP13-35-00, NP13-36-00, NP13-37-00, NP13-38-00, NP13-39-000​
Order on Notices of Penalty - May 30, 2013 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issues an order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP13-34-00 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP13-35-00 American Electric Power Service Corporation; NP13-36-00 Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District; NP13-37-00 American Electric Power Service Corporation; NP13-38-00​ Unidentified Registered Entity; and NP13-39-000 Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty.

Order Approving Revisions to Electric Reliability Organization's Standard Processes Manual

FERC issues an order approving the proposed Standard Processes Manual (SPM) modifications as reasonable, allowing for greater flexibility and efficiency in the Reliability Standards development process. The SPM is set forth as Appendix 3A to the NERC Rules of Procedure. FERC notes that the revised provisions recognize the need for highly qualified standards drafting teams that include technical writers, legal compliance, and rigorous and highly trained project management. 



Letter Order on Compliance Filing related to NERC Rules of Procedure

FERC issues a letter order in response to a February 19, 2013 compliance filing that addressed Paragraphs 37, 54, 67, 87, and 107 of its December 20, 2012 order. This order conditionally approved NERC's May 7, 2012 Rules of Procedure revisions and directed NERC to reinstate, remove, and clarify certain provisions within 60-days.​

Order on Clarification on Proposed Interpretation of CIP-002

FERC issues an order for clarification of the March 21, 2013 Order on Interpretation of Reliability Standards, in which the Commission remanded NERC's proposed interpretation of Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Reliability Standard CIP-002.​

RD13-5-000, RR08-4-000, RR08-4-001, RR08-4-002, RM08-19-004, RM09-9-000, RM09-19-000, RM09-25-000, RM10-15-000, RM10-16-000, RD11-4-000​
Supplemental Information to NERC Compliance Filing in Response to the Order on Violation Severity Levels and Violation Risk Factors RD13-5-000, et al.

FERC issues an order in response to NERC's compliance filing related to supplemental information filed concerning revised Violation Risk Factors and Violation Severity Levels associated with currently-approved Reliability Standards.


Letter Order Granting Approval of Proposed Reliability Standard VAR-001-3

FERC issues a letter order granting approval of proposed Reliability Standard VAR-​001-3 (Voltage and Reactive Control), its associated implementation plan, Violation Risk Factors, Violation Severity Levels, and retirement of VAR-001-2.


Letter Order Granting Petition for Approval of the Interpretation to TPL-003-0a and TPL-004-0

FERC issues a letter order granting approval of the proposed interpretation to certain requirements for two Reliability Standards: TPL-003-0a (System Performance Following Loss of Two or More Bulk Electric System Elements (Category C)) and TPL-004-0 (System Performance Following Extreme Events Resulting in the Loss of Two or More Bulk Electric System Elements (Category D)).

NOPR on Electric Reliability Organization Proposal to Retire Requirements in Reliability Standards

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) proposing to retire 34 requirements within 19 Reliability Standards that are redundant or otherwise unnecessary, and where violations of these requirements pose a lesser risk to the reliability of the Bulk-Power System. In addition, the NOPR proposes to withdraw 41 outstanding Commission directives that NERC make modifications to Reliability Standards that have been addressed in some other manner, are redundant with another directive, or provide general guidance as opposed to a specific directive.

Order Granting Approval for EOP-004-2

FERC issues an order approving Reliability Standard EOP-004-2, which would replace two existing Reliability Standards, EOP-004-1 (Disturbance Reporting) and CIP-001-2a (Sabotage Reporting).

Order Granting Petition for Declaratory Order for WECC

FERC issues an order granting the Western Electricity Coordinating Council's (WECC's) petition for declaratory order regarding its plan to establish a separate, independent company, RC Company, to perform the reliability coordinator function in the WECC region. 

Order on Compliance Filing and Proposed Enhancements to the FFT Program

FERC accept NERC’s twelve-month report regarding the matters pertaining to the Find, Fix, Track and Report (FFT) implementation experience. Further, the Commission approves proposed enhancements including NERC’s proposal to (1) expand the FFT program by allowing FFT treatment for some moderate risk possible violations; (2) remove the requirement that possible violations must be completely mitigated prior to submitting or posting possible violations as FFTs by the Regional Entities; (3) allow Regional Entities to publicly post FFTs on a common website on the last day of each month instead of NERC submitting a monthly informational filing to the Commission; and (4) review a representative sample of FFTs during the 60-day window following Regional Entities’ monthly posting of FFTs on NERC’s website.

RM12-6-000 and RM12-7-000​
FERC issues an order granting an extension of time on the Bulk Electric System definition effective date and the Rules of Procedure exception process. This order extends the effective date from July 1, 2013 to July 1, 2014.
Letter Order Accepting Amendments to the MRO Delegation Agreement

FERC issues a letter order accepting the April 26, 2013 petition seeking approval of the amendments to Delegation Agreement with Midwest Reliability Organization, Inc. (MRO). These amendments consist of edits to the MRO Regional Reliability Standards Process Manual.

Letter Order Accepting Amendments to the Texas RE Delegation Agreement

FERC issues a letter order accepting the April 9, 2013 Petition seeking approval of amendments to NERC’s Delegation Agreement with Texas Reliability Entity, Inc. (Texas RE). These amendments consist of minor corrections and non-substantive changes to Articles I, II, III, IV, V, VI, IX, and XI of the Texas RE Bylaws.

NP13-31-000, NP13-32-000, NP13-33-000​
The Commission issues an order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP13-31-000 Brownsville Public Utilities Board; NP13-32-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; and NP13-33-000 Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty.
RM12-6-000 and RM12-7-000​
Notice Shortening Answer Period on BES Motion for Extension of Time

FERC issues a notice shortening the date for filing answers to NERC's Motion for Extension of Time to and including May 31, 2013.​

Order Granting Rehearing for Further Consideration on CIP-002-4 Remand

FERC issues an order granting rehearing for further consideration on the order remanding the proposed interpretation to CIP-002-4 issued on March 21, 2013.

NOPR Proposing to Remand Interpretation to BAL-002-1 (Disturbance Control Performance)

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) in which it proposes to remand a proposed interpretation to Reliability Standard BAL-002-1, Requirements R4 and R5.​

Order No. 779 - Final Rule on Reliability Standard for Geomagnetic Disturbances

FERC issues Order No. 779, in which it directs NERC to submit to the Commission for approval proposed Reliability Standards that address the impact of GMD on the reliable operation of the Bulk-Power System. The Commission directs NERC to implement the directive in two stages.

RM12-1-000 and RM13-9-000​
Supplemental NOPR on Transmission Planning Reliability Standard TPL-001-2

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) in which it proposes to approve Reliability Standard TPL-001-4, which supersedes TPL-001-2.​



Notice of Reliability Technical Conference on Reliability of the Bulk Power System

FERC issues a notice of a technical conference focused on issues related to the reliability of the bulk power system (Reliability Technical Conference). This Commissioner-led conference will take place on Tuesday, July 9, 2013 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST at FERC.

RM12-6-001 and RM12-7-001​


Errata to FERC Order on Revisions to ERO Definition of BES and Rules of Procedure

FERC issues an errata correcting minor typographical errors in the Order on the ERO Defintion of Bulk Electric System (BES) and Rules of Procedure.​

Errata to FERC's NOPR on Version 5 CIP Reliability Standards

FERC issues an errata correcting minor typographical errors in the NOPR on Version 5 Critical Infrastructure Protection Reliability Standards.

Letter Order Approving Compliance Filing for PRC-006-SERC-01

FERC issues a letter order approving a compliance filing submitted in response to the December 20, 2013 order approving regional Reliability Standard PRC-006-SERC-01. The compliance filing corrected the Rationale statement for Requirement R6 and modified the Violation Risk Factor from "Medium" to "High."​

NP13-28-000, NP13-29-000, NP13-30-000​
Order on Notices of Penalty - March 27, 2013 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issues an order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP13-28-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP13-29-000 Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty; and NP13-30-000 Unidentified Registered Entity. ​

Order on Compliance Approving NERC's Section 215 Criteria

FERC issues an order approving, with modifications, NERC’s written criteria for determining whether a NERC activity can be funded under Section 215 of the Federal Power Act. NERC developed the proposed criteria in response to Recommendation No. 37 in the Office of Enforcement’s May 4, 2012 Audit Report.

NOPR on Version 5 Critical Infrastructure Protection Reliability Standards

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing to approve the Version 5 CIP Standards. The proposed Reliability Standards, which pertain to the cyber security of the bulk electric system, represent an improvement over the current Commission-approved CIP Reliability Standards as they adopt new cyber security controls and extend the scope of the systems that are protected by the CIP Reliability Standards.​

NOPR Proposed to Approve Generator Requirements at the Transmission Interface (GOTO)

FERC issues a NOPR in which it proposes to approve Reliability Standards FAC-001-1 (Facility Connection Requirements), FAC-003-3 (Transmission Vegetation Management), PRC-004-2.1 (Analysis and Mitigation of Transmission and Generation Protection System Misoperations), and PRC-005-1.1b (Transmission and Generation Protection System Maintenance and Testing). The proposed modifications improve reliability either by extending their applicability to certain generator interconnection facilities, or by clarifying that the existing Reliability Standard is and remains applicable to generator interconnection facilities.

RM12-6-001 and RM12-7-001​
Order No. 773-A - Order on Rehearing and Clarification on Revisions to ERO Definition of BES and Rules of Procedure

FERC issues a response to Order No. 773 which approves modifications to the currently effective definition of “bulk electric system” and revisions to the NERC Rules of Procedure. Order No. 773-A denies rehearing in part, grants rehearing in part, and otherwise reaffirms FERC’s determinations in Order No. 773.​

Order Approving Reliability Standard VAR-002-2b

FERC issues an order in which it approves Reliability Standard VAR-002-2b (Generator Operation for Maintaining Network Voltage Schedules), the associated VSLs and VRFs, and an implementation plan for VAR-002-2b. The revised Reliability Standard VAR-002-2b ensures that generators provide reactive and voltage control necessary to ensure voltage levels, reactive flows, and reactive resources are maintained within applicable facility ratings to protect equipment and the reliable operation of the interconnection.



Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Proposing to Approve MOD-028-2 (Area Interchange Methodology)

FERC issues a NOPR in which it proposes to approve Reliability Standard MOD-028-1 (Area Interchange Methodology) pertaining to the information a transmission service provider must include when calculating Total Transfer Capability using the area interchange methodology for the on-peak and off-peak intra-day and next day time periods. The Commission also proposes to approve NERC’s proposed implementation plan and retirement of the currently-effective standard.

Order No. 777 Approving FAC-003-2 (Transmission Vegetation Management)

FERC issues a final rule approving Reliability Standard FAC-003-2 (Transmission Vegetation Management), and three new definitions in the NERC Glossary of Terms – “Right-of-Way,” “Vegetation Inspection,” and “Minimum Vegetation Clearance Distance.” FAC-003-2 also incorporates a new minimum annual inspection requirement, and incorporates new minimum vegetation clearance distances into the text of the standard.

Order Remanding Interpretation to CIP-002-4 (Cyber Security - Critical Cyber Asset Identification)

FERC issues an order in which it remands the proposed interpretation to Reliability Standard CIP-002-4, Requirement R3.

Order Remanding Interpretation to CIP-006-4 (Physical Security)

FERC issues an order remanding NERC's proposed interpretation to Reliability Standard CIP-006-4, Requirement R1.1.

Letter Order Accepting Amendments to RFC Bylaws

FERC issues a letter order accepting the December 28, 2012 petition seeking approval of amendments to NERC’s Delegation Agreement with ReliabilityFirst Corporation (RFC), specifically amendments to the RFC Bylaws.​



Notice of Technical Conference - Coordination Between Natural Gas and Electricity Markets

FERC issues a notice of a technical conference focused on natural gas and electric scheduling, and issues related to whether and how natural gas and electric industry schedules could be harmonized in order to achieve the most efficient scheduling systems for both industries. The technical conference will take place on April 25, 2013 beginning at 9:00am and ending at approximately 5:00pm.​

NP13-21-000, NP13-22-000, NP13-23-000​


The Commission issues an order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP13-21-000 Silicon Valley Power; NP13-22-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; and NP13-23-000 Spreadsheet NOP.​


Order Accepting the Compliance Filing in response to the CEI Order

FERC issues a letter order accepting the October 12, 2012 compliance filing which was submitted in response to the September 20, 2012 Order. NERC submitted training materials that were developed to facilitate the implementation of Find, Fix, Track and Report (FFT) determinations. Docket No. RC11-6-003 ​

Order No. 775 - Final Rule Approving Regional Reliability Standard PRC-006-NPCC-1 (Automatic Underfrequency Load Shedding)

FERC approves regional Reliability Standard PRC-006-NPCC-1, along with the related Violation Risk Factors, Violation Severity Levels, implementation plan, and effective dates proposed by NERC.

​​NP13-9-000, NP13-10-000, NP13-11-000, NP13-12-000, NP13-13-000, NP13-14-000, NP13-15-000, NP13-16-000, NP13-17-000, NP13-18-000, NP13-19-000, NP13-20-000
The Commission issues an order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP13-9-000 Arlington Valley, LLC - AVBA; NP13-10-000 Entergy; NP13-11-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP13-12-000 Spreadsheet NOP; NP13-13-000 Sunflower Electric Power Cooperative, Mid-Kansas Electric Company, LLC; NP13-14-000 Southwest Power Pool, Inc. – ICTE; NP13-15-000 Arizona Public Service Company; NP13-16-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP13-17-000 Unidentified Registered Entities; NP13-18-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP13-19-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; and NP13-20-000 Duke Energy Carolinas.


Supplemental Notice of Technical Conference on Gas-Electric Interdependence

FERC issues a supplemental notice of the technical conference issued to gather input on information sharing and communications between the natural gas and electric power industries. The technical conference will be held on February 13, 2012 at the FERC offices. This notice includes the agenda.

Order Approving Settlement between NERC and Office of Enforcement

FERC issues an order approving the Settlement Agreement between NERC and Office and Enforcement regarding the 2012 Performance Audit.
NP13-6-000, NP13-7-000, NP13-8-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - November 30, 2012 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issues an order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP13-6-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP13-7-000 Willmar Municipal Utilities; and NP13-8-000 Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty.​

Order Conditionally Approving Revisions to the NERC Rules of Procedure

FERC issues an order that conditionally approves, with limited exceptions, numerous revisions to the NERC Rules of Procedure and its appendices, including revisions to Sections 300 (Reliability Standards Development), 400 (Compliance Enforcement), 600 (Personnel Certification), 800(Reliability Assessment and Performance Analysis), 1000 (Situation Awareness and Infrastructure Security), 1400 (Amendments to the Rules of Procedure), and 1700 (Challenges to Determinations), and Appendices 2 (Definitions), 3C (Procedure for Coordinating Reliability Standards Approvals, Remands, and Directives), 4B (Sanction Guidelines), 4C(Uniform Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program), 5B (Statement of Compliance Registry Criteria), and 6 (System Operator Certification Program Manual). The order directs NERC to make compliance and informational filings within 60 days.​

FERC issues an order denying rehearing of the Commission’s July 2012 order, which approved a $19,500 penalty against the Southwestern Power Administration for violation of certain mandatory Reliability Standards. The order reaffirms the legal finding in the July 2012 order that federal entities that act as users, owners, or operators of the bulk power system are subject to monetary penalties for violation of an approved Reliability Standard, in accordance with the enforcement authorities granted under Federal Power Act section 215.
Order No. 764-A on Rehearing and Clarification and Granting Motion for Extension of Time on Variable Energy Resources

FERC issues an order that addresses requests for rehearing on (1) the intra-hour scheduling and forecasting reforms adopted in Order No. 764; (2) statements addressing public utility transmission provider’s obligation to offer generator regulation service; and (3) the estimated burden on small entities to comply with the Final Rule. In this order, the Commission affirms its basic determinations in Order No. 764, provides clarification, and grants EEI’s request to extend the period for compliance filings to November 12, 2012.​

Order No. 772 Approving Regional Reliability Standard PRC-006-SERC-1

FERC issues a Final Rule in which it approves regional Reliability Standard PRC-006-SERC-01 (Automatic Underfrequency Load Shedding Requirements).​

RM12-6-000 and RM12-7-000
Order No. 773 - Final Rule on the Revisions to the Electric Reliability Organization Definition of Bulk Electric System and Rules of Procedure

FERC issues an order in which it the approves modifications to the currently-effective definition of “bulk electric system” developed by NERC.​

Letter Order Approving Interpretation CIP-004-4a

FERC issues a letter order approving NERC's interpretation to CIP-004-4. The proposed interpretation clarifies that all cyber access must be authorized, and all authorized cyber access requires compliance with Requirements R2, R3, and R4 of CIP-004-4. The interpretation will be identified at CIP-004-4a.

Notice of Request for Comments and Technical Conference on Gas-Electric Interdependence

FERC issues a Notice of Request for Comments and Technical Conference issued to gather input on information sharing and communications between the natural gas and electric power industries. The technical conference will be held on February 13, 2012 at the FERC offices. In advance of the conference, interested parties are asked to submit comments identifying areas in which additional Commission guidance or regulatory changes should be considered. Question prompts for the comments are included in this notice, and comments are due on January 7, 2013.​

NP13-1-000, NP13-2-000, NP13-3-000, NP13-4-000, NP13-5-000

The Commission issues an order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP13-1-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP13-2-000 TransAlta Centralia Generation, LLC; NP13-3-000 Bear Swamp Power Company, LLC; NP13-4-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; and NP13-5-000 Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty.​

Order Directing Further Conferences and Reports on Gas-Electric Coordination

FERC issues an order in which it directs staff to convene two technical conferences, directs RTOs and ISOs to report progress to the Commission, and directs staff to report progress on regional efforts in gas-electric coordination.

[FERC Staff Report on Gas Electric Coordination Technical Conferences]​

Letter Order Accepting Compliance Filing in Response to Order No. 763

FERC issues a letter order in which it accepts the compliance filing modifying Reliability Standard PRC-006-1, Requirement R9, and a Violation Risk Factor and Violation Severity Level associated with PRC-006-1.​

Order Approving Renewals of CEA Agreements betwen SERC and FRCC and SPP

FERC issues an order in which FERC grants approval for the renewal of the Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Agreements (CEA) between SERC Reliability Corporation and Florida Reliability Coordinating Council Inc. (FRCC) and Southwest Power Pool Regional Entity (SPP). In addition, FERC approves changes to the FRCC and SPP delegation agreements relating to the revised CEA agreements.​

RR12-13-000, FA11-21-000​
Order Accepting 2013 Business Plan and Budget Filing

The Commission issues an order accepting the 2013 Business Plan and Budget of NERC, the 2013 Business Plan and Budgets of each Regional Entity, and the 2013 Business Plan and Budget of the Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Board.

NP12-45-000, NP12-46-000, NP12-47-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - September 28, 2012 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issues an Order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP12-45-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP12-46-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; and NP12-47-000 Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty.

Letter Order Approving NERC 2011 Budget True-Up Filing

FERC approves NERC's 2011 Budget True-Up Filing showing comparisons between budgeted and actual expenditures, audited financial statements, and administrative cost metrics for itself and the eight Regional Entities for the 2011 fiscal year in compliance with previous Commission orders.​

Order Approving Amendments to the NERC/RFC Delegation Agreement

FERC approves the amendments to the NERC-ReliabilityFirst Corporation (RFC) Delegation Agreement, consisting of amendments to RFC's Bylaws (Exhibit B) and Reliability Standards Development Procedure (Exhibit C), that were filed with the Commission for approval on July 30, 2012.​

NOPR on Revisions to Reliability Standards for Transmission Vegetation Management

FERC issues a NOPR in which it proposes to approve Reliability Standard FAC-003-2 (Transmission Vegetation Management), the three definitions in the petition, the implementation plan and the Violation Severity Levels associated with the proposed Reliability Standard. The Commission proposes to direct that NERC revise the Violation Risk Factor for Requirement R2, and approve the remainder of the Violation Risk Factors.​

NOPR Propsing to Direct NERC to Develop and Submit Geomagnetic Disturbance Reliability Standards

FERC issues a NOPR in which it proposes to direct NERC to file for approval with the Commission Reliability Standards (GMD Reliability Standards) that address the risks posed by geomagnetic disturbances (GMD) to the reliable operation of the Bulk-Power System.​

NP12-41-000, NP12-42-000, NP12-43-000, NP12-44-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - August 31, 2012 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issues an order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP12-41-000 Entergy; NP12-42-000 Cedar Creek Wind Energy, LLC; NP12-43-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; and NP12-44-000 Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty.

NOPR Proposing to Approve Regional Reliability Standard PRC-006-NPCC-1 (Automatic Underfrequency Load Shedding)

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) proposing to approve regional Reliability Standard PRC-006-NPCC-1 (Automatic Underfrequency Load Shedding). Docket No. RM12-12-000

Order No. 766 - Final Rule on Delegation of Authority Regarding Electric Reliability Organization's Budget, Delegation Agreement, and Policy and Procedure Filings

FERC issues its final rule on the Delegation of Authority of the ERO’s Budget, Delegation Agreement, and Policy and Procedure filings. This final rule delegates to the Director of the Office of Energy Market Regulation (OEMR) the ability to act on certain NERC filings – involving budgets, business plans, delegation agreements, and organization rules. Due to a recent internal reorganization, OEMR (rather than the Office of Electric Reliability) is now responsible for acting on these particular, aforementioned filings. However, OEMR currently does not have delegated authority to act under section 215 of the Federal Power Act, which covers NERC activities and filings. The final rule grants OEMR the necessary delegated authority to act on such filings. Docket No. RM12-20-000

The Commission issues an order accepting the May 14, 2012 Compliance Filing in response to the March 15, 2012 CEI Order. Docket No. RC11-6-002
Letter Order Approving Errata Changes to NERC Glossary of Terms

FERC approves NERC's filing that requested that the NERC Glossary of Terms be amended to modify the definition of “Interconnection Reliability Operating Limit (IROL)” by replacing the reference to “Cascading Outages” with “Cascading outages.”  Docket No. RM06-16-000

Letter Order Approving Errata Changes to Seven Reliability Standards

FERC issues a letter order approving NERC's June 5, 2012 petition for approval of errata changes to seven Reliability Standards (BAL-005-0.1b, EOP-001-0b, EOP-001-2b, EOP-002-3, IRO-005-3a, PER-001-0.1, and TOP-002-2b). Docket No. RD12-4-000

Order Granting Clarification on Order No. 763

FERC issues an order granting rehearing on Wisconsin Electric's request for clarification regarding the Commission’s discussion of coordination between automatic load shedding programs in PRC-006-1 and manual load shedding programs in EOP-003-2 in Order No. 763.  Docket No. RM11-20-001

NP12-37-000, NP12-38-000, NP12-39-000, NP12-40-000

The Commission issues an order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP12-37-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP12-38-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP12-39-000 TransAlta Centralia Generation, LLC; and NP12-40-000 Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty.
Notice of Technical Conference on February 2011 Southwest Cold Weather Event - Albuquerque, New Mexico

FERC issues a notice of a Technical Conference that Staff will be holding on the February 2011 Southwest Cold Weather Event. The first technical conference will be held on September 25, 2012 from 10:00 – 4:00 p.m. in Austin, Texas. The second technical conference will be held on September 27, 2012 from 10:00 – 4:00p.m in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The purpose of the technical conferences is to discuss actions taken in response to the August 16, 2011 Report on Outages and Curtailments during the Southwest Cold Weather Event of February 1-5, 2011. The conference will explore the progress made on the Report’s recommendations and whether sufficient safeguards have been implemented to avert a repeat of the loss of generation due to severe cold weather. Docket No. AD11-9-000

Notice of Technical Conference on February 2011 Southwest Cold Weather Event - Austin, Texas

FERC issues a notice of a Technical Conference that Staff will be holding on the February 2011 Southwest Cold Weather Event. The first technical conference will be held on September 25, 2012 from 10:00 – 4:00 p.m. in Austin, Texas. The second technical conference will be held on September 27, 2012 from 10:00 – 4:00p.m in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The purpose of the technical conferences is to discuss actions taken in response to the August 16, 2011 Report on Outages and Curtailments during the Southwest Cold Weather Event of February 1-5, 2011. The conference will explore the progress made on the Report’s recommendations and whether sufficient safeguards have been implemented to avert a repeat of the loss of generation due to severe cold weather. Docket No. AD11-9-000

Order Denying Clarification and Rehearing on CIP Version 4

FERC issues an order in which it denies clarification and rehearing on NRECA and APPA's request for rehearing concerning CIP Version 4 implementation. Docket No. RM11-11-001

Order on Reconsideration on Remand of TPL-002-0b

FERC grants NERC's request for reconsideration on the use of the Expedited Standards Development Process with regard to TPL-002-0b "footnote b."  Docket No. RM11-18-001

NP12-32-000, NP12-33-000, NP12-33-000, NP12-35-000, NP12-36-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - June 29, 2012 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issues an order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP12-32-000 Calpine Corporation and Calpine Power Management, LP; NP12-33-000 Louisville Gas & Electric and KU Services Company; NP12-34-000 Tennessee Valley Authority; NP12-35-000 Mesquite Power LLC; and NP12-36-000 Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty.

Notice of Extension of Time in Filing Quarterly Reports on Progress of CIP Version 5 Reliability Standards

FERC issues a notice of extension of time granting a 30-day extension to file CIP V5 Quarterly Reports to 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter.  Docket No. RM11-11-000

NOPR Proposing to Approve Regional Reliability Standard PRC-006-SERC-1

FERC issues a NOPR in which it proposes to approve Regional Reliability Standard PRC-006-SERC-1 - Automatic Underfrequency Load Shedding Requirements. Docket No. RM12-9-000.

Order No. 765 - Continuity of Operations Plan

FERC issues an order on the Continuity of Operations Plan which allows the Commission the discretion to better address not only long-term and catastrophic events but also short-term events including loss of power or water. The rule allows for greater discretion regarding: the activation and deactivation of the Continuity of Operations Plan and any suspension of Commission operations; the length of time that the Continuity of Operations Plan is in effect and the length of time that Commission operations are suspended; the deactivation schedule and the resumption of full Commission operations; and the rescheduling of hearings, conferences and meetings. The rule also adds items to the list of requirements which are suspended when Commission operations are suspended. Docket No. RM12-13-000

Order on Review of Notice of Penalty - NP11-238

FERC issues an order on review of a Notice of Penalty that was filed with the Commission on July 28, 2011 regarding Southwestern Power Administration. The Commission finds that Section 215 of the FPA authorizes the imposition of a monetary penalty against a federal agency for violation of a mandatory Reliability Standard. Docket No. NP11-238-000

AD12-9-000, AD11-11-000
Proposed Policy Statement on Allocation of Capacity and Priority Rights of Transmission Projects

The Commission issues a Proposed Policy Statement regarding Allocation of capacity of new merchant transmission projects and new cost-based, participant-funded transmission projects. Docket Nos. AD12-9-000 and AD11-11-000

RM12-6-000, RM12-7-000
Errata Notice to NOPR on ERO Definition of BES

FERC issues an errata to the NOPR on the BES Definition deleting footnote 92. Docket Nos. RM12-6-000 and RM12-7-000

NP12-27-000, NP12-29-000, NP12-30-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - May 30, 2012 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issues an order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP12-27-000 Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty; NP12-29-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; and NP12-30-000 American Electric Power Service Corporation.

Letter Order Approving Amendments to Delegation Agreement with MRO

FERC issues a letter order approving NERC's May 17, 2012 petition for amendments to the delegation agreement with Midwest Reliability Organization. Docket No. RR12-9-000

RM12-6-000, RM12-7-000
NOPR on Revisions to ERO Definition of Bulk Electric System and Rules of Procedure

FERC issues a NOPR on NERC's Definition of Bulk Electric System and Rules of Procedure in which it proposes to approve NERC's definition.  Docket Nos. RM12-6-000 and RM12-7-000

Order No. 764 - Final Rule on the Integration of Variable Energy Resources

FERC issues a final rule in which it amends the pro forma Open Access Transmission Tariff to remove unduly discriminatory practices and to ensure just and reasonable rates for Commission-jurisdictional services.  Docket No. RM10-11-000

Order Denying Rehearing and Providing Clarification - NP10-18

FERC issues an order denying rehearing and providing clarification on the April 18, 2011 requests for clarification of the March 17, 2011 Order on Review of Notice of Penalty involving Turlock Irrigation District. Docket No. NP10-18-002

Letter to NERC from FERC Office of Electric Reliability on the Follow-Up Actions in Response to August 16, 2011 Joint Report

FERC issues a letter to NERC in which it requests the status of the initiative to modify Reliability Standards to address winterization and related issues and a status report on NERC’s anticipated timeline for filing with the Commission any proposed new or revised Reliability Standards.  Docket No. AD11-9-000

Errata Notice on Order Approving Regional Reliability Standard

FERC issues an errata notice correcting a footnote in the Order Approving Regional Reliability Standard.  Docket No. RD12-1-000

Order Terminating Proceeding - NOI on Transmission Loading Relief and the OATT

On January 21, 2010, the Commission issued a Notice of Inquiry (NOI) seeking comments regarding whether there are conflicts between NERC Reliability Standard IRO-006-4 (Reliability Coordination - Transmission Loading Relief (TLR)) and the curtailment priorities set forth in the Commission’s pro forma Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT). The Commission terminates the NOI. Docket No. RM10-9-000

RC11-1-002, RC11-2-002
Order Accepting December 2, 2011 Compliance Filing

The Commission issues an order accepting NERC's December 2, 2011 compliance filing in response to the June 16, 2011 Order denying the registration appeals of Cedar Creek Wind Energy, LLC and Milford Wind Corridor Phase I, LLC. Docket Nos. RC11-1-002 and RC11-2-002

Letter Order Approving Amendments to FRCC Delegation Agreement

The Commission issues a letter order approving NERC's February 22, 2012 filing which contained amendments to Florida Reliability Coordinating Council's Delegation Agreement. Docket No. RR12-4-000

Letter Order Approving Amendments to SERC Delegation Agreement

The Commission issues a letter order approving NERC's March 15, 2012 filing which contained amendments to SERC Reliability Corporation's Delegation Agreement. Docket No. RR12-5-000

Notice of Extension of Time to Submit Comments in Response to FERC's April 19, 2012 NOPR on Transmission Planning Reliability Standards

FERC issues a Notice of Extension of Time to submit comments in response to the April 19, 2012 NOPR on Transmission Planning Reliability Standards. An extension of time for filing comments on the April 19, 2012 NOPR is granted to and including July 20, 2012. Docket No. RM12-1-000

Order Approving Regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-TRE-1

FERC issues an order in which it approves the Regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-TRE-1, associated VRFs and VSLs, and the implementation plan. Docket No. RD12-1-000

Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Clarification of the March 15, 2012 FFT Order

FERC issues an order granting in part and denying in part, NERC’s request for Clarification of the March 15, 2012 Order, and denying the alternative request for rehearing. The March 15, 2012 Order approved the FFT Compliance Enforcement Mechanism and on April 16, 2012, NERC asked for clarification on the certification statement of mitigation activities associated with remediated issues. Docket No. RC11-6-001

Report on Transmission Facility Outages during the Northeast Snowstorm

FERC and NERC issued a report on the Transmission Facility Outages during the Northeast Snowstorm of October 29, 2011 through October 30, 2011

NP12-23-000, NP12-24-000, NP12-25-000, NP12-26-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - April 30, 2012 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issues an order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in NP12-23-000 Southern California Edison – Generation – Power Production Business Unit; NP12-24-000 East Kentucky Power Cooperative; NP12-25-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; and NP12-26-000 Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty.

Letter Order Accepting Compliance Filing on FAC-013-2

FERC issues a letter order in which it accepts the January 17, 2011 compliance filing in which NERC submitted a response to the November 17 Order. NERC clarified the Violation Severity Level language in Requirement R1, as set out in the November 17 Order, and proposed that Requirements R1 and R4 be assigned a "Medium" Violation Risk Factor. Docket No. RD11-3-000

Letter Order Accepting NERC's Compliance Filing Regarding FAC-008-3

FERC issues a letter order accepting a compliance filing in which NERC proposed to assign a "Medium" Violation Risk Factor (VRF) for Requirement R2 of FAC-008-3, as directed in the November 17 Order. Docket No. RD11-10-000

Order No. 763 Approving Reliability Standards PRC-006-1 and EOP-003-2

FERC issues a Final Rule approving Reliability Standards PRC-006-1 (Automatic Underfrequency Load Shedding) and EOP-003-2 (Load Shedding Plans), with modifications. Docket No. RM11-20-000 (Order No. 763)

Data Request in Response to the NERC Petition for Approval of Proposed Reliability Standard FAC-003-2 (Transmission Vegetation Management)

FERC issues a data request in response to NERC's petition for approval of proposed Reliability Standard FAC-003-2 (Transmission Vegetation Management) in order to better understand NERC’s petition. Docket No. RM12-4-000

RM06-16-010, RM06-16-011
Order on Motion for an Extension of Time and Setting Compliance Schedule for BAL-003-0

FERC issues an order on NERC's Motion for and Extension of Time and establishes a compliance schedule for NERC to submit a revised BAL-003 Reliability Standard consistent with the Commission’s directives in Order No. 693. Docket Nos. RM06-16-010 and RM06-16-011

NP12-19-000, NP12-20-000, NP12-21-000, NP12-22-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - March 30, 2012 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issues an order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in NP12-19-000 American Electric Power Service Corporation as agent for Public Service Company of Oklahoma & SW Electric Power Company; NP12-20-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP12-21-000 Sunflower Electric Power Corporation; and NP12-22-000 Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty.

Notice Inviting Comments on Report Prepared by PNNL on "Applicability of the 'Gallet Equation' to the Vegetation Clearances of NERC Reliability Standard FAC-003-2"

FERC posts and invites comment upon a report prepared by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) on “Applicability of the ‘Gallet Equation’ to the Vegetation Clearances of NERC Reliability Standard FAC-003-2” (PNNL Report). Docket No. RM12-4-000
[Report - Applicability of the ‘Gallet Equation’ to the Vegetation Clearances of NERC Reliability Standard FAC-003-2]

NOPR on Standards For Business Practices and Communication Protocols for Public Utilities

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) proposing to amend its regulations to incorporate by reference the business practice standards adopted by the Wholesale Electric Quadrant of the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) that pertain to the measurement and verification of demand response and energy efficiency resources participating in organized wholesale electricity markets. Docket No. RM05-5-020​

NOPR Proposing to Remand TPL-001-2

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) in which it proposes to remand proposed Reliability Standard, TPL-001-2. Docket No. RM12-1-000

Notice of Inquiry on Open Access and Priority Rights for Capacity on Interconnection Facilities

FERC issues a notice of inquiry (NOI) in which it seeks to explore whether, and, if so, how the Commission should revise its current policy concerning priority rights and open access with regard to certain interconnection facilities. Docket No. AD11-11-000​

Order Denying Appeal of an ERO Compliance Registry Determination

FERC issues an order denying the compliance registry appeal of the City of Holland, Michigan Board of Public Works. Docket No. RC11-5-000​

Order Granting Appeal of an ERO Compliance Registry Determination and Remanding for Further Proceeding

FERC issues an order granting the compliance registry appeal of the US. Department of Energy, Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office (DOE-PPPO). The order also Remands for further proceeding the issue of whether NERC should register Ohio Valley Electric Corporation (OVEC) as a Load-Serving Entity. Docket No. RC08-5-001 ​

Order No. 761 - Final Rule Approving Version 4 CIP Standards

FERC issues an order approving the eight modified Critical Infrastructure Protection Reliability Standards (CIP-002-4 through CIP-009-4), the related Violation Risk Factors, Violation Severity Levels with modifications, implementation plan and effective date. Docket No. RM11-11-000 (Order No. 761)​

Order No. 762 - Final Rule Remanding TPL-002-0b

FERC issues an order in which it remands proposed Transmission Planning (TPL) Reliability Standard TPL-002-0b. Docket No. RM11-18-000​

NP12-14-000, NP12-15-000, NP12-16-000, NP12-17-000, NP12-18-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - February 29, 2012 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issues an order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP12-14-000 Commonwealth Chesapeake Company, LLC; NP12-15-000 KCPL – Greater Missouri Operations; NP12-16-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP12-17-000 Unidentified Registered Entity and NP12-18-000 Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty.​

RC11-6-000, RC12-1-000, RC12-2-000, RC12-6-000, RC12-7-000, RC12-8-000
Order Accepting with Conditions Petition Requesting Approval of New Enforcement Mechanisms and Requiring Compliance Filing

FERC issues an order accepting with conditions the petition requesting approval of new enforcement mechanisms and requiring a compliance filing. The order approves the FFT filings and requires submission of a compliance filing within 60 days of the order and to submit two informational filings. Docket Nos. RC11-6-000, RC12-1-000, RC12-2-000, RC12-6-000, RC12-7-000, and RC12-8-000 [Wellinghoff Statement, LaFleur Statement]​

Order No. 759 - Approving Transmission Relay Loadability Reliability Standard PRC-023-2

FERC issues an order in which it approves Reliability Standard PRC-023-2 (Transmission Relay Loadability) and also approves NERC Rules of Procedure Section 1700 – Challenges to Determinations, which provides registered entities a means to challenge determinations made by planning coordinators under Reliability Standard PRC-023. Docket No. RM11-16-000; Order No. 759​

Amendments to WECC Delegation Agreement

FERC issues a letter order approving NERC's November 22, 2011 filing to amend Western Electricity Coordinating Council's Delegation Agreement, including the Bylaws and Regional Reliability Standards Development Procedures. Docket No. RR12-2-000​

Letter Order Restoring Section 402.1.3.2 of NERC ROP

FERC issues a letter order approving NERC's November 7, 2011 compliance filing to restore Section 402.1.3.2 of the NERC Rules of Procedure. Docket No. RR10-11-004​

NP12-11-000, NP12-12-000, NP12-13-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - January 31/February 1, 2012 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issues an order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP12-11-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP12-12-000 Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty; and NP12-13-000 American Transmission Co. LLC.​

Notice Providing For Reply Comments Re: Availability of E-Tag Information to Commission Staff

FERC issues a notice providing for reply comments regarding the availability of E-Tag information to Commission Staff. Reply comments are due by March 26, 2012. Docket No. RM11-12-000​

Notice Assigning Docket No. and Requesting Comments on Gas-Electric Interdependence

On February 3, 2012, FERC Commissioner Philip Moeller requested comments on a set of questions and other text concerning gas-electric interdependence. For purposes of administrative convenience and facilitating public access to any submissions filed in response, FERC issues a notice assigning Docket No. AD12-12-000 to this request and revises the process for filing submissions in response to this request.  Docket No. AD12-12-000

[Original Request]

Notice of Extension of Time for System Personnel Training Reliability Standards

FERC grants NERC a two-year extension of time to and including September 30, 2014 to complete a project pursuant to the Commission’s Order No. 742 to consider whether personnel that support EMS applications should be included in mandatory training. Docket No. RM09-25-000​

Notice of Extension of Time on Transmission Relay Loadability Reliability Standard

FERC grants NERC a one-year extension of time to and including September 30, 2013 to complete the a new generator relay loadability Reliability Standard, pursuant to the Commission’s Order No. 733. Docket No. RM08-13-001​

Order Approving Modification to Definition of Protection System

FERC issues a letter order in which it approves NERC proposed modification to the definition of Protection System in the NERC Glossary of Terms Used in NERC Reliability Standards. Docket No. RD11-13-000​

Order No. 758 - Order Approving Interpretation of Protection System Reliability Standard PRC-005-1

FERC issues a Final Rule in which it approves an interpretation to Requirement R1 of Commission-approved Reliability Standard PRC-005-1. FERC also directs NERC to develop modifications to the PRC-005-1 Reliability Standard through its Reliability Standards development process to address gaps in the Protection System maintenance and testing standard that were highlighted by the proposed interpretation. Docket No. RM10-5-000

Order Approving Amendments to Rules of Procedure

FERC issues an order approving amendments to the Rules of Procedure. On November 29, 2011, NERC proposed revisions to Sections 100 through 1600 of the Rules of Procedure and Appendices 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 5A, 5B, 6 and 8 and a new Appendix 2. The proposed revisions included: (1) placing all definitions of defined terms used anywhere in the Rules of Procedure in a single, readily-accessible location within Appendix 2; (2) capitalizing defined terms throughout the Rules of Procedure where such terms are used within their defined meanings; and (3) lowercasing currently undefined capitalized terms in the Rules of Procedure. Docket No. RR12-3-000​

NP12-6-000, NP12-7-000, NP12-8-000, NP12-9-000, NP12-10-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - December 30, 2011 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issues an order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP12-6-000 Jersey Central Power & Light Company; NP12-7-000 West Penn Power Company, Monongahela Power Company, and The Potomac Edison Company, formerly d/b/a Allegheny Power; NP12-8-000 Sacramento Municipal Utility District; NP12-9-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; and NP12-10-000 Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty.​

Letter Order Approving Revisions to Appendix 4D of the NERC Rules of Procedure

FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC's proposed revisions to section 1.3 of Appendix 4D of the NERC Rules of Procedure - Procedure for Requesting and Receiving Technical Feasibility Exceptions (TFE) to NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards. Docket No. RR12-1-000​

NP12-3-000, NP12-4-000, NP12-5-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - November 30, 2011 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issued an Order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP12-3-000 Unidentified Registered Entity, NP12-4-000 Unidentified Registered Entity and NP12-5-000 Spreadsheet NOP.

Order Approving Interpretation of EOP-001-0 Requirements R1 and R3.2

FERC issues an order in which it approves the proposed interpretation of Reliability Standard EOP-001-0. The standard will now be referred to as EOP-001-2b.  Docket No. RD11-12-000

Approving Stipulation and Consent Agreement - PacifiCorp

The Commission approves the Stipulation and Consent Agreement between the Office of Enforcement, NERC, and PacifiCorp. Docket No. IN11-6-000​

NP12-1-000, NP12-2-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - October 31, 2011 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issued an Order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP12-1-000 Unidentified Registered Entity and NP12-2-000 Spreadsheet NOP.

Order Approving Amendments to NERC RoP Appendices 3B and 3D

FERC issues an Order Approving Amendments to Appendices 3B and 3D to the Rules of Procedure regarding the election procedures for member of the NERC Standards Committee and for changes to the Registered Ballot Body criteria.  Docket No. RR11-5-000

Order Approving Reliability Standard FAC-008-3

FERC issues an order approving Reliability Standard FAC-008-3 (Facility Ratings), the associated Violation Risk Factors (VRF) and Violation Severity Levels (VSL), and retirement of Reliability Standards FAC-008-1 (Facility Ratings Methodology) and FAC-009-1 (Establish and Communicate Facility Ratings).  Docket No. RD11-10-000

Order Approving Reliability Standard FAC-013-2

FERC issues an Order Approving Reliability Standard FAC-013-2—Assessment of Transfer Capability for the Near-term Transmission Planning Horizon that NERC filed for approval on January 28, 2011.  RD11-3-000

RC11-2-001, RC11-1-001
Order Denying Rehearing and Partially Granting Clarification Regarding Cedar Creek and Milford Compliance Registry Appeals

FERC issues an Order Denying Rehearing and Partially Granting Clarification in response to NERC’s July 18, 2011 request for clarification or rehearing concerning appeals of Cedar Creek and Milford’s registration as TOs and TOPs. Docket Nos. RC11-2-001 and RC11-1-001

Order Denying Rehearing of SPP RE and NPPD's Requests for Rehearing of FERC's July 21, 2011 Order Denying Petitions for Review

FERC issues an Order Denying Rehearing of NPPD’s request for rehearing of the Order denying NPPD’s transfer to SPP RE. Docket No. RR11-1-002

Letter Order Approving CMEP Agreements Between WECC and NPCC and Related Amendments to Delegation Agreements

FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC's May 25, 2011 filing of a petition for approval of a Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement (CMEP) Agreement between NPCC and WECC, and agreement between NERC and WECC regarding termination of the existing CMEP agreement of WECC entities, and related amendments to Delegation Agreements between NERC and NPCC and NERC and WECC.  Docket No. RR11-2-000

AD12-1-000, RC11-6-000, EL11-62-000
Request for Evidence of Commissioner Moeller on EPA Issues for the November 2011 Reliability Conference

FERC issues a Request For Evidence of Commissioner Philip D. Moeller On EPA Issues for the November 2011 Reliability Conference.  Docket Nos. AD12-1-000, RC11-6-000, and EL11-62-000-

AD12-1-000, RC11-6-000, EL11-62-000
Second Notice of Technical Conference on Policy Issues Relating to the Reliability of the Bulk Power System - Agenda and Panelists

FERC issued a second notice of staff meeting for a technical conference on policy issues related to the reliability of the bulk power system. This notice includes the agenda and list of panelists. The technical conference will also discuss emerging issues, including processes used by planning authorities and other entities to identify reliability concerns that may arise in the course of compliance with Environmental Protection Agency regulations and the tools and processes available to address any identified reliability concerns. The notice sets the date of the Technical Discussion as Tuesday, November 29, 2011 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm and Wednesday, November 30, 2011 from 9:00am to 4:00 pm.

FERC Follow-Up Actions for SPP RE, Texas RE and WECC in response to August 16, 2011 Joint Report

FERC issued a Notice of Follow-Up Actions for SPP RE, Texas RE and WECC in Response to the August 16, 2011 Joint Report. The Joint Report was issued by FERC and NERC following an inquiry into the February 2011 cold weather event in the Southwest. This notice was issued today by FERC in Docket No. AD11-9-000

FERC Staff's Plan for Retrospective Analysis of Existing Rules

FERC issued its plan plan for retrospective analysis of existing rules. FERC created this plan in response to the Executive Order 13579 which requested that independent agencies issue public plans for periodic retrospective analysis of their existing rules. Docket No. AD12-6-000

Here is a link to the President’s Executive Order 13549 which was issued on July 11, 2011:http://www.ferc.gov/legal/maj-ord-reg/retro-analysis/eo_13579.pdf

Notice of Technical Conference on Voltage Coordination on High Voltage Grids

FERC isssued a Notice of Technical Conference on Voltage Coordination on High Voltage Grids issued by FERC in Docket No. AD12-5-000. The technical conference will be held on Thursday, December 1, 2011 from 9:00 – 4:30 p.m.

FERC Staff Report on Demand Response and Advanced Metering

FERC Staff issued its Assessment of Demand Response and Advanced Metering.

NP11-267-000, NP11-268-000, NP11-269-000, NP11-270-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - September 30, 2011 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issued an Order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP11-267-000 Metropolitan Edison Company; NP11-268-000 Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.; NP11-269-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; and NP11-270-000 Spreadsheet NOP

Second Notice of Technical Conference on Penalty Guidelines

The Commission issued a Second Notice of Technical Conference on Penalty Guidelines. The technical conference will be held on November 17, 2011 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. This notice also includes the schedule and the lists of the panelists.  Docket No. PL10-4-000

NOPR on Automatic Underfrequency Load Shedding and Load Shedding Plans Reliability Standards PRC-006-1 and EOP-003-2

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposes to approve Reliability Standards PRC-006-1 (Automatic Underfrequency Load Shedding) and EOP-003-2 (Load Shedding Plans), VRFs, VSLs, implementation plan, and effective date.  Docket No. RM11-20-000

NOPR on Transmission Planning Reliability Standards TPL-002-0a Footnote "b"

FERC issues a NOPR in which it proposes to remand NERC's proposed revision to the footnote regarding planned or controlled interruption of electric supply where a single contingency occurs on a transmission system included in a table in TPL-002-0a.  Docket No. RM11-18-000

Order Accepting 2012 Business Plan and Budget of NERC

FERC issues an order in which it accepts the business plan and budget of NERC and the business plans and budgets of the Regional Entities and WIRAB, as well as the associated attachments and updates.  Docket No. RR11-7-000

FERC issues a Order in which it approves the interpretation to Requirement R10 to Reliability Standard TOP-002-2a.  The standard will now be referred to as TOP-002-2b and is effective as of the date of the order.  Docket No. RD11-9-000
Order Approving Regional Reliability Standard PRC-002-NPCC-01

FERC issues an order approving the Regional Reliability Standard PRC-002-NPCC-01 and the accompanying implementation plan.  Docket No. RD11-8-000

Order Denying Rehearing - US Army Corps - Tulsa District NOP

The Commission issued an order denying rehearing of the January 14, 2011 rehearing request submitted by the US Army Corps of Engineers-Tulsa District. The Commission reaffirms its previous findings that federal entities are obligated to adhere to the requirements of duly adopted and approved Reliability Standards under FPA section 215. Docket No. NP10-160-001​

Letter Order Accepting Amendments to Delegation Agreement between NERC and NPCC and the NPCC RSDP

FERC issues a letter order approving a petition requesting approval of amendments to the Delegation Agreement between NERC and Northeast Power Coordinating Council, Inc. (NPCC), specifically amendments to NPCC’s Bylaws and Regional Reliability Standards Development Procedure.  Docket No. RR11-3-000

Letter Order Approving True-Up Filing for 2010 Budgets

The Commission issued a Letter Order approving NERC's May 31, 2011 filing that compared budgeted costs to actual costs for the 2010 fiscal year.  Docket No. RR11-4-000

Notice and Request for Comment on Proposed Agency Information Collection Related to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and Proposed FAC-008-3 Reliability Standard

FERC solicits comment on a proposed collection of information that the Commission is developing for submission to the Office of Management and Budget pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The proposed information collection relates to a proposed Reliability Standard FAC-008-3 (Facility Ratings) submitted by NERC to the Commission for approval.  Docket No. RD11-10-000

Notice of Technical Conference on policy issues relating to the reliability of the bulk power system

FERC issued a notice of a technical conference on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm and Wednesday, November 30, 2011 from 9:00am to 4:00 pm. The Technical Conference will also discuss emerging issues, including processes used by planning authorities and other entities to identify reliability concerns that may arise in the course of compliance with Environmental Protection Agency regulations and the tools and processes available to address any identified reliability concerns. Docket No. AD12-1-000

Notice of Technical Discussion on reliability issues relating to "Single Point of Failure on Protection Systems"

FERC issues a notice of a technical discussion on Monday, October 24, 2011 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm and on Tuesday, October 25, 2011 from 8:00am to approximately noon.  The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the reliability implications to the interconnected transmission system associated with a single point of failure on protection systems. Docket No. RM10-6-000

RR10-11-003, RR07-8-005, RR07-8-004, RR07-7-008, RR07-3-005, RR07-3-004, RR06-1-026, RR06-1-025, RR06-1-024
Order on Compliance Filing Regarding NERC's ROP, Pro Forma Delegation Agreements, and Delegation Agreements between FRCC and MRO

FERC issues and Order concerning NERC’s Rules of Procedure, NERC’s Pro Forma Delegation Agreement, Delegation Agreements between NERC and the eight Regional Entities, and Bylaws of the Florida Reliability Coordinating Council (FRCC) and Midwest Reliability Organization (MRO).  Docket Nos. RR10-11-003, RR07-8-005, RR07-8-004, RR07-7-008, RR07-3-005, RR07-3-004, RR06-1-026, RR06-1-025, RR06-1-024

NP11-260-000, NP11-261-000, NP11-262-000, NP11-263-000, NP11-264-000, NP11-265-000, NP11-266-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - August 31, 2011 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issued an Order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP11-260-000 Louisiana Energy and Power Authority; NP11-261-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-262-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-263-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-264-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-265-000 Cleco Corporation; and NP11-266-000 Administrative Citation Notice of Penalty.

Notice of Technical Conference Regarding CIP-006-2

FERC issues a Notice of Technical Conference on CIP-006-2 to explore the risks of leaving dial-up intelligent electronic devices that are part of the Bulk-Power System and that use non-routable protocols physically unprotected.  The date of the conference is set as October 25, 2011.  Docket No. RD10-8-000

Order Approving Interpretations to PRC-004-1 and PRC-005-1

FERC issues an order approving interpretations to Reliability Standards PRC-004-1 and PRC-005-1.  Docket No. RD11-5-000

Notice of Technical Conference on Penalty Guidelines

FERC issued a Notice of Technical Conference on Penalty Guidelines to discuss the impact of the guidelines on compliance and enforcement matters.  The notice sets the date of November 17, 2011 for the technical conference.  Docket No. PL10-4-000

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Transmission Relay Loadability Standard PRC-023-2

FERC issues a NOPR in which it proposed to approve Transmission Relay Loadability Reliability Standard PRC-023-2 and accompanying NERC Rules of Procedure modifications.  Docket No. RM11-16-000

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Version 4 CIP Reliability Standards

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in which it proposes to approve eight modified Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Reliability Standards, CIP-002-4 through CIP-009-4.  The Commission also proposes to approve the related Violation Risk Factors and Violation Severity Levels with modifications, the implementation plan, and effective date proposed by NERC.  Docket RM11-11-000

Order Approving Personnel Performance, Training, and Qualification Reliability Standard PER-003-1

FERC issues an order in which it approves a Personnel Performance, Training and Qualification Reliability Standard PER-003-1.  Docket No. RD11-7-000

Order No. 733-B - Order Denying Reconsideration and Granting Clarification in Part and Denying Clarification in Part

FERC issues an Order Denying Reconsideration and Granting Clarification in Part and Denying Clarification in Part in which the the Commission addresses requests for clarification or reconsideration of Order No. 733-A, which addressed requests for rehearing and clarification of FERC's Final Rule on NERC Reliability Standard PRC-023-1 regarding “relay loadability.” Docket No. RM08-13-004

Order No. 753 - Order on ERO Interpretation of Transmission Operations Reliability Standard TOP-001-1 Requirement R8

FERC issues an order in which it approves NERC's proposed interpretation of Reliability Standard, TOP-001-1, Requirement R8, which pertains to the restoration of real and reactive power during a system emergency.  Docket No. RM10-29-000; Order No. 753

Order No. 754 - Order Approving Interpretation of TPL-002-0 Requirement R1.3.10

FERC issues an order in which it approves an interpretation of Reliability Standard TPL-002-0 Requirement R1.3.10.  Docket No. RM10-6-000; Order No. 754

Order on Notice of Penalty - NP11-184-000

The Commission issued an Order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notice of Penalty in Docket No. NP11-184-000.

NP11-233-000, NP11-234-000, NP11-235-000, NP11-236-000, NP11-237-000, NP11-238-000, NP11-239-000, NP11-240-000, NP11-241-000, NP11-242-000, NP11-243-000, NP11-244-000, NP-254-000, NP11-255-000, NP11-256-000, NP11-257-000, NP11-258-000, NP11-259-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - August 11, 2011 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issued an Order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP11-254-000 Rochester Public Utilities; NP11-255-000 AES Deepwater, Inc.; NP11-256-000 Progress Energy Florida; NP11-257-000 Optim Energy Marketing, LLC; NP11-258-000 Iberdrola Renewables and NP11-259-000 Western Electricity Coordinating Council.

Order Approving Stipulation and Consent Agreement - Grand River Dam Authority

The Commission approves the Stipulation and Consent Agreement between the Office of Enforcement, NERC, and Grand River Dam Authority.  Docket No. IN11-7-000

Order Initiating Review of Notice of Penalty - Docket No. NP11-238

The Commission issued an order initiating a review of the July 28, 2011 Notice of Penalty for Southwestern Power Administration. The Commission established a filing deadline for any answers, interventions or comments of twenty days from the date of this order. Docket No. NP11-238-000

NP11-229-000, NP11-230-000, NP11-231-000, NP11-232-000, NP11-233-000, NP11-234-000, NP11-235-000, NP11-236-000, NP11-237-000, NP11-238-000, NP11-239-000, NP11-240-000, NP11-241-000, NP11-242-000, NP11-243-000, NP11-244-000, NP11-245-000, NP11-246-000, NP11-247-000, NP11-248-000, NP11-249-000, NP11-250-000, NP11-251-000, NP11-252-000, NP11-253-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - July 28 and July 29, 2011 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issued an Order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP11-229-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-230-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-231-000 Ripon Cogeneration LLC; NP11-232-000 The Detroit Edison Company; NP11-233-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-234-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-235-000 New Covert Generating Company, LLC; NP11-236-000 Scurry County Wind LP; NP11-237-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-239-000 Public Utility District No. 1 of Snohomish County; NP11-240-000 Public Service Company of New Mexico; NP11-241-000 Dynegy Inc.; NP11-242-000 Panoche Energy Center LLC; NP11-243-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-244-000 NextEra Energy Resources, LLC; NP11-245-000 Exelon Generation Co., LLC; NP11-246-000 Scrubgrass Generating Company, LP; NP11-247-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-248-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-249-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-250-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-251-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-252-000 Arizona Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.; NP11-253-000 Administrative Citation Notice of Penalty.

Letter Order Approving Standards Process Manual Compliance Filing

FERC issues a letter order approving NERC's December 1, 2010 Standards Process Manual Filing in compliance with FERC's September 2010 Order.  Docket No RR10-12-001

Notice of FERC Audit of NERC

The Division of Audits in the Office of Enforcement of FERC is commencing an audit of NERC.  This is a financial performance audit that will evaluate NERC's budget formulation, administration and execution.  This economy and efficiency audit will focus on the costs and resources used to achieve program objectives and will cover the period from August 23, 2006 to the present.  Docket No. FA11-21-000

Order Approving Reliability Standard CIP-001-2a (Sabotage Reporting) with a Regional Variance for Texas RE

FERC issues a letter order approving Reliability Standard CIP-001-2a (Sabotage Reporting) with a regional variance for Texas Reliability Entity.  Docket No. RD11-6-000

NP11-201-000, NP11-202-000, NP11-203-000, NP11-204-000, NP11-205-000, NP11-206-000, NP11-207-000, NP11-208-000, NP11-209-000, NP11-210-000, NP11-211-000, NP11-212-000, NP11-213-000, NP11-214-000, NP11-215-000, NP11-216-000, NP11-217-000, NP11-218-000, NP11-219-000, NP11-220-000, NP11-221-000, NP11-222-000, NP11-223-000, NP11-224-000, NP11-225-000, NP11-226-000, NP11-227-000, NP11-228-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - June 29, 2011 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issued an Order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP11-201-000 Lane Electric Cooperative Inc.; NP11-202-000 High Desert Power Project, LLC; NP11-203-000 City of Loveland, Colorado; NP11-204-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-205-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-206-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-207-000 Troy Energy, LLC; NP11-208-000 Black Hills/Colorado Electric Utility Co.; NP11-209-000 Blachly-Lane Electric Cooperative; NP11-210-000 Indianapolis Power & Light Co.; NP11-211-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-212-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-213-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-214-000 T.E.S. Filer City Station, LP; NP11-215-000 Boise-Kuna Irrigation District; NP11-216-000 Merced Irrigation District; NP11-217-000 High Trail Wind Farm, LLC; NP11-218-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-219-000 City of Batavia Municipal Electric ; NP11-220-000 Elwood Energy, LLC; NP11-221-000 Columbia Rural Electric Assoc.; NP11-222-000 Luminant Energy Co.; NP11-223-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-224-000 Alcoa Power Generating Inc.; NP11-225-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-226-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-227-000 Springfield Utility Board and NP11-228-000 Administrative Citation NOP.

RR11-1-000, RR11-1-001
Order Denying Requests to Tranfer Compliance Registrations

FERC issues an order in which it denies NPPD’s and SPP RE’s requests to permit transfer of the Nebraska Entities’ compliance registrations from MRO to SPP RE.  Docket Nos.  RR11-1-000, RR11-1-001

Order No. 1000 - Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation by Transmission Owning and Operating Public Utilities

FERC issued Order No. 1000 which amends the Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation requirements that were established in Order No. 890. Docket No. RM10-23-000

Order on Smart Grid Interoperability Standards

FERC issued an order in which it finds that there is insufficient consensus for the five families of smart grid interoperability standards under consideration. For this reason, the Commission will not institute a rulemaking proceeding at this time with respect to these standards and terminates this docket.  Docket No. RM11-2-000

RM10-15-001, RM10-16-001

Order on Clarification Regarding Reliability Standards for Interconnection Reliability Operating Limits; System Restoration Reliability Standards

FERC issues an Order on Clarification in which it grants the North NERC's request for clarification of certain aspects of Order No. 748 including: (1) the proper effective date language for Reliability Standard IRO-004-2; (2) the correct version identification for the approval of EOP-001 intended by the Commission; and (3) the proper effective date for Reliability Standard EOP-001-2. The Commission also grants NERC’s request for clarification of Order No. 749 with respect to the version EOP-001 the Commission intended to approve and its effective date.  Docket Nos. RM10-15-001 and RM10-16-001

Order Approving Stipulation and Consent Agreement between Office of Enforcement, NERC and WECC

The Commission issued an order approving a Stipulation and Consent Agreement between the Office of Enforcement (FERC), NERC and WECC.  Docket No. IN11-1-000

Letter Order Approving January 6, 2011 Filing Regarding Revised VSLs for FAC Standards

FERC issues a letter order approving NERC’s January 6, 2011 Compliance Filing regarding revised VSLs for the approved FAC Reliability Standards.  Docket No. RD11-1-000.

RD10-6-001, RD09-7-003
Letter Order Approving CIP Version 2 and Version 3 VRFs and VSLs

FERC issues an order approving the complete sets of Violation Risk Factors (VRFs) and Violation Severity Levels (VSLs) to the Version 2 and Version 3 Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Standards.  Docket No. RD10-6-001, RD09-7-003

Data Request - NP11-184

FERC issued a data request regarding the Notice of Penalty filed on May 26, 2011 regarding an Unidentified Registered Entity.  Docket No. NP11-184-000

NP11-182-000, NP11-183-000, NP11-185-000, NP11-186-000, NP11-187-000, NP11-188-000, NP11-189-000, NP11-190-000, NP11-191-000, NP11-192-000, NP11-193-000, NP11-194-000, NP11-195-000, NP11-196-000, NP11-197-000, NP11-198-000, NP11-199-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - May 26, 2011 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issued an Order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP11-182-000Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-183-000 CPI (CP) LLC; NP11-185-000 Brazos Wind, LP; NP11-186-000 Allegheny Energy Supply Company; NP11-187-000 Edison Mission Marketing & Trading; NP11-188-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-189-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-190-000 Hoosier Energy REC, Inc.; NP11-191-000 UGI Utilities, Inc.; NP11-192-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-193-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-194-000 Edison Mission Marketing & Trading; NP11-195-000 Provo City Corporation; NP11-196-000 Cordova Energy Company, LLC; NP11-197-000 Gila River Power, LP; NP11-198-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-199-000 Administrative Citation NOP.

RC11-1-000, RC11-2-000
Order Denying Compliance Registry Appeals

The Commission issued an Order denying the Compliance Registry appeals of Cedar Creek Wind Energy and Milford Wind Corridor Phase I.  The Commission also directed NERC to work with the entities to create a list Transmission Owner and Transmission Operator Reliability Standards and Requirements that apply to the entities.  Docket Nos. RC11-1-000 and RC11-2-000

Order on Petition to Intervene in Regional Entity Enforcement Hearing

The Commission issued an order where it authorized FirstEnergy to intervene in ReliabilityFirst's Hearing being conducted by ReliabilityFirst and PJM Interconnection, LLC is the subject.  Docket No. RC11-3-00

NP11-163-000, NP11-164-000, NP11-165-000, NP11-166-000, NP11-167-000, NP11-168-000, NP11-169-000, NP11-170-000, NP11-171-000, NP11-172-000, NP11-173-000, NP11-174-000, NP11-175-000, NP11-176-000, NP11-177-000, NP11-178-000, NP11-179-000, NP11-180-000, NP11-181-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - April 29, 2011 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issued an Order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP11-163-000 PacifiCorp, NP11-164-000 American Electric Power Service Corporation; NP11-165-000 Indianapolis Power & Light Company; NP11-166-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-167-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-168-000 American Municipal Power Inc.; NP11-169-000 Alabama Power Company; NP11-170-000 Grays Harbor Energy LLC; NP11-171-000 Duke Energy Corporation; NP11-172-000 Braintree Electric Light Department; NP11-173-000 Safe Harbor Water Power Corporation; NP11-174-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-175-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-176-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-177-000 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company; NP11-178-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-179-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-180-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-181-000 Administration Citation Notice of Penalty

Order Approving a CIP-006-2 Interpretation and Establishing a Technical Conference

The Commission issued an Order approving an interpretation to CIP-006-2 R1.1 and R4.  The Order also directs FERC Staff to convene a technical conference.  Docket No. RD10-8-000

RR08-4-005, RM08-11-001
Order on Compliance Filing and Rehearing - VRF/VSL

The Commission issued an Order accepting NERC’s revised, comprehensive approach to the assignment of VRFs and VSLs ("roll-up approach"). The order also accepts NERC’s Guideline 1 Report, which evaluates VSL assignments to ensure that they do not have the effect of lowering the current expectation of compliance. In addition, the order approves NERC’s revised VSL assignments for the 83 Commission approved Reliability Standards and Reliability Standard NUC-001-2, with the exception of those that are addressed in Docket No. RR08-4-006. Finally, the order grants rehearing of the Order No. 722 directive to change VSL assignments for three Reliability Standards requirements, in order to take into account NERC’s revised comprehensive approach. Docket Nos. RR08-4-005 and RM08-11-0001

Order Granting Rehearing for Further Consideration on Standards for Interconnection Reliability Operating Limits

FERC grants rehearing for further consideration on the order on Mandatory Reliability Standards for Interconnection Reliability Operating Limits. Docket No. RM10-15-001

Order Granting Rehearing for Further Consideration Regarding System Restoration Reliability Standards

FERC grants rehearing for further consideration on the Order on System Restoration Reliability Standards.  Docket No. RM10-16-001

Order Granting Rehearing for Further Consideration Regarding the Turlock Notice of Penalty

FERC issues an order in which it grants rehearing of the Turlock Notice of Penalty Order.  Docket No. NP10-18-002

Request for Additional Information Regarding Petition for Approval of Reliability Standards TPL-001-1, TPL-002-1b, TPL-003-1a, and TPL-004-1

FERC issues a request for additional information in regard to NERC's March 31, 2011 Petition for Approval of Reliability Standards TPL-001-1, TPL-002-1b, TPL-003-1a, and TPL-004-1.  FERC identifies eleven areas in which it requests additional information from NERC.  Docket No. RM11-18-000

Order Accepting Compliance Filing on VRFs and VLSs for PRC-023-1

FERC issues an order accepting the April 19, 2010 filing revising one VRF and three VSLs in response to the March 18, 2010 FERC order  approving the PRC-023-1 standard.  Docket No. RD10-10-000

Order Accepting Compliance Filing Responsible Entities under BAL-006-2

FERC issues an order accepting the NERC Compliance filing on the entities responsible under Reliability Standard BAL-006-2.  A January 6 FERC Order required NERC to submit a compliance filing to identify the entity or entities that are responsible under Reliability Standard BAL-006-2 for calculating Inadvertent Interchange  among the Local Balancing Authority Areas within the Midwest ISO Balancing Authority Area.  Docket No. RD10-4-000

Order Granting Midwest ISO's Recovery of Penalty Cost

The Commission issued an order granting Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc.’s request to recover the $7,000 penalty costs assessed in the December 22, 2009 Settlement Agreement (NP11-59) from Tariff customers under Schedule 34.  Docket No. ER11-2798.

Errata Notice - Order Approving Reliability StandardsIRO-006-5 and IRO-006-EAST-1

FERC issues an errata notice on the Order Approving Standards IRO-006-5 and IRO-006-EAST-1.  Docket No. RD11-2-000

NP11-134-000, NP11-135-000, NP11-136-000, NP11-137-000, NP11-138-000, NP11-139-000, NP11-140-000, NP11-141-000, NP11-142-000, NP11-143-000, NP11-144-000, NP11-145-000, NP11-146-000, NP11-147-000, NP11-148-000, NP11-149-000, NP11-150-000, NP11-151-000, NP11-152-000, NP11-153-000, NP11-154-000, NP11-155-000, NP11-156-000, NP11-157-000, NP11-158-000, NP11-159-000, NP11-160-000, NP11-161-000, NP11-162-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - March 31 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issued an Order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP11-134-000 Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority; NP11-135-000 Public Utility District No. 1 of Snohomish County; NP11-136-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-137-000 Unidentified Registered Entity;NP11-138-000 El Paso Electric Company; NP11-139-000 Dynegy Arlington Valley, LLC; NP11-140-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-141-000 City of Anaheim; NP11-142-000 People’s Utility District; NP11-143-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-144-000 City of McMinnville; NP11-145-000 Unidentified Registered Entity;NP11-146-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-147-000 Public Utility District No. 1 of Snohomish County; NP11-148-000 Imperial Irrigation District; NP11-149-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-150-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-151-000 Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington; NP11-152-000 Calpine Energy Services; NP11-153-000 Exelon Generation Company, LLC - Exelon Nuclear; NP11-154-000 California Department of Water Resources; NP11-155-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-156-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-157-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-158-000 PSEG Fossil, LLC; NP11-159-000 NextEra Energy Resources, LLC; NP11-160-000 Dartmouth Power Associates, LP; NP11-161-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; and NP11-162-000 Administrative Citation Notice of Penalty.

Errata Notice - Order Approving Reliability Standard EOP-008-1

FERC issues an errata regarding the Order Approving Reliability Standard EOP-008-1 in which it corrects the numbering of section headers.  Docket No. RD11-4-000

NOPR on Electricity Market Transparency Provisions of Section 220 of the Federal Power Act

FERC issue a NOPR concerning a proposed amendment its regulations pursuant to section 220 of the Federal Power Act (FPA), as enacted by section 1281 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005), to facilitate price transparency in markets for the sale and transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce. In doing so, the Commission proposes to require market participants that are excluded from the Commission’s jurisdiction under FPA section 205 and have more than a de minimis market presence to file Electric Quarterly Reports (EQR) with the Commission.  Docket No. RM10-12-000

NOPR on ERO Interpretation of Transmission Operations Reliability Standard

FERC issues a NOPR in which it proposes to approve NERC’s proposed interpretation of Reliability Standard, TOP-001-1, Requirement R8.  Docket No. RM10-29-000

NOPR on the Availability of E-Tag Inforamtion to Commission Staff

FERC issue a NOPR concerning a proposal to revise its regulations to require the Commission-certified Electric Reliability Organization to make available to Commission staff, on an ongoing basis, access to complete electronic tagging data used to schedule the transmission of electric power in wholesale markets.  Docket No. RM11-12-000

Order Approving IRO-006-5 and IRO-006-EAST-1

FERC issues an order in which it approves Reliability Standards IRO-006-5 (Transmission Loading Relief (TLR)) and IRO-006-EAST-1 (TLR Procedure for the Eastern Interconnection), Violation Risk Factors (VRF) and Violation Severity Levels (VSL) for those Reliability Standards, and inclusion of the term “Market Flow” in the NERC Glossary of Terms. Docket No. RD11-2-000

Order Approving Reliability Standard EOP-008-1

FERC issues an order in which it approves Emergency Preparedness and Operations (EOP) Reliability Standard EOP-008-1 (Loss of Control Center Functionality). The Reliability Standard requires reliability coordinators, transmission operators, and balancing authorities to have an operating plan and facilities for backup functionality to ensure Bulk-Power System reliability in the event that a control center becomes inoperable.  Docket No. RD11-4-000

Order No. 750 - Final Rule on the ERO Interpretations of Interconnection Reliability Operations and Coordination and Transmission Operations Reliability Standards

FERC issues a NOPR in which it proposes to approve NERC's interpretation of the Commission-approved Reliability Standards, IRO-005-1, Reliability Coordination – Current-Day Operations, Requirement R12, and TOP-005-1, Operational Reliability Information, Requirement R3.  Docket No. RM10-8-000, Order No. 750

Order No. 751 - Final Rule on Version One Regional Reliability Standards

FERC issues a Final Rule in which it approves four revised regional Reliability Standards developed by the WECC and approved by NERC. These regional Reliability Standards have been designated by the Western Electricity Coordinating Council as FAC-501-WECC-1 – Transmission Maintenance, PRC-004-WECC-1 – Protection System and Remedial Action Scheme Misoperation, VAR-002-WECC-1 – Automatic Voltage Regulators, and VAR-501-WECC-1 – Power System Stabilizer.  Docket No. RM09-9-000; Order No. 751

Order No. 752 - Final Rule on TOP-007-WECC-1

FERC issues a Final Rule in which it approves regional Reliability Standard TOP-007-WECC-1 (System Operating Limits) developed by WECC and submitted to the Commission for approval by NERC.  The Commission also approves the retirement of WECC regional Reliability Standard TOP-STD-007-0, which is replaced by the regional Reliability Standard approved in this Final Rule.  Docket No. RM09-14-000; Order No. 752.

Notice of Extension of Time to Respond to Data Request for CIP V4 Petition

FERC issues a Notice of Extension of Time granting NERC additional time to respond to certain sections of FERC’s April 12, 2011 data request regarding NERC’s Proposed Critical Infrastructure Protection Reliability Standards Version 4 Petition.  Docket No. RM11-11-000

RR11-1-000, RR11-1-001
Notice of Extension of Time to Intervene and Submit Comments on NPPD Petition

FERC issues an extension of time for filing motions to intervene and comments concerning the NPPD Petition to and including April 21, 2011. Docket Nos. RR11-1-000 and RR11-1-001.

Data Request Regarding NERC Petition for Approval for CIP Version 4 Reliability Standards

FERC issues a data request concerning the NERC petition for approval of CIP Version 4 Reliability Standards detailing several areas in which they ask NERC to provide additional information.  Docket No. RM11-11-000

Order on Compliance Filing Regarding Appendix 4D to the NERC Rules of Procedure

FERC issues an order on a compliance filing pertaining to Appendix 4D of the NERC Rules of Procedure, “Procedure for Requesting and Receiving Technical Feasibility Exceptions to NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards,” (TFE Procedure).  The Commission accepts NERC’s filing as in satisfactory compliance.  Docket No. RR10-1-004

NP11-105-000, NP11-106-000, NP11-107-000, NP11-108-000, NP11-109-000, NP11-110-000, NP11-111-000, NP11-112-000, NP11-113-000, NP11-114-000, NP11-115-000, NP11-116-000, NP11-117-000, NP11-118-000, NP11-119-000, NP11-120-000, NP11-121-000, NP11-122-000, NP11-123-000, NP11-124-000, NP11-125-000, NP11-126-000, NP11-127-000, NP11-128-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - February 23 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issued an Order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP11-105-000 Gainesville Regional Utilities; NP11-106-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-107-000 Burney Forest Products; NP11-108-000 Avista Corporation; NP11-109-000 Cedar Falls Utilities; NP11-110-000 Allegheny Power; NP11-111-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-112-000 Consumers Energy Company; NP11-113-000 Montana-Dakota Utilities Company; NP11-114-000 Texas Municipal Power Agency; NP11-115-000 BASF Corp.; NP11-116-000 Unidentified Registered Entity;
NP11-117-000 Nevada Sun-Peak, LP; NP11-118-000 Terra-Gen Dixie Valley, LLC; NP11-119-000 Coso Finance Partners; NP11-120-000 Coso Energy Developers; NP11-121-000 Coso Power Developers; NP11-122-000 PPG Industries, Inc.; NP11-123-000 Covanta Fairfax, Inc.; NP11-124-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-125-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-126-000 Dogwood Energy, LLC; NP11-127-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; and NP11-128-000 Unidentified Registered Entity.

NP11-129-000, NP11-130-000, NP11-131-000, NP11-132-000, NP11-133-000, NP11-109-000, NP11-110-000, NP11-111-000, NP11-112-000, NP11-113-000, NP11-114-000, NP11-115-000, NP11-116-000, NP11-117-000, NP11-118-000, NP11-119-000, NP11-120-000, NP11-121-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - March 25

The Commission issued an Order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP11-129-000 Vandolah Power Company, LLC; NP11-130-000 City of Santa Clara; NP11-131-000 Pacific Gas & Electric Co.; NP11-132-000 Tampa Electric Company; and NP11-133-000 Administrative Citation NOP.

Order 743-A - Order on Rehearing Concerning Revision of the Definition of Bulk Electric System

FERC issued an order denying rehearing and otherwise reaffirming its determinations in Order No. 743. In addition, the Commission clarifies certain provisions of the Final Rule. Order No. 743 directed the Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) to revise the definition of the term “bulk electric system” through the ERO’s Reliability Standards Development Process to address the Commission’s policy and technical concerns and ensure that the definition encompasses all facilities necessary for operating an interconnected electric transmission network pursuant to section 215 of the Federal Power Act.  Docket No RM09-18-001; Order No. 743-A

Order No. 746 - Final Rule Approving Regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-WECC-1

The Commission approves regional Reliability Standard of the WECC IRO-006-WECC-1 (Qualified Transfer Path Unscheduled Flow Relief) and six associated new definitions submitted to the Commission for approval.  Docket No. RM09-19-000; Order No. 746

Order No. 747 - Final Rule Approving Planning Resource Adequacy Assessment Standard BAL-502-RFC-02

FERC approves regional Reliability Standard, BAL-502-RFC-02 (Planning Resource Adequacy Analysis, Assessment and Documentation), developed by RFC.  The Commission also approves four regional reliability definitions related to the approved regional Reliability Standard and the violation risk factors and violation severity levels assigned to the BAL-502-RFC-02 Requirements.  Docket No. RM10-10-000; Order No. 747

Order No. 748 - Final Rule Approving Interconnection Reliability Operating Limits Standards

The Commission issues a final rule approving NERC’s proposed IRO-008-1, IRO-009-1, and IRO-010-1a and proposed revisions to Reliability Standards EOP-001-1, IRO-002-2, IRO-004-2, IRO-005-3, TOP- 003-1, TOP-005-2, and TOP-006-2, which remove requirements for the reliability coordinator to monitor and analyze system operating limits (SOL)4 other than IROLs.  Docket No. RM10-15-000; Order No. 748 

Order No. 749 - Final Rule Approving Three System Restoration Reliability Standards EOP-001-1, EOP-005-2, EOP-006-2, and Definition

FERC issues an order approving EOP-001-1 (Emergency Operations Planning), EOP-005-2 (System Restoration from Blackstart Resources), and EOP-006-2 (System Restoration Coordination) as well as the definition of the term “Blackstart Resource” submitted to the Commission for approval.  Docket No. RM10-16-000

Order on Compliance Filing Regarding Section 300 to NERC's Rules of Procedure

The Commission issues an Order approving proposed revisions to NERC's Section 300 of its Rules of Procedure, specifically a revision that provides an alternative means for developing or modifying a Reliability Standard in response to a Commission directive, including the Board’s development of a draft Reliability Standard, in the event that the regular development process fails to produce a responsive Reliability Standard.  Docket No. RR09-6-003

Order on Review of Notice of Penalty Regarding Turlock Irrigation District

FERC issues an order on review of the notice of penalty concerning Turlock Irrigation District.  In the order, the Commission affirms the penalty in the Notice on its particular facts as an exercise of WECC’s discretion to assess a penalty relating in part to an alleged violation of FAC-003-1 R2 that took place during the “initial period” after that requirement became effective on June 18, 2007, through December 31, 2007.  Docket No. NP10-18-000

Order Denying Rehearing of NPPD Regarding Request to Transfer Regional Entities

FERC issues an order denying NPPD's request for rehearing of the Commission’s October 21, 2010 order conditionally approving the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC) revised Pro Forma Delegation Agreement, revised Delegation Agreements with eight Regional Entities, amendments to NERC’s Rules of Procedure and certain Regional Entity Bylaws.  Docket No. RR10-11-001

NPPD's Petition to Review the NERC BOT Decision; SPP RE's Petition to Review the NERC BOT Decision

Order Dismissing Compliance Filing Regarding Mandatory Reliability Standards for Critical Infrastructure Protection

FERC issued an Order dismissing NERC’s September 9, 2010 proposed CIP Implementation Plan applicable to nuclear power plants as moot given the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s November 26, 2010 letter regarding the regulation of cyber security at commercial nuclear power plants.  Based on the NRC’s November 26, 2010 letter, FERC finds that the NRC’s cyber security rule appears to cover all balance of plant, and no balance of plant at a U.S. nuclear power plant has been found to be subject to NERC’s CIP Standards. Accordingly, FERC dismisses the compliance filing containing the Version 2 and 3 Implementation Plans as moot.  Docket No. RM06-22-014

Notice of No Further Review of Initial Administrative Citation NOP

FERC issues a Notice of No Further Review of Initial Administrative Citation NOP that NERC fuiled on February 1, 2011  The Notice of Penalty pertained to 41 violations by 19 registered entities. The Notice of Penalty was submitted in an abbreviated format, which NERC refers to as an “Administrative Citation.”  Docket No. NP11-104-000

Notice of Extension of Time Regarding Smart Grid Interoperability Standards

FERC issues a notice extending time to submit comments regarding the readindess of the smart grid interoperability standards for Commission consideration.  Comments are now due no later than April 8, 2011. Reply comments should be submitted by April 22, 2011.  Docket No. RM11-2-000

NP11-82-000, NP11-83-000, NP11-84-000, NP11-85-000, NP11-86-000, NP11-87-000, NP11-88-000, NP11-89-000, NP11-90-000, NP11-91-000, NP11-92-000, NP11-93-000, NP11-94-000, NP11-95-000, NP11-96-000, NP11-97-000, NP11-98-000, NP11-99-000, NP11-100-000, NP11-101-000, NP11-102-000, NP11-103-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - March 2, 2011

The Commission issued an Order stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP11-82-000 Castleton Power, LLC; NP11-83-000 Granite Ridge Energy, LLC; NP11-84-000 Sharyland Utilities, LP; NP11-85-000 Scurry County Wind LP; NP11-86-000 Western Area Power Administration – Sierra Nevada Region; NP11-87-000 Sierra Pacific Power Company; NP11-88-000 Mirant Potrero, LLC; NP11-89-000 Arizona Public Service Company; NP11-90-000 Gila River Power, LP; NP11-91-000 Emerald People's Utility District; NP11-92-000 Mason County PUD No. 3; NP11-93-000 Lea County Electric Cooperative, Inc.; NP11-94-000 Stanton Wind Energy, LLC; NP11-95-000 City of Austin dba Austin Energy; NP11-96-000 City of Lake Worth; NP11-97-000 E.ON U.S. Services Inc. for the LG&E and KU Companies; NP11-98-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-99-000 Borger Energy Associates, LP; NP11-100-000 South Carolina Public Service Authority; NP11-101-000 Southern Illinois Power Cooperative; NP11-102-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; and NP11-103-000 Sam Rayburn G&T Electric Cooperative Inc.

RR10-7-002, RR10-11-002
Letter Order Accepting NERC's January 10, 2011 uncontested filing

FERC issues a delegated letter order accepting NERC's January 10, 2011 uncontested filing in response to July 12, 2010 and December 1, 2010 Commission Orders Relating to Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Agreements.  Docket Nos. RR10-7-002, RR10-11-002

Letter Order Accepting NERC's January 24, 2011 Supplemental Budget and Funding Request

FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC's 1/24/11 submittal of a supplemental budget and funding request. Docket No. RR10-13-002

NOP Order - NP10-140

FERC issued a Letter Order stating it would not further review the July 6, 2010 Notice of Penalty regarding an Unidentified Registered Entity. Docket No. NP10-140-000

Notice of Extension of Time to Submit Comments on the LBL Report

FERC issues a notice of extension of time to submit comments on the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBL) report regarding Frequency Response Metrics to Assess Requirements for Reliable Integration of Variable Renewable Generation.  Comments are now due on or before May 6, 2011.  Docket No. AD11-8-000

Order No. 733-A - Order on Rehearing, Clarification, and Request for an Extension of Time

FERC issues Order No. 733-A - Order on Rehearing, Clarification, and Request for an Extension of Time in which FERC issues grants several requests for clarification and grants rehearing, in part, and denies rehearing, in part, of the Final Rule in Order No. 733 which approved and directed modifications to the Transmission Relay Loadability Reliability Standard PRC-023-1.  Docket No. RM08-13-001

Notice Establishing Date for Comments Following February 8, 2011 Technical Conference

FERC establishes a deadline for comments submitted following the February 8, 2011, Commissioner-led technical conference regarding priorities for addressing risks to the
reliability of the Bulk-Power System.  Comments are due on or before March 21, 2011.  Docket No. AD11-6-000

Order Dismissing Request for Extension Regarding WestConnect Utilities

FERC issues an order dismissing request for extenion regarding WestConnect Utilities request to extend the time period in which to comply with the requirements of certain MOD Reliability Standards.  Docket No.  RM08-19-004

Supplemental Notice Request Comments Regarding Smart Grid Interoperability Standards

FERC issues a notice request comments regarding whether smart grid interoperability standards are ready for Commission consideration. Comments are due no later than March 9, 2011, and reply comments are due no later than March 23, 2011.  Docket No. RM11-2-000

Letter Order Accepting Compliance Filing on 2011 Business Plan and Budgets

FERC issues a letter order acceptingNERC's December 17, 2010 Compliance Filing regarding 2011 Business Plans and Budgets.  Docket No. RR10-13-001

Letter Order Accepting Compliance Filing Regarding April 23, 2009 Letter Order

FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC's July 25, 2008 Compliance Filing listing Reliability Standards for transmission owners and transmission operators applicable to New Harquahala Generating Company, LLC.  Docket No. RC08-4-002

Letter Order Accepting Interpretation of CIP-005-1

FERC issues a letter order approving an interpretation to CIP-005-1 Section 4.2.2 and Requirement R1.3.  Docket No. RD10-12-000

Letter Order Approving Interpretation to Reliability Standard CIP-001-1

FERC issues a letter order approving an interpretation to Reliability Standard CIP-001-1 (Cyber Security — Sabotage Reporting), Requirement R2.  Docket No. RD10-11-000

Letter Order Granting Clarification on Order No. 742 Regarding System Personnel Training Reliability Standards

FERC issues a letter order granting clarification on Order No. 742 on System Personnel Training Reliability Standards, in which it clarifies an abbreviation of transmission operators and corrects further errors.  Docket No. RM09-25-001

Request for Additional Information on Interpretation of Reliability Standard TOP-001-1 Requirement R8

FERC issues a request for additional information on NERC's July 16, 2010 petition seeking approval of an interpretation to TOP-001-1 Requirement R8.  Docket No. RM10-29-000

Errata Notice on January 6, 2011 Combined Notice of Filings

FERC issues an errata notice regarding the Combined Notice of Filings issued on January 6, 2011.  Docket No. RR10-12-001

Errata Notice Regarding December 21, 2010 Combined Notice of Filings

FERC issues an errata notice regarding the Combined Notice of Filings issued on December 21, 2010.  Docket No. RR10-13-001

Order on Requests for Rehearing and Clarification of FERC's December 17, 2009 Order

FERC issues an order on requests for rehearing and clarification on the Commission’s December 17, 2009 order authorizing the Secretary of the Commission to issue a Staff’s Preliminary Notice of Violations.  TheCommission denies rehearing of the December 17 Order and clarifies certain  aspects of that order.  Docket No. PL10-2-002

Notice of Extended Review

FERC issues a notice stating it is extending the time period for review of the Notice of Penalty for an Unidentified Registered Entity until February 18, 2011.  Docket No. NP11-59-000

NP11-60-000, NP11-61-000, NP11-62-000, NP11-63-000, NP11-64-000, NP11-65-000, NP11-66-000, NP11-67-000, NP11-68-000, NP11-69-000, NP11-70-000, NP11-71-000, NP11-72-000, NP11-73-000, NP11-74-000, NP11-75-000, NP11-76-000, NP11-77-000, NP11-78-000, NP11-79-000, NP11-80-000, NP11-81-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - January 21, 2011

The Commission issused an order on notices of penalty that it will review no fruther.  NP11-60-000, New Hope Power Partnership; NP11-61-000, Lee County Resource Recovery Facility; NP11-62-000, City of Clarksdale, Mississippi; NP11-63-000, Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-64-000, Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-65-000, Mississippi Delta Energy Agency; NP11-66-000, Coos-Curry Electric Cooperative, Inc.; NP11-67-000, Umatilla Electric Cooperative Assoc.; NP11-68-000, Lane Electric Cooperative, Inc./PNGC; NP11-69-000, Consumer's Power, Inc.; NP11-70-000, Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-71-000, City Of Minden; NP11-72-000, Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-73-000, Montana-Dakota Utilities Company; NP11-74-000, PPL Generation LLC; NP11-75-000, Edison Mission Marketing & Trading, Inc.; NP11-76-000, Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-77-000, Great River Energy; NP11-78-000, The Dayton Power and Light Company; NP11-79-000, Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-80-000, Morris Cogeneration, LLC; NP11-81-000, Unidentified Registered Entity

Notice Inviting Comments

FERC issues a notice inviting comments on the report prepared by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, “Use of Frequency Response Metrics to Assess  the Planning and Operating Requirements for Reliable Integration of Variable Renewable  Generation” and its five supporting papers (collectively, “the Report”).  Docket No. AD11-8-000

Supporting Papers:
RD10-6-000, RD09-7-002
Order on VRFs and VLS for CIP Standards

FERC issues an order in which it approves the proposed Version 2 and Version 3 VRFs and VSLs, subject to modifications discussed in the order.  Docket Nos. RD10-6-000 and RD09-7-002

Notice of Withdrawal of Motion to Intervene and Request for Review and Temporary Stay of the NoP Filed by NERC and Motion for Waiver

FERC issues a Notice of Withdrawal of Motion to Intervene and Request for Review and Temporary Stay of the Notice of Penalty Filed By NERC, and Motion for Waiver in Docket No. NP11-59-000.

Order Granting Rehearing for Further Consideration on System Personnel Training Reliability Standards

FERC issues an order granting a rehearing for further consideration regarding System Personnel Training Reliability Standards.  Docket No. RM09-25-001

Order Granting Rehearing for Further Consideration Regarding Revision to the ERO Definition of Bulk Electric System

FERC issues an order granting rehearing for further consideration on the revision to the ERO definition the the Bulk Electric System.  Docket No. RM09-18-001

NP11-3-000, NP11-5-000
Errata Notice on January 7, 2011 Notice

FERC issues an errata concerning the January 7, 2011, notice. The notice was inadvertently assigned the incorrect citation number at the top of the issued notice. That citation number is corrected to read as follows: “134 FERC ¶ 61,017.” Docket No. NP11-3-000, NP11-5-000

Letter Order Approving Modifications to Reliability Standards BAL-002-1; EOP-002-3; FAC-002-1; MOD-021-2; PRC-004-2; and VAR-001-2

FERC issues a letter order approving modifications to Reliability Standards BAL-002-1; EOP-002-3; FAC-002-1; MOD-021-2; PRC-004-2; and VAR-001-2.  Docket No. RD10-15-000

Notice of Reliability Technical Conference Agenda

FERC releases the agenda for the technical conference scheduled for February 8, 2011 to discuss policy issues related to the reliability of the BPS.  Docket No. AD11-6-000

NP11-3-000, NP11-5-000
Notice on Notices of Penalty - January 7, 2010

FERC issues a notice stating it will not further review Notice of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP11-3-000 and NP11-5-000.

Order Approving Revisions to Two Reliability Standards and Directing a Compliance Filing

FERC issues an Order Approving Revisions to Two Reliability Standards and Directing a Compliance Filing concerning INT-003-3 and BAL-006-2.  Docket No.  RD10-04-000

Errata Notice - December 20, 2010 Notice of Compliance

FERC issues an errata notice concerning the December 20, 2010 Notice of Compliance Filing in which the docket number has been changed from RM08-19-002 to RM08-19-004.  Docket No. RM08-19-004

Notice of Penalty Order - Extending Review

The Commission issued an Order extending its review of a July 6, 2010 Notice of Penalty regarding an Unidentified Registered Entity.  Docket No. NP10-140-000

NP11-23-000, NP11-24-000, NP11-25-000, NP11-26-000, NP11-27-000, NP11-28-000, NP11-29-000, NP11-30-000, NP11-31-000, NP11-32-000, NP11-33-000, NP11-34-000, NP11-35-000, NP11-36-000, NP11-37-000, NP11-38-000, NP11-39-000, NP11-40-000, NP11-41-000, NP11-42-000, NP11-43-000, NP11-44-000, NP11-45-000, NP11-46-000, NP11-47-000, NP11-48-000, NP11-49-000, NP11-50-000, NP11-51-000, NP11-52-000, NP11-53-000, NP11-54-000, NP11-55-000, NP11-56-000, NP11-57-000, NP11-58-000
Notice of Penalty Order - November 30, 2010 Notices of Penalty

The Commission issued an Order stating it would not further review the following Notices of Penalty that were filed on November 30, 2010: Docket No. NP11-23-000 Hardee Power Partners, Ltd; NP11-24-000 Florida Municipal Power Agency, Inc.; NP11-25-000 Miami Dade – Resource Recovery; NP11-26-000 Wheelabrator – South Broward; NP11-27-000 Tex-La Electric Cooperative of Texas, Inc.; NP11-28-000 Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County; NP11-29-000 Wellhead Power Panoche, LLC; NP11-30-000 Callam County PUD No. 1; NP11-31-000 Wellhead Services, Inc.; NP11-32-000 Rosebud Operating Services, Inc.; NP11-33-000 Puget Sound Energy, Inc.; NP11-34-000 Southern California Edison – Power Procurement Business Unit; NP11-35-000 PSEG Fossil LLC; NP11-36-000 Indiana Municipal Power Agency; NP11-37-000 Wheelabrator – North Broward; NP11-38-000 Cuyahoga Falls Electric System; NP11-39-000 Sunbury Generation, L.P.; NP11-40-000 Barney M. Davis Unit 1; NP11-41-000 Sikeston Board of Municipal Utilities; NP11-42-000 Ameren Energy Resources; NP11-43-000 Eugene Water & Electric Board; NP11-44-000 Ameren Union Electric; NP11-45-000 Forward Energy, LLC; NP11-46-000 Claiborne Electric Cooperative; NP11-47-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-48-000 Montana-Dakota Utilities Company; NP11-49-000 RRI Energy Etiwanda, Inc.; NP11-50-000 Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc.; NP11-51-000 South Carolina Electric & Gas Company; NP11-52-000 Jersey Central Power & Light Company and Pennsylvania Electric Company; NP11-53-000 El Paso Electric Company; NP11-54-000 Public Service Commission of Yazoo City; NP11-55-000 TransAlta Centralia Generation, LLC; NP11-56-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-57-000 Naniwa Energy LLC; and NP11-58-000 Fayetteville Public Works.

Errata Order to the October 21, 2010 Order

The Commission issued an Errata Order to the October 21, 2010 Order.  Docket No. RR10-11-000

Order Granting Rehearing for Further Consideration

FERC issues an order granting further rehearing concerning the October 21, 2010 Order that conditionally approves the agreements, amendments, and bylaws in NERC’s June 9, 2010 petition, to become effective on January 1, 2011. In this order, the Commission directed NERC to modify the Pro Forma Delegation Agreement, and revise Delegation Agreements, amendments to the NERC ROP, and certain amendments to the FRCC and MRO Bylaws.  Docket No. RR10-11-001

Notice of Extension of Time to Submit Comments Concerning NOPR on IRO-006-WECC-1

FERC issues a notice of extension of time to submit comments on the October 21, 2010 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that proposed to approve Regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-WECC-1.  This notice extends the comment submission deadline to January 11, 2011. Docket No. RM09-19-004

NOPR on Version One Regional Standards for Fac. Design, Connection, and Maint., Protection and Control; and Voltage and Reactive

The Commission issues a notice of proposed rulemaking in which it proposes to approve four revised regional Reliability Standards developed by WECC and approved by NERC.  These regional Reliability Standards have been designated by WECC as FAC-501-WECC-1 –Transmission Maintenance, PRC-004-WECC-1 – Protection System and Remedial Action Scheme Misoperation, VAR-002-WECC-1 – Automatic Voltage Regulators, and VAR-501-WECC-1 – Power System Stabilizer.  Docket No. RM09-9-000

NOPR on the ERO Interpretations of Interconnection Reliability Operations and Coord. and Trans. Operations Reliability Standards

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Electric Reliability Organization Interpretations of Interconnection Reliability Operations and Coordination and Transmission Operations Reliability Standards which proposes to approve the NERC's proposed interpretation of certain specific requirements of the Commission-approved Reliability Standards, TOP-005-1 (Operational Reliability Information) and IRO-005-1 (Reliability Coordination – Current-Day Operations).  Docket No. RM10-8-000

Notice Extending Comment Period

FERC issues a notice extending the comment period for submitting comments in response to the Commission November 18, 2010 NOPR. Comment are not due on or before March 2, 2011. Docket No. RM10-11-000

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Version One Regional Reliability Standard for Transmission Operations

The Commission issues a NOPR in which it proposes to approve TOP-007-WECC-1 (System Operating Limits) developed by the Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC) and submitted to the Commission for approval by NERC. Docket No. RM09-14-000

Notice of Proposed Rulemkaing on the Interpretation of Protection System Reliability Standard

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Interpretation of Protection System Reliability Standard that proposes to accept the NERC proposed interpretation of Requirement R1 of Reliability Standard PRC-005-1, and proposes to direct NERC to develop modifications  to the PRC-005-1 Reliability Standard, as discussed below, through its Reliability Standards development process to address gaps in the Protection System maintenance and testing standard, highlighted by the proposed interpretation. Docket No. RM10-5-000

Notice of Technical Conference on Reliability of the Bulk Power System

FERC issues a notice of a technical conference on February 8, 2011 to discuss policy issues related to the reliability of the Bulk-Power System, including priorities for addressing risks to reliability. Docket No. AD11-6-000

RM06-16-010, RM06-16-011
Order Accepting Compliance Filing

The Commission issues an Order Accepting Compliance Filing for NERC's October 25, 2010 filing on frequency response.  Docket Nos. RM06-16-010 and RM06-16-011

Order on Rehearing Concerning VSLs for CIP Standards

In this Order, the Commission denies a request for rehearing of the Commission’s order addressing violation severity level assignments for critical infrastructure protection (CIP) reliability standards, issued March 18, 2010.  Docket No. RM06-22-012

Order on Review of Notice of Penalty

The Commission issues an Order on Review of Notice of Penalty for the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District in which the Commission (1) permits the zero dollar penalties for which the Corps-Tulsa District sought review to take effect on the date of issuance of this order, (2) affirms its prior decision in the 2009 Jurisdictional Order that federal agencies are required to adhere to mandatory Reliability Standards adopted under FPA section 215, and (3) finds that the question of whether federal entities are subject to monetary penalties for violations of a mandatory Reliability Standard need not be addressed in this proceeding.  Docket No. NP10-160-000

Statement of Commissioner John R. Norris on Reliaibilty Issues and Upcoming February 8, 2011 Technical Confernence

FERC Commissioner John R. Norris releases a statement concerning the upcoming February 8, 2011 Technical Conference on the reliability of the bulk power system.

Order Granting Rehearing Regarding Requesting Reconsideration of a TFE Determination

FERC issues an Order Granting Rehearing that grants NERC’s request for the Commission to modify a directive in its October 1, 2010 Order so that only NERC, not a responsible entity, would be allowed to request a Regional Entity to reconsider a TFE determination.  Docket No. RR10-1-003

RM08-11-002, RM08-11-003
Letter Order Approving VSL for Version Two Facilities Design, Connection, and Maintenance Relliabiilty Standards

FERC issues an order approving the violation severity levels assigned to FAC-014-2 Requirements R1, R3, and R4 and orders a compliance filing to be made by January 6, 2010 with typographical corrections to violation severity levels for R2. Docket Nos. RM08-11-002, RM08-11-003

NP10-149-000, NP11-6-000, NP11-7-000, NP11-8-000, NP11-9-000, NP11-10-000, NP11-11-000, NP11-12-000, NP11-13-000, NP11-14-000, NP11-15-000, NP11-16-000, NP11-17-000, NP11-18-000, NP11-19-000, NP11-20-000, NP11-21-000, NP11-22-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - December 3, 2010

FERC issues an order stating it will not further review the following Notices of Penalty: Docket Nos. NP10-149-000, Kiowa Power Partners, LLC; NP11-6-000 Southern Power Company; NP11-7-000, Lee County Electric Cooperative, Inc.; NP11-8-000,  Minnesota Power [Allete, Inc.]; NP11-9-000, Las Vegas Cogeneration LP; NP11-10-000, Merced Irrigation District; NP11-11-000, Pend Oreille County Public Utility District No. 1; NP11-12-000, Salem Electric; NP11-13-000, Black Hills Power, Inc.; NP11-14-000, Black Hills Power, Inc.; NP11-15-000, PSEG Power Connecticut, LLC; NP11-16-000, NextEra Energy Resources, LLC; NP11-17-000, Wisconsin Public Service Corporation; NP11-18-000, NextEra Energy Resources, LLC; NP11-19-000, USACE – Little Rock District; NP11-20-000, Georgia Power Company; NP11-21-000, Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-22-000, Unidentified Registered Entity

RR10-7-001, RR10-11-000
Order Granting Rehearing of the July 12 Order and Accepting Filing

The Commission issued an Order granting rehearing of the July 12, 2010 Order which conditionally accepted two Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program Agreements and associated revised Delegation Agreements from SPP RE and FRCC. Additionally, the Commission accepts the proposed changes to Section 9(j) and Section 5 of Exhibit E of the pro forma Delegation Agreement, which pertain to the treatment of penalty monies.  Docket Nos. RR10-7-001 and RR10-11-000

Order Granting Rehearing for Further Consideration - October 1 Order

The Commission issued an Order granting rehearing of its October 1, 2010 Order. Docket No. RR10-1-003

News Release on Revision to Definition of Bulk Electric System

FERC issues a news release discussing the directive to NERC to revise the definition of the Bulk Electric System.

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on on Mandatory Reliability Standards for Interconnection Reliability Operating Limits

FERC issues a NOPR that proposes to approve three new Interconnection Reliability Operations and Coordination Reliability Standards and seven revised Reliability  Standards related to Emergency Preparedness and Operations, Interconnection Reliability Operations and Coordination, and Transmission Operations.  Docket No. RM10-15-000

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on System Restoration Reliability Standards

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that proposes to approve Reliability Standards EOP-001-1 (Emergency Operations Planning), EOP-005-2 (System Restoration from Blackstart Resources), and EOP-006-2 (System Restoration Coordination).  Docket No. RM10-16-000

Order No. 742 - Final Rule on System Personnel Reliability Standards

The Commission issues a final rule approving two Personnel Performance, Training and Qualifications (PER) Reliability Standards,  PER-004-2 (Reliability Coordination – Staffing) and PER-005-1 (System Personnel Training). Docket No. RM09-25-000; Order No. 742

Order No. 743 - Final Rule on Revision to the ERO Defintion of Bulk Electric System

FERC issues a Final Rule in which it adopts, with modifications, the proposal outlined in its March 18, 2010 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to require the Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) to revise its definition of the term “bulk electric system."  Docket No. RM09-18-000; Order No. 743

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Integration of Variable Energy Resources

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on theIntegration of Variable Energy Resources that proposes to reform the pro forma Open Access Transmission Tariff to remove unduly discriminatory practices and to ensure just and reasonable rates for Commission-jurisdictional services.  Docket No. RM10-11-000

Notice of Extension of Time to Submit Compliance Filing Regarding NERC's Standards Development Process

FERC grants and extension of time to December 23, 2010 to submit a compliance filing on NERC's Rules of Procedure regarding the Standards Development Process.  Docket No. RR09-6-000

Letter Order Accepting Reconciliation Report Regarding New Texas RE and ERCOT

FERC issues an order accepting NERC's petition seeking approval to delegate authority to the newly formed, independent Texas Reliability Entity, Inc. (New Texas RE) as the Regional Entity for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) region.  Docket No. RR10-6-001

NP11-3-000, NP11-5-000
Notice of Penalty Data Request

The Commission issued a data request on two Notices of Penalty that were filed on October 7, 2010 in Docket Nos. NP11-3-000 and NP11-5-000.

NP11-1-000, NP11-2-000, NP11-4-000
Notice of Penalty Order - October 7 NOPs

The Commission issued an Order stating it would not further review the following Notices of Penalty: NP11-1-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP11-2-000 Unidentified Registered Entity and NP11-4-000 Unidentified Registered Entity.

Agenda for November 18 Technical Conference on Reliability Monitoring, Enforcement, and Compliance

The Commission issues an agenda for the Commissioner-led technical conference on November 18, 2010 to explore issues associated with reliability  monitoring, enforcement and compliance. The Commission announced the conference in its September 16, 2010 order that accepted NERC’s initial assessment in Docket No. RR09-7-000 of its performance as the nation’s Electric Reliability Organization (ERO), and performance by the Regional Entities, under their delegation agreements with the ERO.  Docket No. AD11-1-000​

NP10-161-000, NP10-162-000, NP10-163-000, NP10-164-000, NP10-165-000, NP10-166-000, NP10-167-000, NP10-168-000, NP10-169-000, NP10-170-000, NP10-171-000, NP10-172-000, NP10-173-000, NP10-174-000, NP10-175-000, NP10-176-000, NP10-177-000, NP10-178-000, NP10-179-000, NP10-180-000, NP10-181-000, NP10-182-000, NP10-183-000, NP10-184-000, NP10-185-000, NP10-186-000, NP10-187-000, NP10-188-000, NP10-189-000, NP10-190-000
Notice of Penalty Order - September 30 NOPs

The Commission issued an Order stating it would not further review the following NOPs that were submitted on September 30, 2010: NP10-161-000 Orlando Utilities Commission; NP10-162-000 East Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc.; NP10-163-000 SWG Colorado, LLC; NP10-164-000 Shady Hills Power Company, LLC; NP10-165-000 Kern River Cogeneration Company; NP10-166-000 Edison Mission Marketing & Trading, Inc.; NP10-167-000 PUD No. 1 of Douglas County; NP10-168-000 NorthWestern Energy; NP10-169-000 Citizens Electric Corporation; NP10-170-000 Seneca Light & Water; NP10-171-000 Post Oak Wind, LLC; NP10-172-000 Klickitat County PUD; NP10-173-000 Vermont Marble Power Div. of Omya, Inc.; NP10-174-000 Carr Street Generating Station, LP; NP10-175-000 Erie Boulevard Hydropower, LP; NP10-176-000 Great Lakes Hydro America, ME; NP10-177-000 Monongahela Power Company; NP10-178-000 Dynegy Inc.; NP10-179-000 Minnesota Municipal Power Agency; NP10-180-000 Tennessee Valley Authority; NP10-181-000 UGI Utilities, Inc.; NP10-182-000 Conectiv Energy Supply, Inc.; NP10-183-000 Dynegy Inc.; NP10-184-000 Klickitat County PUD; NP10-185-000 South Louisiana Electric Coop. Assoc.; NP10-186-000 Fox Energy Company, LLC; NP10-187-000 City of Ruston, LA; NP10-188-000 City of Tacoma, Dept. of Public Utilities, Light Div.; NP10-189-000 Hetch Hetchy Water and Power and NP10-190-000 Colorado Springs Utilities.

Notice of Technical Conference on Smart Response

The Commission will convene a conference on November 14, 2010, from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Eastern time in conjunction with the NARUC/FERC Collaborative on Smart Response.  Docket No. RM11-2-000

Letter Order Granting Extension - NP10-140

FERC issued an Order granting NERC an extension until December 1, 2010 to comply with the October 8, 2010 Data Request.  Docket No. NP10-140-000​

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Regarding Planning Resource Adequacy Assessment Reliability Standard

FERC issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding the approval of a regional Reliability Standard, BAL-502-RFC-02, Planning Resource Adequacy Analysis, Assessment and Documentation, developed by ReliabilityFirst Corporation and submitted to the Commission by NERC.  Docket No. RM10-10-000​

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Approve IRO-006-WECC-1

The Commission proposes to approve regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-WECC-1 (Qualified Transfer Path Unscheduled Flow Relief) submitted to the Commission for approval by NERC. The Commission notes that IRO-006-WECC-1 raises some concerns about which the
Commission requests additional information. Depending upon the responses received, in the Final Rule the Commission may, as a separate action under section 215(d)(5) of the FPA, direct the Western Electricity Coordinating Council to develop modifications to the regional Reliability Standard to address the issues identified.  Docket No. RM09-19-000

Order Conditionally Accepting 2011 Business Plan and Budget of NERC and Ordering Compliance Filings

The Commission conditionally accepts the business plans and budgets of NERC, the Regional Entities, and WIRAB. NERC and the Regional Entities are directed to submit a compliance filing within 60 days of the date of this order.  Docket No. RR10-13-000

Order Conditionally Approving Revised Pro Forma Delegation Agreement,

Revised Delegation Agreements with Regional Entities, Amendments to the Rules of Procedure and Certain Regional Entity Bylaws

The Commission issues an order that conditionally approves the agreements, amendments, and bylaws in NERC’s June 9, 2010 petition, to become effective on January 1, 2011.  The Commission directs NERC to modify the Pro Forma Delegation  Agreement, revised Delegation Agreements, amendments to the NERC ROP, and certain  amendments to the FRCC and MRO Bylaws. Docket No. RR10-11-000

Order No. 740 - Final Rule Remanding Version One Regional Reliability Standard for Resource and Demand Balancing

The Commission issues Order No. 740, remanding a revised regional Reliability Standard developed by the Western Electricity Coordinating Council and approved by NERC.  Docket No. RM09-15-000; Order No. 740

Supplemental Notice of Technical Conference on Transmission Vegetation Management

FERC issues supplemental information regarding the Technical Conference on Transmission Vegetation Management Practices held on Tuesday, October 26, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Docket No. AD11-2-000

Notice Rescinding Prior Notice

On October 18, 2010, the Commission issued a notice in the above-captioned  proceeding. Notice of Filing, October 18, 2010. This notice was issued in error and is hereby rescinded.  Docket Nos. RM06-22-015

Notice on Notice of Penalty- October 13, 2010

The Commission issues a Notice that it will not further review the Notice of Penalty in Docket No. NP10-160-000 with regard to the following entities: Black Hills/Colorado Electric Utility Company, LP; California Department of Water Resources; City of Forest Grove Light and Power; City of Ukiah; Imperial Irrigation District; National Nuclear Security Administration -Los Alamos National Laboratory; Navopache Electric Cooperative, Inc.; Public Service Company of New Mexico; Sacramento Municipal Utility District; Southern Nevada Water Authority; TransAlta Centralia Generation, LLC; Tri-Dam Project of the Oakdale and South Joaquin Irrigation Districts; United State Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District; United States Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District; Unidentified Registered Entity; WECC RC [California/Mexico Reliability Coordinator]; WECC RC [Pacific Northwest Security Coordinator]; WECC RC [Rocky Mountain Desert Southwest Reliability Coordinator]

Order Initiating Review of Notice of Penalty for United States Army Corps of Engineers

The Commission initiates a review of the Notice of Penalty for USACE – Tulsa District. The Commission establishes a filing deadline for any answers, interventions or comments of twenty days from this order.  Docket No. NP10-160-000

Letter Order Regarding Pending NOP in Docket No. NP10-140-000

FERC issues a letter order regarding the pending Notice of Penalty in Docket No. NP10-140-000 to grant an extended time period until November 22, 2010 for the limited purpose of further consideration of the Notice.  Docket No. NP10-140-000

Order on Notice of Penalty- October 8, 2010

FERC issues a notice stating that it will not further review the Notice of Penalty in Docket No. NP10-141-000. 

Letter Order Granting Extension of Time to Reply to Data Request for Pending NOP in the TRE Region

FERC issues a letter order granting NERC’s request to extend the time period to respond to the request for data and documents to November 8, 2010. Docket No. NP10-149-000

Notice of Technical Conference on Transmission Vegetation Management Programs

FERC will hold a Technical Conference on Transmission Vegetation Management Programs on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 from 1:00 p.m. to approximately 5:00 p.m to discuss current vegetation management programs and practices as required under the Commission’s Reliability Standards.  Docket No. AD11-2-000

Notice of Technical Conference on Reliability Monitoring Enforcement and Compliance Issues

The Commission has issued notice of its Reliability Monitoring Enforcement and Compliance Issues Technical Conference. This Technical Conference will be held on November 18, 2010, in the Commission Meeting Room (2C) at Commission Headquarters, 888 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20426, from 1 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. EST. The conference will be transcribed and Webcast. The agenda will be issued in advance of the Technical Conference.  Docket No. AD11-1-000

Order on NERC's April 21, 2010 Compliance Filing Regarding TFEs from CIP Standards

FERC issues an order on NERC's April 21, 2010, compliance filing in response to the Commission’s January 21, 2010 order approving NERC’s TFE procedure from strict compliance with certain CIP Standards. FERC also directs NERC to submit an additional  compliance filing within 90 days of the date of this order.  Docket No. RR10-1-001

Order on Notice of Penalty- September 30, 2010

FERC issues a notice stating it will not further review the NOP for Duke Energy Corporation in Docket No. NP10-20-000

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation by Transmission Owning and Operating Public Utilities

FERC issues a NOPR regarding Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation requirements that were established in Order No. 890. This notice provides the opportunity to submit reply comments; the original NOPR was issued on June 17, 2010 and comments were due in response to that September 29, 2010. The reply comments to the NOPR are due November 12, 2010. Docket No. RM10-23-000

Errata Notice Concerning FERC's Septemb er 16, 2010 "Order Denying Rehearing, Clarification, Reconsideration, and Request for a Stay"

On September 16, 2010, the Commission issued an “Order Denying Rehearing, Denying Clarification, Denying Reconsideration, and Denying Request for a Stay”.  This errata notice corrects the last sentence of P 82.  Docket No. RR09-6-001

Letter Order Granting Extension of Time to Respond to Data Request for Pending NOP in TRE Region

FERC grants NERC’s request to extend the time period to respond to the request for data and documents up to and including October 8, 2010.  FERC further extends the time period for Commission consideration of the Notice of Penalty until October 29, 2010.  Docket No. NP10-149-000

Revised Policy Statement on Penalty Guidelines

The Commission issued its Revised Policy Statement on Penalty Guidelines.  The modified Penalty Guidelines will apply to penalties FERC assesses for violations of its requirements, though FERC retains discretion to depart from them when it deems appropriate, and Enforcement staff continues to have discretion to close investigations and self-reports for violations that do not warrant sanctions. The modified Penalty Guidelines will apply to violations of the Reliability Standards, but not to the Commission’s review of notices of penalty submitted by the North American Electric Reliability Corp. The modified penalty guidelines will base penalties on the same factors as those in existing enforcement policy statements, but will be applied with more focus by assigning specific and transparent weight to each factor. Organizations will now know with more certainty how each factor will be applied. Docket No. PL10-4-000

RM06-16-010, RM06-16-011
Supplemental Notice of Technical Conference Regarding Frequency Response

FERC issues a supplemental notice of technical conference to discuss Frequency Response in the Wholesale Electric Grid to be held on September 23, 2010.  FERC adds that that a free webcast of the technical conference will be available.  Docket Nos. RM06-16-010, RM06-16-011

FERC Staff Presentation on Penalty Guidelines

FERC's staff presented its stance on the Penalty Guidelines on September 16, 2007.

Order Approving Interpretations of Reliability Standards MOD-001-1 and MOD-029-1

The Commission approves NERC's interpretation of  two Commission-approved “Modeling, Data and Analysis” (MOD) Reliability Standards, MOD-001-1 (Available Transmission System Capability) and MOD-029-1 (Rated System Path Methodology).  Docket No. RD10-5-000

Order Denying Rehearing, Clarification, Reconsideration, and Request for a Stay Regarding Development of Reliability Standards

FERC denies rehearing, reconsideration, and the request for a stay regarding the proposed revisions to NERC's Rules of Procedure, specifically thos that pertain to the development of Reliability Standards.  Docket No. RR09-6-001

RR09-7-000, AD10-14-000
Order on NERC Three-Year Performance Assessment

FERC accepts the performance assessment of NERC as the ERO, and the Regional Entities, and finds that they continue to satisfy the statutory and regulatory criteria for certification. In addition, FERC directs NERC to submit an informational filing addressing specific matters/concerns and take additional action as discussed in this order.  Docket Nos. RR09-7-000, AD10-14-000

Order on Reliability Standard Interpretation of VAR-002-1.1b

The Commission approves NERC's interpretation of certain requirements of the Commission-approved Voltage and Reactive (VAR) Reliability Standard, designated VAR-002-1.1b – Generator Operation for Maintaining Network Voltage Schedules.  Docket No. RD09-5-000

Notice of NERC's September 9, 2010 "Compliance Filing and Petition for Approval of Implementation Plans for V2 and V3 CIP Standards

FERC issues a notice that on September 9, 2010, the NERC submitted its compliance filing and request for approval of implementation plans for Generator Owners and Generator Operators of nuclear power plants in the United States for Versions 2 and 3 of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Reliability Standards, in compliance with the Commission’s March 18, 2010 Order Addressing Compliance Filing and Approving Implementation Plans, 130 FERC ¶ 61,185 (2010).  Docket No. RM06-22-014

RM06-16-010, RM06-16-011
Supplemental Notice of Technical Conference on Frequency Response

FERC issues a supplemental notice on the technical conference on Frequency Response in the Wholesale Electric Grid on September 23, 2010 along with an agenda for the conference.  Docket Nos. RM06-16-010, RM06-16-011

Letter Order Approving Version 1 CIP VSLs

The Commission issued a Letter Order approving NERC’s May 17, 2010 compliance filing which provided modifications to 57 Version 1 CIP Violation Severity Levels.  Docket No. RM06-22-013

Order Granting Rehearing for Further Consideration Regarding CMEP Agreements between SERC, FRCC, and SPP RE

FERC issues an order granting rehearing for further consideration in the matter regarding the CMEP agreements between SERC. FRCC and SPP RE.  Docket No. RR10-7-001

Order Approving and Directing Compliance Filing Regarding Replacing Version 7 RSDP with Proposed Standards Process Manual

The Commission approves NERC’s petition seeking approval to replace in its entirety Version 7 of its Reliability Standards Development Procedure (RSDP) with its proposed Standard Processes Manual. The Commission, however, also directs NERC to submit a compliance filing to address our concerns with one provision of the Standards Processes Manual. Docket No. RR10-12-000

Extension Notice Regarding Notice of Penalty

The Commission issues an extension notice and data request regarding a Notice of Penalty. Docket No. NP10-20-000​

Letter Order Extending Time for Consideration of NOP in Docket No. NP10-149-000

FERC extends the period of consideration for pending NOP to October 8, 2010 in Docket No. NP10-149-000.​

Notice of Technical Conference on Demand Response

FERC announces a technical conference will address the use of a net benefits test for determining when to compensate demand response providers and the allocation of costs
associated with demand response following the August 2, 2010 Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) and Notice of Technical Conference. Docket No. RM10-17-000​

NP10-143-000, NP10-144-000, NP10-145-000, NP10-146-000, NP10-147-000, NP10-148-000, NP10-150-000, NP10-151-000, NP10-152-000, NP10-153-000, NP10-154-000, NP10-155-000, NP10-156-000, NP10-157-000, NP10-158-000, NP10-159-000
Order on Notices of Penalty and Providing Guidance

FERC issues an order stating that it will not further review Notices of Penalty in the following dockets.  FERC also provides guidance on second occurences of violations as an aggravating factor. Docket Nos. NP10-143-000 City of Tallahassee; NP10-144-000 Dyengy, Inc.; NP10-145-000 Pacific Gas and Electric Company; NP10-146-000 San Diego Gas and Electric Company; NP10-147-000 Greenwood Commissioners of Public Works; NP10-148-000 City of Vineland New Jersey; NP10-150-000 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company; NP10-151-000 Peco Energy Company; NP10-152-000 Dynegy, Inc.; NP10-153-000 DTE Energy Trading; NP10-154-000 Ocala Utility Services; NP10-155-000 EPCOR USA North Carolina LLC (Roxboro); NP10-156-000 EPCOR USA North Carolina LLC (Southport), NP10-157-000 Commonwealth Edison Company; NP10-158-000 Public Service Company of New Mexico; NP10-159-000 Unidentified Entity.​

Order Approving Audit Report, Determining Issue of Separation of Functions, and Directing Compliance and Other Corrective Actions

The Commission issues an order approving the Audit Report prepared by the Division of Audits in the Office of Enforcement (OE), with the assistance of staff from the Office of Electric Reliability (OER).  Docket No. PA09-5-000​

NP10-140-000, NP10-141-000
Letter Order Granting Extension of Time to Submit Additional Information

FERC issues a letter order granting NERC an extension of time to finalize and file requested information.  Docket No. NP10-140-000, Docket No. NP10-141-000

Notice of Extension of Time to Revise RSDP

On June 15, 2010, the Commission issued an order granting NERC an extension of time to comply with the Commission March 18, 2010 directive that NERC revise its Rules of Procedure that pertain to the development of Reliability Standards.  A further 90 day extension of time to comply with the March 18, 2010 directive is granted to and including December 13, 2010.  Docket No. RR09-6-000​

RM06-16-010, RM06-16-011
Notice of Technical Conference on Frequency Response

FERC staff will hold a Technical Conference on Frequency Response in the Wholesale Electric Grid on Thursday, September 23, from 10:00 a.m. to approximately 4:00 p.m.  Docket No. RM06-16-010, RM06-16-011​

Notice of Extension of Time to Comply with July 12 Order on CMEP and Delegation Agreements

The Commission issued a notice extending the time NERC has to comply with the July 12 Order Conditionally Accepting Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program Agreements, and Revised Delegation Agreements, and Ordering Compliance Filing. The time has been extended to January 10, 2011. Docket No. RR10-7-000​

Letter Order Regarding Errata in August 5th Letter Order

FERC issues a letter order regarding errata in the August 5th Letter Order in Docket No. NP10-141-000.​

RR10-10-000, RR08-6-000
Letter Order Approving June 1, 2010 Compliance Filing

The Commission issued a letter order approving the June 1, 2010 true-up filing.  Docket No. RR10-10-000 and RR08-6-000

Letter Order Directing NERC and RFC to File Responses to NOP

FERC issues a letter order extending the time period for NERC and RFC to submit reposonses to a data and document request.  Docket No. NP10-140-000

NOP Order Extending Review Time and Request for Information

The Commission extends it time to review the July 6, 2010 Notice of Penalty regarding Los Angeles Department of Water and Power until September 20, 2010.  Docket No. NP10-141-000

NOP Order Extending Review Time and Request for Information

The Commission extends it time to review the July 6, 2010 Notice of Penalty regarding an unidentified entity until September 20, 2010. Docket No. NP10-140-000

NP10-119-000, NP10-120-000, NP10-121-000, NP10-122-000, NP10-123-000, NP10-124-000, NP10-125-000, NP10-126-000, NP10-127-000, NP10-128-000, NP10-129-000, NP10-130-000, NP10-131-000, NP10-132-000, NP10-133-000, NP10-134-000, NP10-135-000, NP10-136-000, NP10-137-000, NP10-138-000, NP10-139-000, NP10-142-000
Notice of Penalty Order - July 6 NOPs

The Commission issued an order stating that it would not review the following NOPs: Docket Nos. NP10-119-000 Citizens Electric Corporation; NP10-120-000 E.ON U.S. Services Inc.; NP10-121-000 Reedy Creek Improvement District; NP10-122-000 The Empire District Electric Company; NP10-123-000 Board of Public Utilities, City of McPherson, Kansas; NP10-124-000 Elk Hills Power, LLC; NP10-125-000 Covanta York Renewable Energy, LLC; NP10-126-000 Lincoln Generating Facility, LLC; NP10-127-000 SRW Cogeneration Limited Partnership; NP10-128-000 National Grid Generation, LLC; NP10-129-000 Benton County Wind Farm, LLC; NP10-130-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP10-131-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP10-132-000 Camp Grove Wind Farm, LLC; NP10-133-000 Hermiston Generating Co., L.P.; NP10-134-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP10-135-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP10-136-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP10-137-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP10-138-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; NP10-139-000 Unidentified Registered Entity; and NP10-142-000 NAES Corporation – Lincoln Generating Facility.

Order No. 738

The Commission supplements the procedures previously established with regard to filing and other requirements if the Commission is required to implement its Continuity of Operations Plan in response to an emergency situation that disrupts communications to or from the Commission’s headquarters or which otherwise impairs headquarters operations. The rule temporarily tolls for purposes of further consideration the time period for Commission action required for relief from, or reinstatement of, an electric utility’s mandatory purchase obligation under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978.  Docket No. RM10-28-000

Supplemental NOPR - Demand Response

The Supplemental NOPR seeks comment on whether the Commission should adopt requirements related to two issues addressed in comments: (1) if the Commission were to adopt a net benefits test for determining when to compensate demand response providers, what, if any, requirements should apply to the methods for determining net benefits; and (2) what, if any, requirements should apply to how the costs of demand response are allocated.  Docket No. RM10-17-000

Letter Order Approving Amended 2010 Business Plan and Budget of WECC

FERC issues a letter order approving an amended supplemental budget and funding request on behalf of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council.  Docket No. RR10-9-000

RM08-19-003, RM05-5-019
Order 729-B - Mandatory Reliability Standards for ATC, CBM, TRM, TTC, and ETC; the BPS; and for Business Practices and Comm. Protocols

FERC grants several requests for rehearing of Order No. 729-A, and grants rehearing on the implementation timeline for siz MOD Reliability Standards. In addition, the Commission is revising the implementation deadline for compliance with the related.  Docket Nos. RM08-19-003, RM05-5-019; Order No. 729-B

Order Approving Interpretation of Reliability Standard CIP-006-2

FERC issues an order approving an interpretation of Reliability Standard CIP-006-2 (Cyber Security - Physical Security of Criticial Cyber Assets), Requirement R1.1.  Docket No. RD10-13-000

Order Conditionally Accepting CMEP Agreement and Revised Delegation Agreements and Ordering Compliance Filing

FERC issues a letter order granting conditional approval of two Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program Agreements (CMEP Agreements), between SERC and SPP, and between SERC and FRCC, and approval of amendments to the Regional Entity Delegation Agreements of FRCC, SERC, and SPP. NERC must make a compliance filing. Docket No. RR10-7-000

Notice Soliciting Comments

FERC issues a notice soliciting comments regarding Reliability Standards Development and NERC and Regional Entity Enforcement.  Docket No. AD10-14-000

Letter Order Extending Time for Consideration and Data Request

The Commission issues an extension notice and data request regarding a Notice of Penalty.  Docket No. NP10-20-000

Notice of Extension of Time to file Violation Severity Levels

FERC issues an notice extending the period of time to file Violation Severity Levels to December 1, 2010.  Docket No RR08-4-005

Notice of Extension of Time to File VSLs

FERC issues an extension of time for NERC to file a compliance filing in response to FERC's June 19th, 2008 Order on Violation Severity Levels Proposed by the Electric Reliability Organization.  Docket No. RR08-4-005

Order Granting Rehearing for Further Consideration of Standards for ATC, CBM, TRM, TTC, and Existing Trans. Committments

FERC issues an order granting rehearing for further consideration of Mandatory Reliability Standards for the Calculation of  Available Transfer Capability, Capacity Benefit Margins, Transmission Reliability Margins, Total Transfer Capability, and Existing Transmission Commitments and Mandatory Reliability Standards for the Bulk-Power System. Docket No. RM08-19-003

NP10-107-000, NP10-108-000, NP10-109-000, NP10-110-000, NP10-111-000, NP10-112-000, NP10-113-000, NP10-114-000, NP10-115-000, NP10-116-000, NP10-117-000, NP10-118-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - July 2, 2010

FERC issues a notice stating it will not further review Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP10-107-000, NP10-108-000, NP10-109-000, NP10-110-000, NP10-111-000, NP10-112-000, NP10-113-000, NP10-114-000, NP10-115-000, NP10-116-000, NP10-117-000, NP10-118-000

Supplemental Notice Concerning Techincal Conference

FERC issues a further notice concerning the technical conference on July 6th, 2010 to discuss reliability issues.  Docket No AD10-14-000

RM07-16-000, RM01-5-000
Notice of Display of Time on FERC's e-Filing System

Notice that the Commission will now display on its electronic filing system the time used by the Commission to mark officially the time that eFilings and eTariff submissions are made with the Commission.  Docket Nos. RM07-16-000 and RM01-5-000

Order on FRCC Audit Report

FERC issues an order on the audit report of Florida Reliability Council, Inc. which contains staff’s findings and recommendations with respect to Florida FRCC's Regional Entity function. Docket No. PA09-7-000

NOPR on System Personnel Training Reliability Standards

FERC issues a NOPR that proposes to approve Reliability Standards PER-005-1 (System Personnel Training) and PER-004-2 (Reliability Coordination – Staffing) submitted to the Commission for approval by NERC.  Docket No. RM09-25-000

NOPR on Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation by Transmission Owning and Operating Public Utilities

FERC issues a NOPR to amend the transmission planning and cost allocation requirements established in Order No. 890 to ensure that Commission-jurisdictional services are provided on a basis that is just, reasonable and not unduly discriminatory or preferential.  Docket No. RM10-23-000

Notice of Technical Conference

FERC is holding a conference that will focus on the ERO's standards development process; communication and interactions between the Commission, the ERO and Regional Entities; and ERO and Regional Entity monitoring and enforcement.   This Technical Conference will be held on Tuesday, July 6, 2010, at the Commission’s Washington, DC headquarters, from approximately 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.   Docket No. AD10-14-000

Order Granting Extension of Time to Comply with Commission Directive

FERC issues an order granting an extension of time to comply with the March 18, 2010 order directing NERC to propose revisions to its Reliability Standards Development Process and the NERC Rules of Procedure. Docket No. RR09-6-000

Order Denying Rehearing and Granting Partial Clarification, Denying Request for Stay, and Granting Extension of Time Regarding TPL-002-0

FERC issues an Order denying rehearing and granting partial clarification, denying request for stay, and granting extension of time for the March 18, 2010 Order directing NERC to submit a modification to Table I, footnote b of Transmission Planning (TPL) Reliability Standard TPL-002-0 that is responsive to a Commission directive regarding footnote b set forth in Order No. 693.  Docket No. RM06-16-012

Letter Order Accepting Modifications to CCC Rule of Procedure Changes

FERC issues a letter order accepting modifications to NERC's Amendments to Rules of Procedure regarding Compliance and Certification Committee Program and for approval of an amended Compliance and Certification Committee Charter. Docket No. RR10-8-000

Letter Order Accepting NERC's Response to October 15, 2009 Order on Business Plan and Budgets

FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC's response to the October 15, 2009 Order on 2010 Business Plans and Budgets.  Docket No. RR09-9-003

NP10-94-000, NP10-95-000, NP10-96-000, NP10-97-000, NP10-98-000, NP10-99-000, NP10-100-000, NP10-101-000, NP10-102-000, NP10-103-000, NP10-104-000, NP10-105-000, NP10-106-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - May 28, 2010

The Commission issued an Order stating it will not further review Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP10-94-000, NP10-95-000, NP10-96-000, NP10-97-000, NP10-98-000, NP10-99-000, NP10-100-000, NP10-101-000, NP10-102-000, NP10-103-000, NP10-104-000, NP10-105-000, NP10-106-000

Order Granting Rehearing for Further Consideration of March 18, 2010 Order on CIP Standards

Order Granting Rehearing for Further Consideration of March 18, 2010 Order on CIP Standards FERC issues an order granting rehearing for further consideration of the March 18, 2010 Order on Critical Infrastructure Protection Reliability Standards. Docket No. RM09-6-001

Order Granting Rehearing for Further Consideration of March 18, 2010 Order on NERC's ROP and Reliability Standard FAC-008-1

FERC issues an Order granting rehearing for further consideration on the March 18, 2010 Order directing NERC to propose modifcations to the Rules of Procedure and to fully comply with the previous directive to submit changes to NERC Reliability Standard FAC-008-1.  Docket No. RR09-6-01

Order Granting Rehearing for Further Consideration of March 18, 2010 Order on PRC-023-1

FERC issues an Order granting rehearding for further consideration on the March 18, 2010 Order approving Reliability Standards PRC-023-1 and direction modification.  Docket No. RM08-13-001

Order Granting Rehearing for Further Consideration of March 18, 2010 Order Setting Deadline for Compliance for TPL-002-0

FERC issues an order granting rehearing for further consideration of the March 18, 2010 Order Setting Deadline for Compliance for Reliability Standard TPL-002-0. Docket No. RM06-16-012

Order Granting Rehearing for Further Consideration and Scheduling Technical Conference

The Commission grants rehearing for the limited purpose of further consideration, and timely-filed requests for rehearing will not be deemed denied by operation of law and directs Commission staff to convene a technical conference. Docket No. RM06-16-011

Letter Order Accepting New Texas RE as Regional Entity for ERCOT Region and RDA

FERC accepts NERCs petition seeking approval to delegate authority to the newly-formed, independent Texas Reliability Entity, Inc. (New Texas RE) as the Regional Entity for the ERCOT region, as successor to Texas Regional Entity (Original Texas RE), a division of Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. and for approval of an Amended and Restated Delegation Agreement (RDA) between NERC and New Texas RE and a 2010 Business Plan and Budget for New Texas RE. Last, NERC requests approval to terminate the existing delegation agreement between NERC and the Original Texas RE. Docket No. RR10-6-000

Order No. 729-A - Mandatory Reliability Standards for the Calculation of ATC, CBM, TRM, TTC and Existing Transmission Commitments

The Commission issues an Order that grants several requests for clarification of Order No. 729, which approved and directed modification of six Modeling, Data, and Analysis Reliability Standards; clarifies the implementation timeline for these Reliability Standards; and directs certain modifications.  Docket No. RM08-19-002

Notice Extending the Time Period of Consideration for Pending Duke Energy Corporation NOP

FERC issues an Notice Extending the time period for consideration for the pending Duke Energy Corporation NOP in Docket No. NP10-20-000

NP10-71-000, NP10-72-000, NP10-73-000, NP10-74-000, NP10-75-000, NP10-76-000, NP10-77-000, NP10-78-000, NP10-79-000, NP10-80-000, NP10-81-000, NP10-82-000, NP10-83-000, NP10-84-000, NP10-85-000, NP10-86-000, NP10-87-000, NP10-88-000, NP10-89-000, NP10-90-000, NP10-91-000, NP10-92-000, NP10-93-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - April 30, 2010

FERC issues an Order stating that it will not further review, on its own motion, Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP10-71-000, NP10-72-000, NP10-73-000, NP10-74-000, NP10-75-000, NP10-76-000, NP10-77-000, NP10-78-000, NP10-79-000, NP10-80-000, NP10-81-000, NP10-82-000, NP10-83-000, NP10-84-000, NP10-85-000, NP10-86-000, NP10-87-000, NP10-88-000, NP10-89-000, NP10-90-000, NP10-91-000, NP10-92-000, and NP10-93-000.

Order on Reliability Standards Interpretations for TPL-002-0 and TPL-003-0

FERC issues an Order approving interpretation of certain requirements of two Commission-approved Transmission Planning (TPL) Reliability Standards, TPL-002-0, System Performance Following Loss of a Single Bulk Electric System Element, and TPL-003-0, System Performance Following Loss of Two or More Bulk Electric System Elements. Docket No. RD09-4-000

Letter Order Accepting NERC's December 18, 2009 Compliance Filing

FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC's December 18 2009 filing in compliance with paragraphs 143, 156, 164, 168, 173, 179 and 187 of FERC Order No. 716 requiring NERC to revise VRFs for the NUC-001-1 Standard.  Docket No. RD10-7-000

Letter Order Accepting NERC's November 20, 2009 Petition for Approval of FAC-010-2

FERC issues a letter order accepting NERC's November 20, 2009 filing requesting approval of a revised version of Commission-approved Reliability Standard FAC-010-2. Docket No. RD10-9-000

Order Suspending Policy on Penalty Guidelines

FERC issues an order to suspend the Policy Statement and the application of the Penalty Guidelines issued on March 18, 2010. Interested entities are invited to submit comments within 60 days of the date of this order.  Docket No. PL10-4-000

Order on Compliance Regarding CIP Version 3 Reliability Standards

The Commission issues an order approving the modified CIP Version 3 Reliability Standards, with an effective date of October 1, 2010. The Commission also approves the revised Implementation Plan for Newly Identified Critical Cyber Assets and Newly Registered Entities, and rejects the Version 3 CIP Implementation Plan.  Docket No. RD09-7-002

NP10-52-000, NP10-53-000, NP10-54-000, NP10-55-000, NP10-56-000, NP10-57-000, NP10-58-000, NP10-59-000, NP10-60-000, NP10-61-000, NP10-62-000, NP10-63-000, NP10-64-000, NP10-65-000, NP10-66-000, NP10-67-000, NP10-68-000, NP10-69-000, NP10-70-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - March 31, 2010

The Commission issued an Order stating it will not further review NOPs in Docket Nos. NP10-52-000, NP10-53-000, NP10-54-000, NP10-55-000, NP10-56-000, NP10-57-000, NP10-58-000, NP10-59-000, NP10-60-000, NP10-61-000, NP10-62-000, NP10-63-000, NP10-64-000, NP10-65-000, NP10-66-000, NP10-67-000, NP10-68-000, NP10-69-000, and NP10-70-000.

Notice of Workshop on Penalty Guidelines

The Commission will hold three workshops to provide a forum for interested participants to ask questions on the interpretation and application of the Policy Statement on Penalty Guidelines, which the Commission recently issued on March 18, 2010.  Docket No. PL10-4-000

Errata to the Order Addressing the CIP VSLs

The Commission issued an errata to the March 18, 2010 Order Addressing the CIP VSLs.  Docket No. RM06-22-008

RM10-17-000, EL09-68-000
NOPR - Demand Response

The Commission issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) proposing an approach for compensating demand response resources in order to improve the competitiveness of organized wholesale energy markets and thus ensure just and reasonable wholesale rates. Docket Nos. RM10-17-000 and EL09-68-000

NOPR Regarding a Revision to the Electric Reliability Organization's Definition of the Bulk Electric System

The Commission proposes to direct the NERC to revise its definition of the term “bulk electric system” to include all electric transmission facilities with a rating of 100 kV or above.  Docket No. RM09-18-000

NOPR Regarding Interpretation of Reliability Standard TPL-002-0

The Commission proposes to reject NERC’s proposed interpretation of Requirement R1.3.10 of Reliability Standard TPL-002-0 and, instead, proposes an alternative interpretation of the provision.  Docket No. RM10-6-000

NOPR Regarding Regional Reliability Standard for Resource and Demand Balancing BAL-002-WECC-1

The Commission proposes to remand revised regional Reliability Standard BAL-002-WECC-1 developed by the  WECC and approved by the NERC. Docket No. RM09-15-000

NOPR Regarding Time Error Correction Reliability Standard BAL-004-1

The Commission proposes to remand the Time Error Correction Reliability Standard, BAL-004-1 in order for NERC to develop several modifications to the proposed Reliability Standard. Docket No. RM09-13-000

Order No. 733 - PRC-023-1

The Commission issues a final rule approving Reliability Standard PRC-023-1 (Transmission Relay Loadability) and directing modifications.  Docket No. RM08-13-000

Order Addressing Compliance Filing and Approving Implementation Plan

FERC accepts NERC’s compliance filing and approves the Implementation Plan for nuclear power plant generator owners’ and operators’ compliance with Version 1 of the CIP Standards to become effective on the date of this order. Docket No. RM06-22-011

Order Addressing VSL Assignments to CIP Standards

The Commission approves the proposed Violation Severity Levels (VSL) assignments and establishes additional guidance for determining appropriate VSLs in the specific context of cyber security Requirements. Docket No. RM06-22-008

Order Approving Interpretation of Reliability Standard CIP-007-2

The Commission approves the interpretation of the Commission-approved CIP Reliability Standard, CIP-007-2—Systems Security Management, Requirement R2.  Docket No. RD10-3-000

Order Directing NERC to Propose Modification of Electric Reliability Organization Rules of Procedure

FERC directs NERC to submit a filing containing specific proposed modifications to the NERC Standards Development Process within 90 days of this Order and to fully comply with FERC's previous directive to develop modifications to Reliability Standard FAC-008-1.  Docket No. RR09-6-000

Order Setting Deadline for Compliance Regarding BAL-003-0

The Commission directs NERC to submit a modification to BAL-003-0 that is responsive to the Commission’s directive in Order No. 693 within six months from the date of issuance of this order.  Docket No. RM06-16-010

Order Setting Deadline for Compliance Regarding TPL-002-0

FERC issues an Order setting a deadline of June 30, 2010 for NERC's compliance with Order 693 to modify Reliability Standard TPL-002-0.  Docket No. RM06-16-009

Policy Statement on Penalty Guidelines
The Commission issues this Policy Statement on Penalty Guidelines for the purpose of adding greater fairness, consistency, and transparency to civil penalty determinations. Docket No. PL10-4-000
Letter Order Extending Period of Consideration for Pending NOP NP10-20-000

Commission is further extending until April 30, 2010 the time period for consideration of the Notice of Penalty.  Docket No. NP10-20-000

NP10-25-000, NP10-32-000, NP10-33-000, NP10-34-000, NP10-35-000
Order on Notices of Penalty- March 15, 2010

The Commission gives notice that it will not further review, on its own motion, the Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP10-25-000, NP10-32-000, NP10-33-000, NP10-34-000 and NP10-35-000.

NP10-49-000, NP10-50-000, NP10-51-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - March 12, 2010

FERC issues an order stating it will not further review NOPs in Docket Nos. NP10-49-000, NP10-50-000, NP10-51-000

Notice Announcing Release of Draft National Action Plan on Demand Response

Commission staff is releasing this Draft National Action Plan to elicit input from interested stakeholders on the strategies and activities included in the Draft National Action Plan.  Docket No. AD09-10-000

RR09-9-002, RR08-6-004, RR07-16-004
Letter Order Approving NERC's January 11, 2010 filing Regarding TFEs

NERC submits a compliance filing in accordance with the Commission’s October 15th directive providing an evaluation of the adequacy of NERC and Regional Entity resources to implement the Technical Feasibility Exceptions (TFEs) activity.  Docket Nos. RR09-9-002, RR08-6-004, RR07-16-004

Order Surrounding 2008 Florida Blackout

The commission issued an Order surrounding the 2008 Florida Blackout. The office of enforcement of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, staff of NERC and Florida Reliability Coordinating Council, Inc. entered into a Stipulation and Consent Agreement to resolve a non-public investigation conducted by Enforcement, staff of the Office of Electric Reliability of the Commission and NERC, pursuant to Part 1b of the Commission’s regulations and NERC’s Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program into alleged violations of the Reliability Standards by FRCC in its role as a Reliability Coordinator surrounding the loss of load event in Florida on February 26, 2008. Docket No. IN08-5-000

FERC Press Release

RR09-9-001, RR08-6-005, RR07-14-005
Letter Order Approving Compliance Filing Regarding the 2010 Business Plans and Budgets

FERC issues a letter order approving NERC's December 11, 2009 compliance filing regarding the 2010 Business Plans and Budgets.  Docket Nos. RR09-9-001, RR08-6-005, RR07-14-005

Notice Extending Comment Period for Integration of Variable Energy Resources

FERC issues an extension of 14 days to submit comments regarding in Integration of Variable Energy Resources.  The Comments are now due on or before April 12, 2010. Docket No. RM10-11-000

NP10-36-000, NP10-37-000, NP10-38-000, NP10-39-000, NP10-40-000, NP10-41-000, NP10-42-000, NP10-43-000, NP10-44-000, NP10-45-000, NP10-46-000, NP10-47-000, NP10-48-000
Order on Review of NOPs

FERC issues an Order stating it will not further review, on its own motion, NOPs in Docket Nos. NP10-36-000,NP10-37-000 NP10-38-000 NP10-39-000, NP10-40-000, NP10-41-000 NP10-42-000 NP10-43-000 NP10-44-000 NP10-45-000 NP10-46-000 NP10-47-000, NP10-48-000

Notice of Extension of Time to Submit Compliance Filing

FERC grants an Extension of Time for NERC to submit a compliance filing in response to the Commission’s June 19, 2008 Order and November 20, 2008 Order.  Docket No. RR08-4-000

Order Initiating Review of TID NOP

FERC issues an Order initiating a review of the Notice of Penalty submitted by NERC and WECC regarding Turlock Irrigation Distruct (TID) and the settlement agreement involving an $80,000 penalty covering eight violations, as well as loss of load. FERC has requested answers, interventions and comments to be submitted on March 18, 2010.  Docket No. NP10-18-000

Letter Order Approving Appendix 3A of the NERC ROP

FERC issues a letter order approving a NERC filing that requested approval of amendments to
Appendix 3A, Reliability Standards Development Procedure (RSDP) to NERC’s Rules of Procedure (ROP).  Docket No. RR10-4-000

NP10-20-000, NP10-25-000, NP10-32-000, NP10-33-000, NP10-34-000, NP10-35-000
Errata to the Footnotes in Three Letter Orders Issued by the Commission on January 29, 2010

Docket Nos. NP10-20-000, NP10-25-000, NP10-32-000, NP10-33-000, NP10-34-000, NP10-35-000.

Notice of Penalty Extension of Time and Data and Document Request

FERC issues an order extending the period of consideration and requesting data and documents in Docket No. NP10-25-000.

Notice of Penalty Extension of Time and Data and Document Request

FERC issues an order extending the period of consideration and requesting data and documents in Docket No. NP10-20-000.

NP10-32-000, NP10-33-000, NP10-34-000, NP10-35-000.
Notice of Penalty Extension of Time and Data and Document Request for Four NOPs

FERC issues an order extending the period of consideration and requesting data and documents for four NOPs in Docket Nos. NP10-32-000, NP10-33-000, NP10-34-000, NP10-35-000.

NP10-21-000, NP10-22-000, NP10-23-000, NP10-24-000, NP10-26-000, NP10-27-000, NP10-28-000, NP10-29-000, NP10-30-000, and NP10-31-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - January 29, 2010

FERC issues a notice stating it will not further review NOPs in Docket Nos. NP10-21-000, NP10-22-000, NP10-23-000, NP10-24-000, NP10-26-000, NP10-27-000, NP10-28-000, NP10-29-000, NP10-30-000, and NP10-31-000.

Letter Order Accepting Compliance Filing in Response to FERC's September 17, 2009 Order on SPP Bylaws

FERC accepts the compliance filing submitted by NERC and SPP have which identifies the specific duties of the SPP Regional Entity General Manager and provides an explanation of the amended voting procedure in section 9.7.3(e) of the SPP Bylaws.  Docket No. RR09-4-001

Notice of Inquiry Regarding Integration of Variable Energy Resources

FERC seeks comment on the extent to which barriers may exist that impede the reliable and efficient integration of variable energy resources (VERs) into the electric grid, and whether reforms are needed to eliminate those barriers.  Docket No. RM10-11-000

Notice of Inquiry Regarding TLR and FERC's Open Access Transmission Tarrif

FERC issues a Notice of Inquiry for comments on the interplay between Reliability Standard IRO-006-4 and the curtailment priorities set forth in the FERC's pro forma open access transmission tariff, particularly sections 13.6 and 14.7. Docket No. RM10-9-000

Order Approving Nuclear Plant Interface Coordination (NUC) Reliability Standard, NUC-001-2.

FERC issues an order approving Nuclear Plant Interface Coordination (NUC) Reliability Standard, NUC-001-2.  Docket No. RD09-10-000

Order Approving TFE Procedures Amendment to NERC's ROP

FERC approves NERC's petition to amend NERC's ROP, specifically by adding the Technical Feasibility Exceptions (TFE) to NERC CIP standards and direct NERC to submit a compliance filing.  Docket No. RR10-1-000

Order No. 713B - Order Denying Request for Rehearing and Clarification

FERC denies a request for rehearing and clarification of Order No. 713-A regarding TLR requirements as set forth in as set forth in Reliability Standard IRO-006-4, submitted by NRG Companies, Electric Power Supply Association, and Constellation Energy Commodities Group.  Docket No. RM08-7-002

RM08-19-002, RM09-5-002, RM06-16-008
Letter Order Granting Rehearing for Further Consideration Regarding Reliability Standards for the Calculation of ATC, CBM, TRM, TTC

FERC issues a letter order granting rehearing for further consideration regarding Mandatory Reliability Standards for the Calculation of Available Transfer Capability, Capacity Benefit Margins, Transmission Reliability Margins, Total Transfer Capability, and Existing Transmission Commitments and Mandatory Reliability Standards for the Bulk-Power System. Docket Nos. RM08-19-002, RM09-5-002, RM06-16-008

Letter Order Approving Amendments to the NERC ROP

FERC issues a letter order approving NERC's petition for approval of amendments to the Rules of Procedure to Reflect Elimination of the Reliability Readiness Evaluation and Improvement Program.  Docket No. RR10-3-000

Letter Order Approving Amendments to the SPP Bylaws

FERC issues a letter order approving a petition to approve revisions to the Bylaws of Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP).  Docket No. RR10-5-000

Letter Order Approving of Amendment To Delegation Agreement to Extend the Initial Term of Each Agreement

FERC issues a letter order approving an amendment to extend the initial terms of delegation agreements. Docket No. RR10-2-000

Letter Order Requesting Additional Information Regarding November 13, 2009 NOP - Turlock Irrigation District

FERC issues a letter order requesting additional information concerning the November 13, 2009 Notice of Penalty (NOP) Filing regarding Turlock Irrigation District. Docket No. NP10-18-000

Order Approving Audit Report, Determining Issue of Separation of Functions, and Directing Compliance and Other Corrective Actions

The Commission approves the  Audit Report prepared by the Division of Audits in the Office of Enforcement (OE), with the  assistance of staff from the Office of Electric Reliability that contains  staff’s findings and recommendations with respect to Texas Regional Entity
(Texas RE), a division of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. (ERCOT), whose other division is an independent system operator (ERCOT ISO).  Docket No. PA09-6-000

Order Rejecting Army COE Request for Rehearing

FERC issued an order today rejecting the Corps’ request for rehearing of FERC’s October 15, 2009 Order as untimely. The Corps’ request for rehearing was filed in response to FERC’s October 15 Order which stated that, pursuant to Section 215 of the FPA, federal entities that use, own, or operate the bulk power system must comply with NERC mandatory Reliability Standards.  Docket No. NP09-26-001​

FERC's 2009 Report on Enforcement

Docket No. AD07-13-002​

Order Addressing NERC's CIP Implementation Plan and Requring Compliance Filing

FERC issues an order addressing NERC's CIP Implementation Plan. Docket No. RM06-22-010​

Order Authorizing Secretary to Issue Staff's Preliminary Notice of Violations

FERC issues an order authoring the Secretary of the Commission to issue staff's preliminary notice of violations.  This order extends the Commission’s efforts to provide the  public with notice of and information about enforcement activities. The Notice is  designed to increase the transparency of staff’s nonpublic investigations conducted under Part 1b of our regulations.  Docket No. PL10-2-000​

Order Granting Clarification to EEI on Request for Rehearing on Version 2 CIP Standards

FERC denies the request for rehearing, but grants the motion for clarification and request for an extension of time in the matter of EEI's request for rehearing on Version 2 CIP Standards. Docket No. RD09-7-001​

Order No. 730- Approval of Three INT Standards

FERC approves the NERC's revision of three Commission-approved Reliability Standards, designated INT-005-3, Interchange Authority Distributes Arranged Interchange; INT-006-3, Response to Interchange Authority; and INT-008-3, Interchange Authority Distributes Status. Docket No. RM09-8-000​

Notice of Extension - Notice of Penalty

FERC issued a order granting an extension of time to consider the Notice of Penalty regarding Turlock Irrigation District.  Docket No. NP10-18-000​

NP10-3-000, NP10-4-000, NP10-5-000, NP10-6-000, NP10-7-000, NP10-8-000, NP10-9-000, NP10-10-000, NP10-11-000, NP10-12-000, NP10-13-000, NP10-14-000, NP10-15-000, NP10-16-000, NP10-17-000, NP10-18-000, NP10-19-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - Dec 11, 2009

FERC issues a Notice of Penalty Order stating it would not futher review the following Notices of Penalty: NP10-3-000 AES Beaver Valley, LLC; NP10-4-000 AES Ironwood, LLC; NP10-5-000 AES Red Oak, LLC; NP10-6-000 AES Warrior Run; NP10-7-000 East Kentucky Power Cooperative; NP10-8-000 Union Power Partners, L.P.; NP10-9-000 Westmoreland Partners;  NP10-10-000 AES Cayuga, LLC; NP10-11-000 AES Greenidge, LLC; NP10-12-000 AES Somerset, LLC; NP10-13-000 AES Westover, LLC; NP10-14-000 Cedar Bay Generating Company, L; NP10-15-000 Mirant Potrero, LLC; NP10-16-000 Mirant Delta, LLC; NP10-17-000 Lincoln County Power District No. 1; NP10-19-000 Poudre Valley Rural Electric Ass’n, Inc.​

Letter Order Accepting Errata Changes to Three Reliability Standards

FERC approves errata changes to Reliability Standards IRO-006-4.1 — Reliability Coordination — Transmission Loading Relief (TLR), MOD-021-0.1 — Documentation of the Accounting Methodology for the Effects of Controllable Demand-Side Management in Demand and Energy Forecasts, and PER-001-0.1 — Operating Personnel Responsibility and Authority. Docket No. RD09-9-000​

Letter Order Approving TOP-004-2 VSLs
FERC issues a Letter Order approving NERC’s February 27, 2009 filing regarding Violation Severity Levels for TOP-004-2. Docket No. RD09-3-000​
RM08-19-000, RM08-19-001, RM09-5-000
Errata Notice for Order 729

On November 24, 2009, the Commission issued a Final Rule (Order No. 729) in the above-referenced proceeding. 1 This errata corrects sites in the rule where the word “proposed” is used instead of applicable final rule language.  Docket Nos. RM08-19-000, RM08-19-001, RM09-5-000​

Order on Reliability Standard Interpretation

The Commission issued an Order approving NERC's March 5, 2009 request for approval of an interpretation of TOP-002-2.  Docket No. RD09-6-000​

RM08-19-000, RM08-19-001, RM09-5-000, RM06-16-005
Order 729 - Mandatory Reliability Standards for the Calc. of ATC, CBM, TRM, TTC and Existing Transmission Commitments for the BPS

The Commission approves six Modeling, Data, and Analysis Reliability Standards submitted to the Commission for approval by the NERC. Docket Nos. RM08-19-000, RM08-19-001, RM09-5-000, RM06-16-005​

RM05-17-005, RM05-25-005
Order No. 890D - Preventing Undue Discrimination and Prefernce in Transmission Service

FERC affirms its basic determinations in Order Nos. 890, 890-A, 890-B, and 890-C, granting clarification regarding certain revisions to its regulations and the pro forma open-access transmission tariff, or OATT, adopted in Order Nos. 888 and 889 to ensure that transmission services are provided on a basis that is just, reasonable, and not unduly discriminatory. Docket Nos. RM05-17-005 and RM05-25-005; Order No. 890-D​

Notice on Omnibus NOP Filing

FERC issues a notice that it will not further review, on its own motion, any zero dollar penalty submitted in the Omnibus Notice of Penalty filing.  Docket No. NP10-2-000​

Order on Omnibus NOP Filing

FERC issues an order concluding that it will not further review any of the 23 “non-zero dollar” monetary penalties submitted in the Omnibus Filing.  Docket No. NP10-2-000​

Order Approving Petition for Texas RE

FERC approved NERC's petition requesting approval of the following Texas Regional Entity (Texas RE) rules: (1) proposed revisions to the Standards Development Process of Texas RE, (2) Texas RE Reliability Standards Committee Procedure and (3) Registered Ballot Body Procedure. Docket No. RR09-5-000​

Order No. 728 - Delegations for Notices of Penalty

FERC issues a Final Rule to revise its delegations of authority to allow for the efficient and timely processing of Notices of Penalty issued by the NERC. Docket No. RM10-2-000​

AD10-1-000, RR09-7-000
Further Guidance Order on Filing Reliability Notices of Penalty

FERC issues an Order providing further guidance on Notice of Penalties and inviting NERC, Regional Entities and stakeholders, along with Commission staff, to develop an abbreviated format for a pro forma Notice of Penalty that conforms to the significance of particular types of violations or alleged violations. Docket Nos. AD10-1-000, RR09-7-000​

NP09-36-000, NP09-37-000, NP09-38-000, NP09-39-000, NP09-40-000, NP09-41-000, NP09-42-000, NP09-43-000, NP09-44-000, NP09-45-000, NP09-46-000, NP10-1-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - October 23, 2009

FERC issues a Notice of Penalty Order in which it states it would not further review Notices of Penalty.  Docket Nos. NP09-36-000, NP09-37-000, NP09-38-000, NP09-39-000, NP09-40-000, NP09-41-000, NP09-42-000, NP09-43-000, NP09-44-000, NP09-45-000, NP09-46-000, NP10-1-000​

Order Addressing Applicability of Section 215 of the FPA to Federal Entities

FERC issues an Order affirming that, pursuant to section 215 of the FPA, the Corps-Tulsa District and other federal entities that use, own, or operate the Bulk-Power System must comply with mandatory Reliability Standards. Docket No. NP09-26-000​

RR09-9-000, RR08-6-004, RR07-14-004
Order Conditionally Accepting NERC's 2010 Business Plan and Budget and Ordering Compliance Filings

FERC conditionally accepts the business plans and budgets of NERC, the Regional Entities, and WIRAB. NERC is authorized to issue billing invoices to fund the fiscal year 2010 operations of the Regional Entities, WIRAB, and itself. Docket Nos. RR09-9-000, RR08-6-004, RR07-14-004

Order Approving Amendment to NERC Bylaws

FERC approved NERC's proposed amendments to Article III, sections 1 and 2 of NERC’s Bylaws concerning independent trustees. Docket No. RR09-8-000​

Order on 2008 Florida Blackout

The Commission issued an Order surrounding the 2008 Florida Blackout. The Office of Enforcement of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, staff of NERC and Florida Power and Light Company enter into a Stipulation and Consent Agreement to resolve a non-public investigation conducted by Enforcement, staff of the Office of Electric Reliability of the Commission and NERC, pursuant to Part 1b of the Commission’s regulations and NERC’s Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program into alleged violations of the Reliability Standards by FPL surrounding a loss of load event in Florida on February 26, 2008. Docket No. IN08-5-000

FERC Press Release

RR06-1-023, et al.
Letter Order Accepting Changes to the NERC CMEP

FERC issues an Order accepting the changes to NERC’s Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program (CMEP), Section 6.5 and figure 6.1.  Docket Nos. RR06-1-023​

Letter Order Accepting MRO Supplemental Budget

FERC issues an Order accepting MRO's Supplemental Budget requiest.  Docket No. RR08-6-003​

Order Approving Version 2 of CIP Cyber Security Standards

FERC approves the revised Version 2 CIP Reliability Standards to become effective on April 1, 2010.  Docket No. RD09-7-000​

Order Accepting Proposed Amendments to SPP Bylaws

FERC accepts the proposed amendments pertaining to the SPP Regional Entity function and directs NERC and SPP to submit a compliance filing. Docket No. RR09-4-000​

RC08-7-000, RC08-7-001
Notice of Extension to Withdraw Registration Appeal

The Commission issued a notice of extension for Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc.
to withdraw its Request for Appeal regarding its NERC Compliance Registration.  Docket Nos. RC08-7-000 and RC08-7-001​

NP09-33-000, NP09-34-000, NP09-35-000
Letter Order on Three Notices of Penalty

FERC issues a letter order stating that it will not further review Notices of Penalty for the MidAmerican Energy Company, Ashburnham Municipal Light Plant, and Pacific Gas and Electric Company.  Docket Nos. NP09-33-000, NP09-34-000, NP09-35-000​

RR06-1-022, RR07-7-008
Letter Order Regarding Reporting Requirements of WECC Deviations

FERC issues an order regarding continuation and reporting requirements of the WECC deviations from the NERC pro forma hearing procedures.  Docket Nos. RR06-1-022, RR07-7-008​

Order Approving VRFs for CIP Reliability Standards

FERC submits an order approving the revised VRFs for four CIP Reliability Standards (CIP-003-1, R4.1; CIP-005-1, R1.5; CIP-007-1, R5.1; and CIP-007-1, R5.3.3). The Commission has approved the modification of all of these VRFs from “Lower” to “Medium.”  Docket No. RM06-22-009​

RC08-7-000, RC08-7-001
Order Approving Joint Settlement Agreement - RC08-7

The Commission issued an Order approving the joint settlement agreement between Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc. and Power Resources, Ltd. Docket No. RC08-7-000​

NP09-28-000, NP09-29-000, NP09-30-000, NP09-31-000, NP09-32-000
Order on Notices of Penalty - August 7, 2009

The Commission gives notice that it will not further review, on its own motion, the Notices of Penalty in Docket Nos. NP09-28-000, NP09-29-000, NP09-30-000, NP09-31-000, NP09-32-000.​

NP09-26-000, NP09-27-000
Notice Regarding NP09-26-000 and NP09-27-000

The Commission issues a notice stating that it would not further review NP09-26-000 and NP09-27-000 which have been allowed to become effective by operation of law on July 24, 2009. Docket Nos. NP09-26-000, NP09-27-000​

RR08-6-002, RR07-14-003
Order on Compliance Filing

On December 15, 2008, as supplemented on March 16, 2009, NERC submitted a filing in compliance with the Commission’s October 16, 2008 order on NERC’s proposed 2009 Budget Order. In this order, the Commission accepts the compliance filing in part and rejects it in part. Docket Nos. RR08-6-002 and RR07-14-003

Smart Grid Policy Statement

The Commission provides guidance regarding the development of a smart grid for the nation’s electric transmission system, focusing on the development of key standards to achieve interoperability and functionality of smart grid systems and devices. Docket No. PL09-4-000

Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Statement

Commissioner Marc Spitzer Statement

Smart Grid Press Release

Notice Regarding Wisconsin Public Service Corporation's Notice of Penalty

The Commission issues a Notice stating it will not further review Wisconsin Public Service Corporation's Notice of Penalty. Docket No. NP09-21-000​

Letter Order Accepting NERC Compliance Filing Re: SPP

The Commission Letter order accepting North American Electric Reliability Corporation's compliance filing certifying that Southwest Power Pool Inc. (SPP) has performed a reconciliation of its system of accounts in accordance with Section 8(e) etc under RR07-16. Docket No. RR07-16-006​

Order Conditionally Accepting Compliance Filing

On April 1, 2009, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) submitted a filing in compliance with the Commission’s October 18, 2007 order on NERC’s 2008 business plan and budget. NERC’s filing includes a true-up of actual 2008 costs incurred by NERC and each Regional Entity to their respective 2008 budgets.  Docket No. RR07-16-005​

Notice of Filing Regarding Notice of Penalty and Request for Decision on Jurisdiction Issue

The Commission issues a Notice of Filing regarding NERC's June 24, 2009 Notice of Penalty regarding the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Tulsa District in the Texas Regional Entity region. Docket No. NP09-26-000​

RR08-4-003, RR08-4-004
Order on Compliance Filing- VSLs

The Commission issued an Order accepting NERC’s two December 19, 2008 compliance filings pertaining to violation severity level assignments, one in response to the June 19, 2008 Order and the second in response to the November 20, 2008 Order. Docket Nos. RR08-4-003 and RR08-4-004​

NOPR on Revised Mandatory Reliability Standards for Interchange Scheduling and Coordination

The Commission proposes to approve three updated Interchange Scheduling and Coordination (INT) Reliability Standards (INT-005-3, INT-006-3 and INT-008-3) developed by NERC. Docket No. RM09-8-000​

Order Denying Request for Clarification- Order 706C

The Commission denies the Edison Electric Institute’s (EEI’s) request for clarification of Order No. 706-B (Mandatory Reliability Standards for Critical Infrastructure Protection). Docket No. RM06-22-006​

Notice of Penalty Order - June 12, 2009

The Commission issued a notice stating that it would not further review, on its own motion, the following Notice of Penalty. Docket No. NP09-25-000 (Mirant Mid-Atlantic LLC)​

Notice of Extension of Time to comply with Paragraph 99 of Order No. 722 to submit modifications to the WECC regional differences VRFs

The Commission granted NERC’s May 29, 2009 request for an extension of time to comply with Paragraph 99 of Order No. 722 to submit modifications to the WECC regional differences Violation Risk Factors. Docket No. RM08-11-000​

RR06-1-021, et al
Order on Compliance Filing

The Commission accepts NERC's February 17, 2009 Compliance filing regarding CMEP and CMEP Attachment 2 Hearing Procedures as well as the NERC Rules of Procedure. Docket No. RR06-1-021, et al.​

NP09-18-000, NP09-19-000, NP09-20-000, NP09-22-000, NP09-23-000, NP09-24-000
Notice of Penalty Order - May 29, 2009

The Commission issued a notice stating it would not review, on its own motion, the following Notices of Penalty. Docket Nos. NP09-18-000 (Northern States Power Company), NP09-19-000 (Northern States Power Company), NP09-20-000 (Kissimmee Utility Authority), NP09-22-000 (Escanaba Municipal Electric Utility), NP09-23-000 (NorthWestern Energy), NP09-24-000 (Upper Peninsula Power Company)​

Order Extending the Time Period for Consideration

The Commission issued a Notice of Penalty Order regarding NP09-21-000, Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, which was filed on May 1, 2009. Docket No. NP09-21-000​

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