Centralized Organization Registration ERO System (CORES) Technology Project


The Entity Registration project was established to take the core registration functions currently managed in three systems – OATI – webCDMS, Guidance – CITS and CRATS and move all registration functions to a single, consolidated system.

  • This will also allow for an expansion of current functionality.
    • The expansion will produce consistent Regional Entity and registered entity processes.
    • More control over the future of the application
    • The effort will also include capturing data elements for Coordinated Oversight and tracking Coordinated Oversight of Multi-Regional Registered Entities (MRREs).
    • It will include making the ERO Portal designed in such a way to allow entities to be able to manage their JROs, CFRs and other registration needs.
    • This tool will capture the data elements that need to be integrated with the CMEP Tool.

CORES Orientation and Training Videos

Industry Outreach Engagements

The ERO is engaging the industry on the CORES technology project through the Compliance and Certification Committee (CCC), as well as the Organization Registration and Certification Subcommittee (ORCS) Alignment Working Group (AWG) of the CCC Outreach will also target an industry focus group and Regional Entities.

The CCC will be providing oversight of the technology project through the ORCS and AWG. The ORCS will be focusing on the technical registration activities involved in the project and the AWG will be focusing on the alignment of regional activities in the technology project.

The Industry Focus Group will provide input on the project in each phase from a registered entity perspective.

The Regional Entities will be engaging registered entities on the CORES technology project through user acceptance testing (UAT), training, and outreach.

To find out more about these engagements contact NERC Registration or use the links under "Industry Outreach Engagement Links" to the right.



 News and Communications

User Guide_ERO Portal.pdfERO Portal User Guide
Communications_FLYER_CORES Registered Entity FLYER.pdfCORES Information Flyer
Training_FAQ 20190423.pdfCORES Frequently Asked Questions