RR21-3-000 | | 10/21/2021 |
EL21-105-000 | | 10/14/2021 |
RM21-17-000 | Comments on Transmission Planning ANOPR
NERC and the Regional Entities submit comments on the Commission's Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANOPR) regarding Regional Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation and Generator Interconnection.
| 10/12/2021 |
RR21-9-000 | Amended 2022 NERC Budget NERC submits an amendment to its request for acceptance of its 2022 business plan and budget, 2022 business plans and budgets of the Regional Entities, and for approval of proposed assessments to fund the budgets.
| 9/29/2021 |
RR21-10-000 | | 9/29/2021 |
RR10-1-000, RR13-3-000 | | 9/28/2021 |
AD21-13-000 | | 9/24/2021 |
RD20-2-000 | CIP SDT Schedule September Update Informational Filing NERC submits an informational compliance filing as directed by FERC in its February 20, 2020 Order. This filing contains a status update on two standards development projects relating to the CIP Reliability Standards. | 9/15/2021 |
RD21-6-000 | Petition for BCSI Standards
NERC submits a petition for approval of
proposed Reliability Standards CIP-004-7 and CIP-011-3 addressing Bulk Electric
System Cyber System Information (BCSI) Access Management.
| 9/15/2021 |
EL21-99-000 | | 9/15/2021 |
RR20-6-001 | | 9/15/2021 |
RR21-9-000 | NERC 2022 Business Plan and Budget Filing
NERC submits this filing requesting acceptance of the 2022 Business Plans and Budgets of NERC, the six Regional Entities, and the Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Body, and approval of the proposed assessments to fund the 2022 budgets. | 8/24/2021 |
RR21-8-000 | | 8/18/2021 |
RR21-7-000 | | 8/16/2021 |
FA11-21-000 | Compliance Filing in Response to January 2013 Order NERC submits an unaudited report of NERC's budget-to-actual variance information for the second quarter 2021. This compliance filing is in accordance with FERC's January 16, 2013 Order, which approved a Settlement Agreement between the FERC Office of Enforcement and NERC, related to findings and recommendations arising out of its 2012 performance audit. | 8/16/2021 |
RR21-6-000 | | 7/9/2021 |
RM17-11-000 | | 6/30/2021 |
RM21-19-000 | Petition for Approval of SOL Standards
NERC submits to FERC a petition for approval of proposed Reliability Standards developed under Project 2015-09 Establish and Communicate System Operating Limits. This file is very large, a smaller file without the complete record of development is avilable here.
| 6/28/2021 |
RD21-5-000 | | 6/17/2021 |
RD20-2-000 | CIP SDT Schedule June Update Informational Filing NERC submits to FERC an information compliance filing as directed by FERC in its February 20, 2020 Order. This filing contains a status update on two standards development projects relating to CIP Reliability Standards. | 6/15/2021 |
RR21-5-000 | | 6/1/2021 |
RR19-7-002 | Compliance Filing Re Order on 5-Year Performance Assessment NERC submits a Compliance Filing In Response To FERC’s
Order On Compliance Filings For The Five-Year Performance Assessment under Docket
No. RR19-7. This filing submits for Commission approval changes to Section 1003
of NERC’s Rules of Procedure.
| 5/19/2021 |
RR21-4-000 | | 5/19/2021 |
FA11-21-000 | Compliance Filing in Response to January 2013 Order NERC submits an unaudited report of NERC's budget-to-actual variance information for the first quarter 2021. This compliance filing is in accordance with FERC's January 16, 2013 Order, which approved a Settlement Agreement between the FERC Office of Enforcement and NERC, related to findings and recommendations arising out of its 2012 performance audit. | 5/17/2021 |
RM15-11-003 | | 4/30/2021 |
RR20-5-000 | | 4/29/2021 |
AD21-13-000 | | 4/15/2021 |
EL21-61-000 | | 4/13/2021 |
RM21-3-000 | | 4/6/2021 |
EL21-54-000 | | 4/5/2021 |